Sha'arei Orah Announcements
Shabbat Beha'alotcha - 16 Sivan 5784 - June 21-22, 2024
Shabbat Schedule
Candle Lighting - 8:15 PM
Shacharit - 9:00 AM
Latest Shema (Gra & Baal HaTanya) - 9:17 AM
Youth Programming (ages 4+, drop-off) - 10:00 AM - End of Davening
Tot Shabbat (ages 0-3 with parents) - 10:45 AM - Led by Aryeh Mellman
Shabbat Ends - 9:16 PM
This week's D'var Torah will be given by Joel Landau.
This week we are having a special Tzeitchem L'Shalom kiddush in honor of our members who are moving this summer: the Bick family, the Charlestein family, the Mellman family, the Yablon family, and the Yehuda family. We will miss you!
Kiddush is sponsored by the Charlestein family in celebration of their upcoming move to Israel on June 25th, Sarah's birthday on June 17th, and Yair's birthday on July 8th. Kiddush is also sponsored by Ayala & Benaya Yehuda and Koby & Sarah Yablon in honor of the Shaarei Orah community. In addition, our Tzeitchem L'Shalom kiddush is sponsored by Avi & Carolynn Feldblum, Dana & Jacob Warren, and Rabbanit Leah Sarna & Ethan Schwartz.
In the news...
Board Nominations for 5785
We are seeking nominations for the Sha'arei Orah Board! If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for the upcoming term, please email or reach out to a current Board Member. The deadline for submitting board nominations is 6/30/24.
Kiddush Setup and Clean Up Sign Up
As a lay led shul, we ask that each member household sign up twice per year to help set up and clean up Kiddush. You can sign up here: "Kiddush setup/clean up signup sheet" Please add your name to two different weeks to ensure we have coverage. The next available date for sign up is July 13.
Childcare/Counselors Support Sign Up
We ask that each family with small children sign up twice per year to help support the counselors, ensuring the kids are where they are supposed to be. Sign up here: childcare/counselor signup sheet.. The next available date is July 6.
Meet the Sha'arei Orah Community
that this document will only be accessible to members of the google group. For more information, some samples, and directions on how to participate, please click here or simply send an email to with your introduction.
Support Sha'arei Orah
Kiddush and Sponsorships
Kiddush sponsorships are strongly encouraged!
Basic - $80
Enhanced - $125
Simcha - TBD
If you are interested in sponsoring Kiddush, please contact
Leining and Divrei Torah
The next available date for leining is 7/6/24 (Korach) - Google Sheet
For questions about Leining, please contact Matt Hamermesh.
The next available date to give a D'Var Torah is 9/28/24 (Nitzavim-Vayelech) - Google Sheet
For questions about Divrei Torah, please contact Moriah SimonHazani (