The Blue Review
Stephanie Hofer, Principal
September 16, 2016
Blue Academy
Email: shofer@msddecatur.k12.in.us
Website: decaturproud.org
Location: 5650 Mann Road, Indianapolis, IN, United States
Phone: 317-856-4100
Facebook: facebook.com/DELCBlueAcademy
Twitter: @DELCBlue
A Note from Mrs. Hofer
We are off and running at the Blue Academy with our PBIS initiative, and many staff and students have already been rewarded for following the HAWK expectations and for having good attendance! I was lucky enough to join a classroom for a dance party because of their 10 days of perfect attendance. We love celebrations and look forward to many more!
It is almost time for our Fall Student Led Conferences. They are scheduled for September 28th and 29th, and you should receive a confirmation letter with a time and day for your child this evening, so please check backpacks for information.
This week we celebrated spirit week at the Blue Academy to support our DCHS football team. It was so much fun to see our staff and students showing their school spirit. Superhero day was my absolute favorite! I hope to see you all tonight at the Homecoming Parade and game as we root our Decatur Central High school football team to victory! Go Hawks!
Have a great weekend!
Stephanie Hofer
Harlem Wizards Video - check it out!!!
Tuesday, Sep 27, 2016, 05:30 PM
5251 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, IN, United States
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Homecoming Spirit Week
Superhero Day!
Class Color Day (part 1)
Class Color Day (part 2)
Hawk Highlights: Blue Bombers
5th grade teacher, Shawn Powers, and 6th grade teachers, Ashley Zarse and MaryAnn Ross, participated in the 10th annual Adult Spelling Bee sponsored by the Johnson County Public Library on Monday evening. Their team, the Blue Bombers, met their expectation of not finishing last (5th out of 7 teams) while having an "exuberant" time representing the Blue Academy.
Students of the month: August
Charlie Baldwin
Alyssa Berthiaume
Aaliyah Burns
Caiden Capps
Raeleigh Carmer
Blerta Ceca
Daylen Curtis
Addisyn Dunn-Rich
Kristin Engel
Melyndah Gaffney-Williams
Evan Gasper
Yvette Gray
Dane Jones
Mayar Khaled
Josiah Marble
Carlotta McLin
Ian Moseley
Jerenya Pearson
Adrienne Reeves
Brenton Rhem
Eliese Ross
Audrey Sizemore
Damon Terrell
Jaylen Thompson
Tylar Workman
Amar Zec
Attendance Winners
The following classes had the highest percentage of attendance for the month of August:
3rd place with 98.54% is Mrs. Gray's class2nd place with 99.23% is Ms. Morrow's class
1st place with 99.36% is Mrs. K. Henson's class
The following classes have had 10 days of Perfect Attendance - and they have each earned a popcorn party!
Mrs. Gray's class
Mrs. K. Henson's class
Miss Ruder's class
Miss Stoner's class
Great job students! Let's keep it up. We'd love to see more classes earn a POPCORN PARTY!
Attendance Dance Party
Pasta Drive
Pearson Math
Click the link below for detailed information on how you, as parents, can access the Pearson math materials at home. We know how ever-changing math is, and how new curriculum makes it harder to support your kids with homework. Since the books are not going home as a resource, we hope this will help! Please feel free to call if you have any questions.
Miss Stoner's class "milking the cow" during their farming unit this week
A Note From The Nurse:
On Friday, Sept. 16th, a letter will go home with any student that is missing immunizations. Please check your student's book bag to see if he/she received a letter. Immunization records or proof of a Dr. appointment is due by Sept. 23rd. Failure to comply will result in your student not returning to school on Sept. 26th until all requirements are met.
Live! Announcements
Human Growth & Development
In our continuing effort to provide comprehensive education for your child, we will be offering a program in human growth and development to be presented in grades 4, 5, and 6. This program will be implemented by Social Health Association of Indiana, recognized as an outstanding provider in this field for over 70 years. Classes are taught by degreed, well-trained, professional Health Educators. These classes will be separated by gender. A parent viewing night will be held for the district at the Blue and Gold Academy on Thursday, September 22nd from 6 pm-7 pm with the video beginning promptly at 6:15 pm. Permission slips will be sent home with students soon and will be required to be signed and returned before students will be allowed to view the video. The program will be offered at Blue Academy on October 6th and 7th during the school day.
Want to volunteer?
All volunteers must be pre-approved. Just click the link below to be directed to the Volunteer Form.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16saMYiObU8saHfeNGCPpMe-0WONduTIr4Vep1Mdo2aU/viewformStudent Conferences
Colts Big Blue Football Camp
Thursday, October 6th 10am-1pm for all 2nd - 5th grade students that return their signed waiver by Sept 30th. Students should wear gym attire (t-shirts, shorts/pants, and tennis shoes)
Visit colts.com/youthfootball for more information on camps and programs.
Website: colts.com/youthfootball
MSD of Decatur Township, along with Second Helpings, are providing free community dinners every Tuesday at Stephen Decatur from 5:30 – 7:00, and every Thursday at the Blue/Gold Academy from 5:30-6:30. These dinners are free, and are not limited to Blue Academy families. Please enter the DELC through door #14 by the cafeteria.
Marsh & Kroger Rewards
The Blue Academy has teamed up with Marsh & Kroger to earn rewards. Simply register your reward card and every time you shop, we will earn awesome rewards here as well!
Register your card number at http://www.kroger.com/communityrewards
Register your card at: http://www.freshideasforeducation.com/.
Questions?? Please contact Amy Mikeworth at amikeworth@msddecatur.k12.in.us
Box Tops for Education
Decatur Proud License Plates
Employment Opportunity
Are you or is someone you know looking for a rewarding employment opportunity and the chance to make a difference on a part-time or full-time basis? Do you like working with children with disabilities and helping them reach their highest potential? If so, please consider applying to be a special education substitute teacher in our Comprehensive Intervention Program (CIP) and/or Developmental Preschool classrooms. In Decatur Township our CIP classes are self-contained, special education classrooms designed to support the needs of students with disabilities who require more individualized and small group supports and services. Developmental Preschool is a self-contained classroom for our 3 and 4 years olds with disabilities. In both of these settings, you would be one member of the team as a substitute and would have the support of the other regular staff members in the room to get to know the students and procedures. MSD of Decatur Township currently has openings for these special education substitute positions posted on our website. In addition to working with amazing students, these positions follow the school calendar and would be ideal if you have children already enrolled in our school system. If you are interested or would like more information, please visit our website at www.decaturproud.org and apply today!
Sept 20: Free Community Dinner @ Stephen Decatur
Sept 22: Parent viewing of Human Growth & Development films 6-7pm
Sept 22: Free Community Dinner @ DELC
Sept 27: Harlem Wizards @ DCHS Gymnasium
Sept 27: Free Community Dinner @ Stephen Decatur
Sept 28 & 29: Student-led conferences / Early release days
Sept 29: Free Community Dinner @ DELC
Oct 4: Free Community Dinner @ Stephen Decatur
Oct 4: Grandparent Night 5:30-7:00 pm.
Oct 6: Colts Big Blue Football Camp (2nd-5th grade)
Oct 6: Free Community Dinner @ DELC
Oct 6 & 7: Human Growth & Development films for 4th-6th graders
* The catalog fundraiser items will be delivered in early October - we do not have an exact date yet.
* Chuck E. Cheese night will be Wednesday, October 12th from 3-9pm at the Avon location. More information will sent out at a later time.
DELC Blue & Gold PTO is on Facebook!
Vendors Wanted...
DELC Blue & Gold Academies' 4th annual Santa's Workshop and Craft Fair is being held on Saturday, December 10th from 8:00am-1:00pm. We are looking for vendors to set up booth spaces. The cost is $20 for a regular 10x10 booth, or $30 for a booth with electricity. If interested, please send an email to delccraftfair@gmail.com for more information.
Junior Basketball
3rd & 4th grade from 6-7pm
5th & 6th grade from 7-8pm
7th & up from 8-9pm
Please click the website link for more information
Website: www.djba.org