The Buzz at Westbrook School
May 12, 2023
From the Principal...
Dear Westbrook Families,
We had a wonderful first-grade concert on Tuesday evening. Thank you to the students, parents, staff, and Ms. Clarke, our fantastic music teacher. The students shined on stage, and I was so proud of all the time and effort the students and Ms. Clarke put into making the performance successful.
We cannot thank the PTO and parents enough for showering our staff with appreciation this week. Our team received the kindest cards from students, and the PTO fed us snacks and lunches. Room parents and volunteers decorated the school with a storybook theme. We are grateful for your generosity.
On Friday, May 19th, we will have half-day attendance for students throughout the District. Only first-grade students will attend from 9:20 AM to 12:20 PM at Westbrook. Please note the different dismissal times for our bussers and walkers. First-grade students will not need to bring lunch on half days. Our Kids’ Corner program will only be available to first-grade students from 7:00 a.m. to 9:20 a.m. Please inform your private daycare providers of this variance in the schedule. Circle of Friends and Kindergarten students will NOT attend school on Friday, May 19th.
Please review all of the exciting events coming up in the “Mark Your Calendar” section below. I want to highlight that parents and guardians are invited to Westbrook on Thursday, May 31st, at 3:30 PM to celebrate our students moving on to the next grade level. We will parade around the school from door #1 in a clockwise direction. Please feel free to line up around the school to clap for your student. We will bring students back into the building and release them to families at the regular dismissal bell at 3:50 pm.
For your children,
Danielle Crandall
A Special Thank You!!
Thank you to Eagle Scout Ryan McCluskey for fundraising, organizing, planning, and creating a beautiful outdoor learning space for our Westbrook students.
We were excited to use the outdoor space for our monthly Lunch with the Principal meeting.
Student Social Stories
Mark your Calendars
May 15th - 17th - Tasty Bites K/1st
Tuesday, May 16th - Speech Pathologist Day
Westbrook Chorus Performance @ Board Meeting, FV, 7 PM
May 16th - 18th - PTO Art Appreciation, during the school day
Wednesday, May 17th - Fire Drill 2:00 PM
PTO Meeting, 7 PM, LRC
Thursday, May 18th - All School Hot Reads Assembly
Friday, May 19th - Half Day, 1st Grade Only
Monday, May 22nd - Capannari’s Coolest School, 3-7 PM
Wednesday, May 24th - Field Day / Kona Ice (1st grade should wear their new LP/FV shirts)
Last day of Early Childhood
Early Childhood iPads and Chargers DUE
Thursday, May 25th - Lincoln Music Assembly, Gym, One Show @ 9:45 AM
Monday, May 29th - Memorial Day, No School
Tuesday, May 30th - Kindergarten/1st Grade Devices and Chargers DUE
Wednesday, May 31st - First Grade Clap Out, 3:30 PM
Popsicles in the Park, 6:15-7 PM
Thursday, June 1st - Last Day of School, Report Cards Go Home
For more dates, please click: D57 Calendar
An Invitation from NSSEO
Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO) invites you to attend:
Trauma Informed Care: How to Support our Kids at Home
This is a professional learning opportunity that is open to both staff and parents.
Please RSVP to Molly Dunne at by May 14th.
Recognize a Staff Member
2023-2024 School Year
Planning for the 2023-24 school year is underway.
- If your child will not be returning to the District for the 2023-24 school year, please call the school office at (847) 394-7340 or email us at
- Also, if you have moved during the present school year (2022-23), please contact the office with the new address information.
As always, please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you.
Student Enrollment
NEW to Westbrook families, kindergarteners and 1st graders,
should contact the front office for registration information.
847-394-7340 or
Supply Kit Order Information
Kids Corner
Registration the 2023-24 Kids Corner program will take place the first week of July.
Please watch the D57 website for more information!
News from the Nurse
Please keep your child home if they have a fever, have vomited, and/or have diarrhea.Your child may return to school once they have been fever free (without medication), vomit free, and/or diarrhea free for 24 hours. Please reach out to your pediatrician if your child is sick and you have any concerns.
Julie Tworek, RN
District 57 Information and Community News
Westbrook School for Young Learners
Location: 103 Busse Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 394-7340
Twitter: @westbrook_d57