Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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January 29, 2025 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
Students in our middle school STEM courses are starting their Computer Aided Design (CAD) projects. They will be planning, designing, and 3D printing an object that they can use. They will use a 3D design process to engage in design thinking. The three D’s – Discover, Design, Deliver. In the Discovery phase, students gain insights and inspiration of what they may want to create to solve a problem or question they have. Then, they ideate and create prototypes. Finally, students implement or refine their designs. They will be using the 3D printers to create their final objects. We’ll share some photos when they are done.
Students in 5th and 8th grade are being asked to complete the Minnesota Student Survey. The survey is administered every three years and covers a broad range of topics. The insights help the state, local communities and schools develop programming aligned to student needs. This year, we will be administering this survey on February 12. See the MN Student Survey letter for more information.
High school counselors visited with 8th graders yesterday to begin their orientation to the high school. I hope our 8th grade families are planning to attend the “Explore Your Options” event on February 5 at the high school. This is a great opportunity to get a feel of the building and meet the teachers and staff students be interacting with next year. Students and families can talk with teachers as they get a better understanding of what's offered and the opportunities they have. This will be a good transition. Our 8th graders are in good hands.
Enjoy the winter thaw,
Tom Larson
Immigration Questions and Concerns
Over the last week, we've had an increase in questions and concerns related to immigration topics. Related to school, it's important to know that by law, all students, regardless of immigration status, have the right to equal access to education. Our enrollment processes may not ask for, and we may not maintain, records regarding any family member’s immigration status. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, personal information about any student and their family is protected and cannot be shared without parental consent.
If any law enforcement comes to our schools, they are restricted to the main office and do not have access to students without parent or guardian consent. We engage legal consultation for next steps.
While our schools are not equipped to address legal issues or specific immigration topics, the following resources may be useful to concerned families:
National Immigration Law Center (NILC): Resources for schools and families navigating immigration concerns.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC): Guides for immigrant rights and advocacy.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
We will continue to identify resources that might help members of our community. In the coming days, we will have a list of community resources in our main office and will post information on our social and emotional well-being page where you will also find information on connecting with student supports.
In our schools, creating supportive environments for all students to learn each day is our priority. Counselors, social workers and others continue to be available for student support. When social workers are made aware of student needs beyond the school day, we also work to respond and connect students with community resources.
Last Call - 8th Grade Baby Photos for the Yearbook
8th grade families - it's time to turn in your student's adorable baby photo for the yearbook! Please find your favorite baby picture and fill out this form to submit the photo. Make sure to only submit one photo per student. All photos must be received by January 31 to be included in the 2025 yearbook. Questions may be directed to Mrs. Powell, kpowel@district16.org.
February 3 - High school spring athletics registration opens for grades 7-12
February 4-7 - PTO Book fair open during school hours
- Wednesday, February 5 - Explore your Options event at the high school for grades 8-11, 5-7 p.m.
Friday, February 7 - PTO Family Night & Book Fair, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, February 11 - 6th to 7th grade transition online info sessions, 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. |WebEx
Wednesday, February 12 - MN Student Survey (5th and 8th graders only)
February 13-18 - No school
Thursday, February 13 - Conference Office Hours, 4-7 p.m. (walk-in ONLY, no scheduled conferences)
Friday, February 14 - High school registration closes for the 2025-2026 school year
February 16-22 - Panther Foundation's Panthers for a Purpose Week of Giving
February 19-27 - ACCESS testing, Grades 5 & 6
February 22 - Panther Foundation's Panthers for a Purpose Party
- Tuesday, February 25
- 7th to 8th grade transition online info session, 6 p.m. | WebEx
- Caregiver Learning event: Healthy Relationships, 6-7 p.m., the Den at Westwood
February 27-March 1 - Westwood Spring Musical "High School Musical," SLPHS Fine Arts Center | Purchase tickets
Social Skills
5C/6B Journey students have been working on a project in Social Skills. They have been learning that differences are what make us unique and should be viewed as good things, not bad things. They've also been talking about how it is important to be inclusive to everyone in their classrooms and school community as we are all more alike than we are different. Students brainstormed and made a special poster about what inclusion means to them.
Invite people in
Nobody is alone
Love Others
In it together
Open minds
Nice to everyone
Cooking Club
Cooking Club students has been so much fun and the students deserve all the credit! They are learning cooking fundamentals while having fun with an array of culinary delights.
WWI in American History
After learning about WWI in American History, Red Team Panther Times "battled" using flag football belts to represent the health of the planes in "dogfights." It was a great exercise in communication and strategy as students participated a in mock aerial combat.
PTO Meeting Recap
Thank you to Deanna Enstad for presenting about Schoology and competencies at our PTO meeting last Monday. You can view it here.
February Book Fair and Family Fun Night
The book fair will be open during the day 7:25 a.m.-3:30 p.m. week of Feb. 4-7. Students will have chance to make purchases during school hours-they May use credit cards, apple/Google pay, cash or may set up e-wallet/shop online by clicking here.
The book fair will also be open during our Family Fun Night Friday Feb. 7 from 6-8 p.m. Families and friends can play Bingo and other games, have open gym time, and $1 (cash only) concession snacks/drinks will be for sale. This is not a drop off event, students must have a guardian in attendance.
Please volunteer at these events! As a thank you, you will receive a $5 off coupon for use at the book fair. If you can't stay for the entire time, you can sign up for a partial shift.
Maud Hart Lovelace Update
More than 190 students have submitted at least one MHL book review and most have given a rating of 3/5 or higher! There are still 10 weeks to get voter or judge status. Voters will receive a free treat table item and a free kids meal from our friends at Raising Cane's! Do you have a favorite book that should be in the contest next year? You can submit it online by clocking here.
Engineering Custom Bathroom Passes
At Spring Lake Park High School, students in the Introduction to Engineering course are putting their creativity and technical skills to the test. Led by first-year teacher Martin Lohman, the class teaches students the six-point design process through hands-on projects and is intended to get students excited about engineering.
One recent challenge: designing and 3D-printing custom bathroom passes for teachers in the building. Acting as “clients,” teachers shared their interests and needs, inspiring designs ranging from video game themes to department logos. Students created surveys, brainstormed, prototyped and refined their designs in CAD before 3D-printing the final products.
This project isn’t just about making unique bathroom passes—it’s about learning teamwork, problem-solving, and real-world engineering skills. For students like Nathan, Micah, Sami, and Bekah, it’s also been an opportunity to explore their own potential and connect their passions to future career paths.
Read more about the custom bathroom pass project.
Middle School Musical: "High School Musical"
Westwood Middle School students present “High School Musical” (One-Act Edition) on February 27, February 28 and March 1. Get your tickets today and don’t miss out on the music and the drama as the jocks, brainiacs, thespians and skater dudes all find their way to the stage for some song and dance!
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