Eagle Wings
Back to School Edition Week of Aug. 4th
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Families,
There is a quote "The days are long, but the years are short" and that is exactly how the last week has felt! Our staff has put in many long days during their pre-planning week to be ready for our Eagles on Monday.
This year we will continue to offer hand-on learning experiences through our STEM lab, interactive projector lab, outside chickens and garden boxes to name a few. We will also have "Focus Fridays" the last Friday of each month where in-house field trips might occur, additional time spent on writing will be provided and students will continue to build their interest in science through experiments.
I am excited to kick off another school year in the nest with all the incredible people & community that surrounds us.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out. My email is: crawfordce@fultonschools.org .
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
Important Dates
5 - First Day of School
20 - Room parent meeting @5pm in media center
20 - PTO General meeting in media center
20 - Cub Scouts meeting @6pm in cafeteria
20 - 5th grade parent meeting @6:30pm in cafeteria
26 - Lunch visitors begin
26 - Alphie’s Nest begins
2 - Labor Day Holiday
3 - Teacher Workday (no students)
4 – Professional Development Day (no students)
6 – Grits for Grandparents (breakfast) @7am in cafeteria
9 - 1st semester clubs begin
11 – Fall Pictures
12 - Academic Partnership Night (formally Curriculum Night)
@5:30-5:45pm-Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@5:45-6:15pm--PK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, AU
@6-6:15pm- Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@6:15-6:45pm --3rd, 4th, 5th, MOID
13 – STEM Day with Innovation Academy
20 – Coffee & Conversation (newcomers to AES) @9am in Media Center
23 – 30 MAP testing (4th grade only)
26 - Eagle Dash Rally
Morning Carpool & Arrival
Due to the population growth of the Alpharetta area, more & more drivers are using Mayfield Road as a means to get to their morning destination. Please take note of the "No left turn from 7:10-7:40am" signs that are now located at the main and bus rider entrances. By adhering to this, the flow of traffic can continue while ensuring that our students who arrive by car are in their class by 7:40am.
Beginning this school year, morning carpool will end at 7:35 am. Ending at this time allows for students to walk to their class and be in their seat by 7:40am, which is the start of our instructional day. If you are arriving after 7:35 am, you will be directed to park and walk your child to the front door. If the bell rings during this time, you will need to sign you child in on our Checkmate system which is located outside the front doors.
Transportation Changes:
Transportation changes should be provided to your child's teacher on the "Notes from Home" pad you received in your red folder during open house. Please keep in mind that changes in transportation must be in writing and EMAILED to the front office (toppint@fultonschools.org).
Early Pick-Up:
When picking up your student early for appointments, you will need to present your driver’s license for safety and security. Early checkout will end at 1:30 pm.
Lunch Visitors & Volunteers:
Lunch visitors & volunteers will be welcome in the nest beginning the week of August 26th. This allows for our students and staff to establish routines and relationships.
All schedules and teacher assignments are tentative and may change until after the 10th day of school as that is when teacher allotments will be finalized based on student enrollment at that time. We are not accepting requests for teacher changes until after the 10th day of school and change requests will be accepted based on the instructional needs of the student.
Student Success Skills
This week our Eagles will begin their weekly Student Success Skills lessons. The purpose of this curriculum is to build a foundation for managing emotions, healthy relationships and empathizing with others. Please click here to read more about it.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our counselor, Turquisha Lasker-Smith at laskersmitht@fultonschools.org
Code of Conduct
The new 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct is available on the Fulton County Schools website. Click Here for quick access. Ensure that you and your Eagle review this important document.
Instructions for parents to acknowledge the Code of Conduct electronically through Infinite Campus will be coming soon.
From the Cafeteria
From the PTO
Join Our PTO
Get involved with the AES PTO. New membership levels are available this year. Help support our school HERE!
Thank you to all (big & small) who came out to spruce up the grounds. It looks beautiful!
Alpharetta Elementary School 2024-2025 Partners in Education Program
Please consider supporting the AES Community with a business partnership that is a 100% tax deductible donation! With the help of our Partners In Education (PIEs), the AES PTO is able to help supplement the needs of teachers, students and school administration throughout the school year. This year we’re focusing on raising money to replace playground equipment and we need your support!
What’s new this year:
● Addition of shout-outs in the newly designed PTO Newsletter which will be sent out bi-weekly throughout the calendar year!
● Our Comms team will collaborate with ALL partners to make social media posts POP!
● We have added another diamond membership opportunity!
● MORE Social Media Shout-outs to maximize your footprint and outreach online!
● Addition of a free spirit wear t-shirt for AES Parents that participate in the program!
Diamond Partnership -- $2000
● Exclusive sponsorship of our Movie Night, Bingo Night, Fall Fundraiser, or School Carnival
● Includes all Platinum partnership incentives as well
Platinum Partnership -- $1000
● Premier logo/ad placement on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Premier logo placement on business partner signage inside/outside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website homepage
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media sites (twitter, FB, Insta), PTO newsletter and Principal’s newsletter
4x/school year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business quarterly during the school year (partner
must provide copies)
● Ability to have a booth/table at AES PTO Outdoor events
Gold Partnership -- $500
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business 3x during the school year (partner must
provide copies)
Silver Partnership -- $250
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s Newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year.
Sign-up by August 15th, 2024 on our PTO website at:
Questions? Email Jessie Jennings (jessica.raymes1@yahoo.com) Esther Weathers (estherweathers@gmail.com) or Mils Ware (mils.ware@yahoo.com)
*For All AES Parents who participate in the PIEs program, the PTO will give you a free spirit wear T-shirt of your choice! (from available supply)
Class Shirt Information
Clear the Lists!
Teacher wish lists are now available. Please consider helping to fulfill these lists and donate classroom supplies. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
AES PTO Needs You!
We simply can’t do all the wonderful things at AES without you! We have several different ways for you to get involved. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please fill out the volunteer interest form HERE.
Spirit Wear
Order your spirit wear today HERE! We are excited to introduce new items and class shirts.
Grade level class shirts are worn year round for field trips, class performances and Field Day.
Calling All 5th Grade Parents!
We need volunteers for exciting events specific to this awesome grade ASAP. Please let us know your availability and how you’re able to help make this school year successful. Details are HERE.
Missed Open House?
Details about our school’s PTO and how you can help can be found HERE.
Spirit Night
Our first Spirit Night is coming up on August 21st at ‘Cue BBQ. Details coming soon!
From FCS
Bus Information
It is now Board Policy that students must wear seatbelts if they are riding in a bus that offers seatbelts. Please reach out to Erick White (whitee2@fultonschools.org), Transportation Supervisor, if you have any questions.