The Wildcat
November 11th-November 15th
- PTO info
- Food Drive
- After school events
- Playground Use
- Attendance
- Self-Discipline
- Body Safety Lessons
- 4th Grade Growing Up
- Spell Bowl
- Riding the Bus Home with a Friend?
- Libby App
- Extra Curricular Info
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Meals
- New Social Media Info
Dates To Know
Tuesday, November 12th-Spell Bowl Practice 2:30-3:15pm
Wednesday, November 13th-Student Council 2:30-3:30pm
Thursday, November 14th-Spell Bowl Practice 2:30-3:15pm
Student Council and K-Kids Food Drive Nov. 4th-22nd
STOH Spotlight is Mr. Fredy! He's the BEST!
Self-Discipline Nominees
Libby App
All students will be given digital access to our Lake County Library on their I-Pads via an app called Libby. This app allows the students to check out and read books at their convenience. If you do not want your child to have access to this, please email lbastaic@highland.k12.in.us, and Mrs. Bastaic will ensure they do not get a digital library card. Thank you!
Riding the Bus Home with a Friend?
If your child is riding the bus home with a friend, you need to send in a note with your child's name, the date, and who your child will be riding home with. The principal will need to sign off on those each time.
4th Grade Growing Up
4th Grade Parents/Guardians,
Students in 4th grade throughout the School Town of Highland are about to study an important lesson on the early stages of puberty, which many students this age are beginning to experience.
The School Town of Highland Health Services Department partners with Procter and Gamble and uses the Always Changing and Growing Up© program that helps both girls and boys. This program allows students to understand the physical and emotional changes they experience during puberty and acknowledges them as a regular part of growth and development. It also helps students learn the physiology of their bodies and correct terminology for parts of the reproductive system. Lastly, for the 4th-grade girls, it allows the students to learn how to manage periods while continuing normal activities.
The Always Changing and Growing Up© Program is based on national research and consultation with school nurses, health educators, parents, and medical professionals. It has been a trusted source for over 30 years and has been taught to millions of students nationwide. Procter and Gamble brands provide it as a free education resource to our schools.
We will have this program on November 26, 2024. The female and male students will be separated and shown a video. They will review the video and have a short question-and-answer session with the teacher and/or nurse who is facilitating the lesson.
If you would like to view the videos that will be shown, they can be found at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv21b3ZpSLg (Female Lesson)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzVKrDDarjs&t=2s (Female Lesson)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XF0awGRTWs (Male Lesson)
Body Safety Lessons
Mrs. Jennings will present body safety lessons to grades K-5 this year. The lessons will be given over several weeks, November 25-December 16th. These are the most important lessons of the year. Please take this opportunity to discuss with your child the importance of keeping their body safe and what to do should they ever find themself in an uncomfortable situation. Below are the links to the videos that will be used in the classrooms. Please note that the videos are age-appropriate and will be watched and used as a teaching tool. If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Jennings by email.
Protect Yourself Rules Grades K-3
Protect Yourself Rules Grades 4-6
After School Playground Use
We love having our students enjoy the playground after school hours!
Please remember that students must go home first after school and are welcome to return to the playground after checking in with an adult. Alternatively, an adult can meet them at the school and accompany them to the playground.
Please note that we do not provide staff supervision on the playground outside of school hours.
STOH Attendance Update
Picture Retakes
Retake Picture Day is: Monday, November 18, 2024
Order Code is: 87606QU
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/87606QU
Retake picture day is coming soon! We will not be sending paper forms or reminder notices for retakes but we want to provide you with the information your parents will need to place an order.
Above is your picture date, order code & one click link to online ordering for your retake picture day. THIS CODE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL ORDER CODE. Please share it with the parents of any new students, students who were absent on original picture day or any students that may have not yet been photographed.
Students who ordered a package on original picture day but are choosing to get their picture retaken MUST bring their original picture package with them on retake day to give to the photographer. They DO NOT need to place a new order. If they forget their package on retake day, we will take their photo & write their name down but we won’t order a new package until the old one is returned.
Spell Bowl
For their own safety and the safety of our community, pre-high school students can attend STOH events ONLY if accompanied by a paying parent or adult chaperone. The parent/chaperone will be responsible for the supervision of the student(s) throughout the duration of the event. All students may be required to show proper STOH identification at the ticketing window prior to entering STOH events. STOH reserves the right to deny entry to any individual 18 and under who cannot provide proper identification and demonstrate they are of high school age.
Here is a link to the full policy.
Only those that are eating breakfast can come in to the cafe at 7:20am. All other students can enter the building starting at 7:35am.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Breakfast is $1.50
Lunch is $2.00
Arrival Procedures
Doors open for students at 7:35 a.m. daily. Students who eat breakfast at school will be allowed entry beginning at 7:20 a.m. Anyone arriving after 7:50 a.m. will need to buzz and come into the main office to sign in.
Cars will enter the parking lot off Duluth Street (right turn only) and follow the curve to drop off students. Please pull up as far as you can and drop all your students off at one time. Have your children ready with their backpacks, lunch money, hugs, and kisses, so that when you stop they may exit the car quickly, and we can keep the drop-off line moving. The line can become backed up onto Duluth Street very quickly which causes safety issues for our parents, as well as other drivers.
Please drop off curbside only. Avoid dropping children off where they have to cross the street, this is extremely dangerous. It will be your responsibility to cross them if you choose to do this.
Please be mindful of other drivers and walkers. We know many of you have to get to work, and we want all children to be able to enter the building safely and on time.
1st, 2nd, and 5th grade should be dropped off at Door C.
Kindergarten, 3rd, and 4th grade should be dropped off at Door B.
5th graders and Mrs. Torres's class will use Door G.
Dismissal Procedures
Grade K will exit through door J (FIVE minutes before the rest of the grade levels)
Grade 1 will exit through door C (main doors)
Grade 2 will exit through door B
Grade 3 will exit through door J
Grade 4 will exit through door I
Grade 5 and Lifeskills class will exit through door G
Bus riders will exit through door J (a few minutes prior to the remainder of the school being dismissed where the buses will be waiting).
Cars may enter the parking lot off Duluth Street and follow the curve to pick up or park in the parking lot to walk up to get students.
We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation as we strive to keep our Johnston families safe.
Johnston Elementary - Highland's Shining North Star
How to get a hold of me:
Email: aharring@highland.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.highland.k12.in.us/o/jes
Location: 8220 5th Street, Highland, IN, United States
Phone: 219.923.2428
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Johnston-Elementary-School/61563407999318/
Twitter: @johnston_stoh
Instagram: @johnston_STOH
TikTok: @Johnston_STOH