The Ebeling Eagle Express
November 11-15
Dates to Remember
November 11-Happy Veteran's Day
November 13: World Kindness Day! Wear your new grade level color shirts or color for an all-school photo!
World Kindness Day-Wear your Grade Level Shirts or Color
We will be taking an all school picture on Wednesday, which is World Kindness Day! Please wear your grade level shirt, or if you do not have one, your grade level color.
Family Vacations
Vacation or travel during school days is discouraged. Families should seek permission from a building administrator for an excused vacation absence prior to making any travel arrangements. The request should be made in writing at least one week prior to the vacation. Vacation absences of more than ten days in a semester will not be approved. Vacations taken without approval will be marked as unexcused absences. Arrangements should be made with the student’s teacher in advance as to timelines for completing class work. Homework may be requested and requires 24 hours to process.
Media Center News
Dear Families,
Ebeling will be hosting a Literati Book Fair from November 7 - 14. All students will be shopping during their regularly scheduled Media Center time. If a student is absent OR missed their opportunity to shop, I will make special arrangements with the classroom teacher to bring them back down.
The book fair is a wonderful way to promote literacy while raising funds for our school. These fairs would not be possible without the help of our Ebeling volunteers. Please review the attached sign-up genius and sign up if you are able. No experience is necessary, but a background check on file is needed.
Thanking you in advance,
Mrs. Rizzo
Drop off Lane
During morning arrival, please prepare your child(ren) to get out of the car. The should have their seatbelt off, or know how to do it quickly when the car stops. They should have their shoes on, backpack ready, and know how to get out of their seat. Once you pull in the drop-off line, your child should get out. Do not wait to pull up closer to the front to let your child out. This causes delays in the line as we need the whole row of cars to leave so the next row can pull forward.
2nd & 3rd grade Music Concert
PTA News
UCS News
Ebeling has a new Cub Scout Pack
Do you need to get in contact with the PTA? Below are some great ways to connect:
Ebeling PTA Website:
PTA Board Email:
Ebeling Elementary PTA-Find us on Facebook
Ebeling Elementary
Mrs. Jacki Zawierucha-Principal
Mr. Jeff Bugajski-Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jamie Goodin-Administrative Assistant
Attendance Line 586-797-4799
School Hours: 8:25 AM-3:15 PM
Half Day Hours: 8:25 AM-11:29 AM
Office Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Website: Ebeling Elementary / Homepage (
Location:15970 Haverhill Macomb Township, MI 48044
Phone: 586-797-4700
Welcoming all students in grade kindergarten through fifth grade!
Cub Scout Pack 92, official pack to Beacon Tree / Ebeling / Flickinger / Monfort
Facebook page: