Holy Cross Catholic School
From the Desk of Mrs. Wagner
October 14, 2022
CYO always does an amazing job hosting this event and this group even did some major problem solving during the pandemic to keep this tradition alive. Last night did not disappoint and it was AMAZING being able to have our volleyball games with no limitations. A HUGE thank you to CYO and all the volunteers that made this event happen. I know the laughter and fun, definitely outweigh the reminder of how old I feel today.
Thank you to the entire Holy Cross community for coming out to support CYO and our Holy Cross students. We hope you made as many memories as we did!
Have a great weekend!
PS-The crayons are in the running for my all time favorite costumes! GO TEACHERS!
Tardies and Chronic Absenteeism
Tardies- School begins at 8:00 a.m. and dismisses at 3:30 p.m. If arriving after 8:00 a.m. your student is tardy. Arriving tardy and disturbing class shows a lack of respect and consideration for others already engaged in learning. The teacher and the principal will monitor tardiness. Excessive tardiness may result in a conference with the student, parents, and principal.
Chronic absenteeism considers both excused and unexcused absences. Any student missing 10 percent or more of the days that school has been in session at any point in the school year is considered chronically absent. Truancy occurs when a child is absent from school without a valid excuse. This puts the student at a higher risk of not graduating high school and possibly becoming a high school dropout.
Did you know if your child is absent twice a month from 1st grade through 12th grade they are missing an entire year of school? This is detrimental to their academic progress.
Please watch the video below provided by KSDE about Absenteeism.
Holy Cross Catholic School
7:30-7:50am-Morning Care
8:00am-3:30pm School Hours
3:30-6pm-After School Care
Email: mwagner@holycrosscatholicschool.com
Website: www.holycrosscatholicschool.com
Location: 8101 West 95th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 381-7408
Facebook: facebook.com/HolyCrossOP
Twitter: @HolyCrossOp