ISS Communicator 10/26 - 10/30
CiTi BOCES Weekly Outreach
The purpose of this weekly newsletter is to provide professional development,
support, resources, information, connections and best practices to foster adult
learning and student achievement. You will find offerings from
Instructional Support Services, Distance Learning and Model Schools Teams.
Up coming PD...
Online professional development offered by
CiTi BOCES ISS and Model Schools
Register in MLP for CTLE Credits
Mid-Week Mindfulness
Each time I ask educators what emotion is most present, the most common answers are "overwhelmed" and "anxious". I then think of Parker Palmer's words - "We teach who we are" and know that now more than ever, we must build into our schedule the habit of mindfulness and self-care. Our ability to maintain steady ground, presence, and calm in the face of uncertainty will have significant impact on our students and be a strong factor in keeping burnout at bay for ourselves. This weekly offering will focus on creating space for sharing together, building community and engaging in mindfulness practices that will sometimes be guided and sometimes be simple moments of silence and then dialogue. Register for October 28th.
See other dates and registration links in MyLearningPlan
SEL Leaders Network Fall Meetings
The mindset and skills of SEL are needed now more than ever as we navigate our current world in our own lives and as we educate and support our students, colleagues and our community. This group continues to learn and grow in our efforts to foster SEL and mindfulness practices in our schools and classrooms through modeling of practices in our meetings, sharing of strategies and resources, and exploring a deeper understanding of our own lives in service of others. Join Kate and Liane for these collaborative conversations!
Remaining Meeting Dates (all meetings scheduled for 3:45 - 5:00 PM):
- November 9th
- December 10th
Article Study: How to Maslow Before Bloom, All Day Long
Zoom Date: 10/28/2020 8:00-8:30 am
Child psychiatrist Pamela Cantor told Edutopia in 2019 that "when we're able to combine social, emotional, affective, and cognitive development together, we are creating many, many more interconnections in the developing brain that enable children to accelerate learning and development.” Making time to integrate social and emotional learning into academics, in other words, is a better way for schools to achieve their goals than a focus on academics alone. Join me in this 20 minute session where we will read a brief article and discuss how this may impact our instructional process. You must have access to the internet as the article will be shared through the Zoom chat and your microphone.Registration Link:
Mindful Educator Fall Network Meetings
Upcoming Dates:
- 11/18
- 12/16
Meetings are scheduled 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Dignity for All Students Act: Required Training for Certification/Licensure - In Person
Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act or DASA) Workshop: Six hour training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention. New York State's Dignity Act seeks to provide the State's public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. School professionals applying for certification or license on or after DECEMBER 31, 2013 are required to complete six clock hours of course work or training in this area. This training is designed to fulfill that requirement. Tuition is $75.00 for employees of districts which subscribe to the Oswego BOCES School Improvement Co-Ser. Tuition is $100.00 for all other attendees. If you are self-paying, please mail a Money Order or Bank Check made out to CiTi Treasurer. NO CASH please. Send to: CiTi BOCES Attention: Staci Silliman 179 County Route 64 Mexico NY 13114 All registered participants will receive an email with the Zoom link the mornings of the training. This email will be delivered to the email address associated with your MLP account. This workshop will take place over the course of two sessions, three hours in length. Full attendance to both sessions is necessary for DASA requirements.
Registration: https://www.mylearningplan.com/WebReg/ActivityProfile.asp?D=12396&I=3639477
Building a Structured Literacy Classroom and Meeting the Needs of All Children (Pre-2) by Dr. Danielle Thompson
The event is FREE for OCLI educators. Use passcode: OCLINOV2020 at checkout. Can't make that date/time? The recording is available after the event to watch at your own convenience.
Event description: Teacher knowledge and skill about what to do in early literacy classrooms matters, but so do appropriate approaches to instruction and intervention grounded in science. In this session, you will learn about the features of effective scientifically aligned instruction also known under the umbrella term, Structured Literacy. You will learn about why using Structured Literacy makes a difference in all students’ lives and most specifically, the lives of those at risk for reading difficulties including English learners (ELs) and our students with dyslexia. Click here for registration.
Welcoming Rituals 101
Registration Link:
How to Lift Social Emotional Learning Skills from Fiction and Nonfiction
Registration Link:
Instructional Resources
CKLA Knowledge Strand Read Aloud Videos K-2
Listen & Read- Audiobooks
'BITS English Language Learning' is not just for ELL students. Use these audiobooks to provide pre-reading opportunities and support for struggling readers. Looking for audio of a full-length novel? Novellas? Short stories? Classic literature? This comprehensive website has an abundance of titles. Embed the link to the audio version of the novel you are reading in class to your virtual platform.
Your Daily Break: Archived Newsletters to Support Your SEL Needs
The Science of Reading- Recorded Webinar Series for Paraprofessionals
Decodable Text Webinar
Access link: Decodable Text Webinar for Paraprofessionals
Phonics & Word Chaining Webinar
Access link: Phonics and Word Chaining Webinar for Paraprofessionals
Phonemic Awareness Webinar
Upcoming Arts Leadership Network Meetings
Below are the meeting dates/times for each subgroup. Individuals can be apart of as many groups as they would like, we just ask that attendance is consistent throughout the year as maintaining a strong community climate is very important to the group. If you or any of your Fine Arts staff would like to take part in any of these groups, please feel free to reach out directly to our Arts in Education Coordinator, Will Jones for the meeting links and further information.
Tuesday, October 27 @ 3:30 - Best Practices in Fully Virtual and Hybrid Learning Models
Wednesday, October 28 @ 3:30 - Essential Standards/ Curriculum/Arts Literacy
Thursday, October 29 @ 3:30 - Advocacy
Virtual Showcase
If you weren't able to catch the virtual showcase live, we are happy to share that we have a link to watch a recording of the showcase when its convenient for you. The link will be available for a few weeks for schools to preview available shows so take advantage of the opportunity while you can.
The Instructional Support Services Team
Roseann Bayne
Kristen Foland
Liane Benedict
Kate Ginney
Carri Waloven
Will Jones
Instructional Support Services
Email: CiTiISS@citiboces.org
Website: CiTiboces.org/ISS
Location: 179 County Route 64, Mexico, NY, USA
Phone: 315-963-4425