Hays High School Home of the Hawks
February 3rd -February 7th 2025
Principal's Message
Hawk Family,
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Tomorrow February 4th we will be altering our normal bell schedule for English I and English II Benchmark testing. All 9th and 10th grade students must have their chromebooks/laptops for this test. Juniors will be attending a United States History class bootcamp while Seniors have these options:
College Visit - Have your senior tour a campus they are interested in or have already been accepted to. Make sure they get a note from the college on letterhead to turn into attendance for a excused absence.
Scholarship Fair @ the PAC - See the flyer below for more information
Credit Recovery - Is your senior working in Edge lab to recover a credit? They will be placed in the Edge lab to make progress towards completing their credit.
TSIA Testing - Computer Labs will be open to proctor the TSIA for seniors who need to pass the test.
College Bridge - Seniors who are currently in a College Bridge course or Huddle will be in classrooms working on getting their certification.
All other seniors will be placed in a holding room to work on assignments/ make up work
After 1:15 pm all students are scheduled to attend periods 2, 4, 6, and 8. Please see the bell schedule below.
Wednesday evening there will be a zoom presentation for Junior parents over College and Career readiness. Please see below for the zoom link.
On Thursday during Huddle we will be sending off our Regional Swimmer qualifiers, Regional Wrestlers, and our Jack C Hays MCJROTC Hawks Rifle team who will be defending their National title! Good luck Hawks! We are so proud of you all!
Please let me know if you have any concerns or if there is anything I can do for you tina.salazar@hayscisd.net.
Have a great week Hawks!
Tina Salazar
Hays High School
Schedule for February 4th, 2025
Important Information for all Students
Attention Junior Parents
College and Career Readiness Presentation
Order your HHS 24-25 Yearbook - Deadline February 28th
Yearbooks are still for sale, but supplies are limited. Reserve your copy by February 28th at Jostens.com
Join HHS Best Buddies
Best Buddies is a unique program that fosters friendships between individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their peers. Through one-on-one friendships, best buddies brings people together, creating lasting bonds and creates a more inclusive world.
If you are interested see Mrs. Noble in Room B 101
Join best buddies today and make a difference- because everyone deserves a friend.
HCISD Threat Regret Information
Yearbook Staff Wants Your Photos
Share your photos with the Legacy Yearbook staff. Upload and tag photos straight from your phone with the QR code. Final photo deadline: Feb. 28, 2025
Parent Self Serve Portal- Check Attendance and Grades
Oprime el enlace para obtener ayuda para ingresar a el portal para padres en español.
Click on the link for help logging into the parent portal in Spanish.
In Need of a Winter Coat?
If you have a student in need of a winter coat or you are a student in need of a winter coat, please fill out application below.
Si su estudiante necesita un abrigo, por favor llene esta aplicación.
Attention 9th and 10th Graders- Class of 2027 and 2028
Required 40 Volunteer Hours
Students who entered 9th grade in 2023 are required to complete 40 hours of Volunteer/Service hours during high school as part of their graduation requirements. Students can submit documentation/verification through SchooLinks. Additionally, any current sophomore, junior, or senior can upload and track volunteer hours in SchooLinks.
Please click the link below for more information.
Varsity Tutors for College Readiness and Tutoring Help
Academic Saturday School
Late Bus Information
Students who are at school tutoring or need a ride home after practice can begin using the Late Bus Monday through Wednesday for the remainder of the 24-25 school year. These busses pick up in the front bus loop at 5:30 pm.
Help with Logging into Schoology
Getting Logged In for the First Time to Schoology
- Navigate to hayscisd.schoology.com and select “Forgot your password”
- Enter the email associated with your student on the Parent Portal and click "Send my Login Info"
- You will receive an email immediately entitled “How to Change Your Schoology Password”
- Click on the link in the email within 10 minutes to set your new password.
Once a password has been created, parents will navigate to hayscisd.schoology.com and enter their username and password.
If parents want a little more information about how Schoology and Teams work together, below are links to slides with more information.
90% Attendance Rule
While we understand and are empathetic to circumstances out of your control, there are attendance laws that all schools must follow.
In addition to compulsory attendance law, districts are required to enforce the 90 percent rule, which states that students in grades K-12 must attend class for 90 percent of the time it is offered to receive credit or a final grade. The 90 percent rule applies to most absences, including excused absences. If the student doesn’t meet this requirement, an attendance committee may grant the student credit or a final grade, depending on the circumstances.
90% Rule: This means 4 total absences per each class in the fall and 5 total absences per each class in the spring before the state takes credit away. If students fall below 90% attendance in any class the State of Texas requires students to make that time up to receive credit.
Crimestoppers- Have a tip?
- To share a tip by phone, call 1-800-324-8477
- If your information relates to students or campus safety, please visit www.p3campus.com
- If your information relates to community safety, please visit www.p3tips.com
Senior 2025 Section
Senior 2025 Spring Semester Events
Seniors - Mr. Hays will be Sunday March 2nd
Seniors: Competitors and Servers earn one free prom ticket
Please Donate Baskets for Silent Auction for Mr. Hays
Fundraiser for Project Graduation 2025
Desserts Needed -Mr. Hays Fundraiser
Class of 2025 and 2026 - Spring TSI Testing Dates
ACC TSI Testing
Hays CISD Scholarship Fair 2/4
ACC Advising - February 6th
Come Watch a Movie at Shelton Stadium
Junior class officers are selling tickets in the cafeteria to the Feb 13 movie night
Purchase your final Yearbook Seniors!
Order your Legacy yearbook while supplies last. www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks
Yearbook Ads Due this Friday January 31st
Legacy Yearbook Senior ad space available at this time... however the deadline is January 31st - if space is available the deadline may be extended. Go to Jostens.com and reserve your recognition ad.
Hays High School Prom 2025
8pm - 12 am
Saturday May 3rd
Grand Ballroom of the LBJ Building
Texas State University
Graduation 2025
Congratulations to our Hawk Wrestlers!
Regionals Bound!
Congratulations to Oliver - Outstanding Boy's Wrestler District 13-5A
Congratulations to our Hawk Swimmers headed to Regionals!
Girls 200 Medley and 200 Freestyle Relays- 2nd (Daniela Castro, Maryn Lindemann, Adalyn Regan, Abigail White)
Girls 400 Free Relay (Julie Riojas, Miranda Gooch, Ashlynn Gonzales, Sianah Rodriguez)
Daniela Castro-
1st- 50 Freestyle
2nd- 100 Breaststroke
Abigail White-
2nd- 200 IM
2nd- 500 Freestyle
Adalyn Regan-
6th- 100 Butterfly
Maryn Lindemann-
3rd- 1 Meter Diving
Boys 200 Medley & 200 Free Relays- 3rd (Coleman Brown, Trae Knepp, Charlie Hooton, Zarek Gallus)
Boys 400 Free Relay (Zadok Gallus, Patrick Higgins, Cody Duke, Carter Gonzales)
Coleman Brown-
1st- 100 Breaststroke
2nd- 200 IM
Zarek Gallus-
4th- 100 Butterfly
Congratulations to our Hawk Solo and Ensemble Winners!
Congratulations to our Hawk Powerlifters!
Congratulations to our Boy's Hawk Powerlifters for placing 3rd at the JHS Meet!
Congratulations to Boy's Hawk Basketball for defeating Glenn in Overtime!
Congratulations to Hays Mariachi!
Straight 1's Division Ratings at UIL!
Congratulations to Hays FCCLA
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Hays FCCLA competed in Corpus Christi this past weekend at the Region 5 Leadership Conference. All of the students represented Hays High School proudly. They worked hard, had fun, and made connections with students from other schools.
Ava Massey, Kyler Halenza, and Kendall Miller competed in Repurpose and Redesign. They turned the cans students donated into flowers.
Francine Munezero and Katherine Wilson competed in Toys that Teach. They created transportation themed toys for 2-4 year olds out of everyday objects.
Nicky Dietz and Aaliyah Eddie's competed in Sustainability Challenge. They developed a comprehensive plan to educate their peers on overconsumption.
Natalie Mendoza and Mirabella Dietz competed in Interior Design scenario. They design a Beauty and the Beast inspired AirBnB. These ladies placed 5th and are advancing to State in April.
Congratulations to our Hawk Tennis Team!
Alyssa Brady won 3rd place in Girls Singles B.
Marco Madrazo and Erika Gore won 3rd place in Mixed Doubles B.
Dayne Deutsch and John Stirling won 1st place in Boys Doubles C.
Congratulations Hawks!
Students in Human Geography
This week in AP Human Geography, students participated in "Agricultural Speed Dating," to review for their upcoming exam. The enthusiasm was remarkable as students demonstrated their understanding through detailed presentations and artistic interpretations of key agricultural concepts. This interactive approach not only reinforced their exam preparation but also showcased our students' creativity. We're incredibly proud of how our AP students continue to embrace challenging material with such enthusiasm and originality!
Hays Happenings
This week in Hawk Athletics
This week in Hawk Choir
This week in Hawk Winter Guard
This week in Hawk Band
Hays Winter Guard Competition Schedule
Highstepper and Highline 2025 Competition Schedule
Support the Hays Band and Guard!
Fundraiser March 9th -10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Hays FFA
Join the Hays Athletic Training Team
Do you like watching sports and being at exciting games?
Do you have an interest in the medical field?
Did you know there was a profession that does both?!
It’s a no brainer, Go be an athletic trainer! The Athletic Trainers (Winter, Leos, and Lloyd) are handing out applications for student athletic trainers for the 25-26 school year. Stop by and learn more, applications are due at the mandatory meeting on February 6th after school in the field house athletic training room.
Highstepper Drill Team Prep Class
Hays Hope To Go - Accepting Applications
HaysHope2Go is accepting food applications.
HaysHope2Go está aceptando solicitudes para alimentos.
For food assistance only/Solo para asistencia alimentaria: https://forms.gle/A58FrrmCh4bJqvu87
Volunteer with Hays CISD Clothes Closet
Freshmen and Sophomores- This volunteer opportunity counts towards your 40 hours!
Hays Animal Sciences Presents
Need Catering? Ask Handmade by Hays!
Want to join the Science Club?
Want to join Science Club? We meet and do the fun things in science! Join the Remind @hayssc2425 for more details.
Family Success Center - individual, family and small group counseling services
Unified Champions Club for Students with and without Disabilities
Hays High School Information
Crossing the road in front of Hays HS
Please remind your student/s to not cross Jack C Hays Trail (FM 2770) on foot. This is the road directly in front of Hays High School. We are very concerned with students making that choice because it is not safe. If students need to cross the street the only safe crossing is at the intersection of Jack C Hays Trail (FM 2770) and and Koehler's Crossing with the crossing guard.
Hays High School 24-25 Bell Schedule
Doors open at 8:30 am
Hays High School begins school at 8:55 am. and ends at 4:25 pm.
Red/Blue/Gray Day Calendar 24-25
Hays CISD Dress Code 24-25
Hays Consolidated Independent School District Dress Code 2024-2025
Purpose: The District’s student dress code supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce stereo-types and prioritizes building positive relationships between educators and students. To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, campus administrators shall enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not (i) reinforce or increase marginalization of any group, (ii) result in body shaming based on body size or type, or (iii) discriminate against students due to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.
General Guidelines: Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not be a health or safety hazard to themselves or others. The District prohibits any clothing or grooming that in the principal’s judgment may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interference with normal school operations.
1. Basic Principle:
a. Certain body parts must be covered for all students.
b. Clothes must be worn in a way such that the abdomen, genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque fabric.
c. All items listed in the "must wear" and "may wear" categories below must meet this basic principle.
2. Students Must Wear, while following the basic principle of Section 1 above:
a. A shirt (with fabric that touches the waistband in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms); and
b. Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress, or shorts); and c. Shoes
3. Students May Wear, as long as these items do not violate Section 1 above:
a. Religious headwear.
b. Hats facing straight forward or straight back that must allow the face and ears to be visible to staff and not interfere with the line of sight;
c. Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood over the head is not allowed),
d. Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants, and "skinny jeans";
e. Ripped jeans, as long as underwear and buttocks are not exposed;
f. Tank tops, including spaghetti straps and halter tops;
g. Athletic attire; and
h. Hairstyles of any length and style.
4. Students Cannot Wear:
a. Violent language or images.
b. Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or any other substance prohibited under policy FNCF(LEGAL);
c. Clothing that promotes gang affiliation.
d. Hate speech, profanity, or pornography.
e. Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistently marginalized groups.
f. Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments
g. Swimsuits (except as required in class, field trips, or athletic practice)
h. Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon; or
i. Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance). The student and parent may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that they comply with the general guidelines set out above and with the student dress code outlined in the student handbook.
Counselor Corner
Counselors 9th - 12th Grade by Student Last Name Alpha
JoAnn Dono
Starr Cruz
B - C
Casey Baker
Kerri Curcoe
Sarah Limerick
Zulma Hernandez-Ramirez
S - Z
College and Career Counselor
Julie Gooden
Outreach Counselor
Joann Dono
Student Self Checkout Request / Questions Regarding an Absence
For self-checkout requests, please ensure your request is sent to us at least 24 hours in advance or the morning of the request, by 1st/2nd period.
A student can only self-check out if they have a valid HHS parking permit and their parent/guardians sends an email giving the student permission to self sign out. The parent/guardian must also include a copy of their driver's license with the email.
Permission for self check-outs must be written. We cannot accept phone calls asking for the student to check out for safety reasons.
If you have any questions regarding your student being counted absent for a class period, please contact your student’s teacher for that class period. The teacher will either forward a correction to the attendance office or explain why your student was not in class.
The cut-off time for picking your student up daily is 4:00 pm.
Attendance email: HHS.attendance@hayscisd.net
Policy for Checking A Student Out Of Hays High School
All adults who come to Hays High School to check a student out of school must do so with a Texas ID (driver's license/ID card). This is to ensure the safety and protection of all our students.
Please inform everyone on your child's pick up list that they must come to Hays with their Texas ID. (driver's license/ID card)
Attendance email: HHS.attendance@hayscisd.net
Students arriving late OR leaving early
If you need to email a note to the attendance office please use this email address:
Thank you!
Attendance Office
Requesting a Verification of Enrollment/ VOE
The VOE form is required by DPS when a currently enrolled student is applying for, or renewing, their driver's license or permit. All campus obligations must be cleared before a VOE can be issued to a student. Obligations include textbooks, attendance hours, and fines. Please complete the information below. All information is required. Please allow 24 hours to process this VOE request. VOEs expire 30 days from date of issuance.
This form can be found on the Hays High School website under the Hawk Zone
Please utilize this link to request a VOE:
Planning a College Visit Soon-Please read
Join our Hays PTSA
District Cell Phone and Earbud Policy
If a student's phone is confiscated, it will be returned to the student at the end of the day.
Students at Hays HS will be allowed to utilize their phones and earbuds during their lunch.
All Students and Staff are required to wear ID's
We will be working all week with students who are new to Hays High School and Hays CISD to ensure they have an ID.
Hays HS closed to Meal Delivery Services
Parents may still bring outside food for their children if they plan to deliver the meals directly to their children during the child’s designated lunch period. All guests are required to follow existing safety protocols and check in with an ID at the front office.
1. Parents/Guardians must Raptor in with their ID.
2. Parent then hand the food to their student.
3. Parents may eat with student here on campus in the foyer.
Athletic Schedules 24 -25
Hawk Girl's Basketball
Hawk Boy's Basketball
Hawk Wrestling
Hawk Swim
Hawk Girl's Soccer
Hawk Boy's Soccer
Hawk Track
More Hays Organizations Below
Ms. Patty Fuentes
Mrs. Tonya Kallfelz
(512) 268-2911 ext 46236
9th-12th Grade Alpha S-Z
Mr. Aaron Smithers
Ms. Elizabeth Cunningham
(512) 268-2911 ext 46236
Elizabeth Cunningham
9th-12th Grade Alpha ME-R
Mrs. Claudia Vasquez
Mr. Earrick Stigall
Hays High School Principal
Ms. Tina Salazar
Every Child, Every DayEmail: tina.salazar@hayscisd.net
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/hhs
Location: Jack C Hays Trail, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 268-2911
Twitter: @TinaSalHH