HJH Parent Newsletter
August 2024
Great Start to the School Year
As we near the end of August, we want to take a moment to highlight what a fantastic start we've had to the school year. Our students are adjusting well to their schedules and settling into classrooms where meaningful learning is already taking place. By utilizing our 7 Habits of Leadership, students are demonstrating excellent behavior both in class and in our common areas, showing respect for one another and our staff. Teachers are challenging our students to think more deeply through high-level lessons, and we're grateful to our parents and guardians for setting such high standards. We're incredibly proud of our students' engagement in their learning. As we move into September, please review the important information provided below. Be sure to reference this newsletter for any details you need to navigate the month's events on campus. Go Cats!
Clayton Farrell
Principal Hallsville Junior High
Instrucciones para nuestras familias que hablan espanol
1. Abra el boletín en un móvil dispositivo
2. Acceda a la barra de ADA y Traducción
3. Haga clic en la persona pequeña y luego traduzca
September Events
3rd Football vs Marshall
5th Volleyball @ Mt Pleasant
10th Football @ Mt Pleasant
10th Band Booster Club Meeting @ HHS Bandhall
12th College Day
13th Purple Out Day
14th Cross Country @ HHS
16th Volleyball vs Texas Middle
16th HISD Board Meeting
16th Fire Drill
18th Football @ Pine Tree
21st Cross Country @ Pine Tree
21st HJH Volleyball Tournament
23rd Volleyball @ Nacogdoches
23rd Lunch Visitors Begin
24th Football vs Texas Middle
24th-25th 7th Grade Vision and Hearing Screener
25th Kona Ice
30th Volleyball @ Marshall
*Please join SportsYou located at the bottom of our newsletter for complete schedules and game locations
*Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in order to attend home events
Canva Consent
Canva is a graphic design platform that streamlines the digital design process. It facilitates image editing and project-based learning. It supports collaborative brainstorming among groups and enables individual project creation, offering a wide range of potential applications in the classroom. If your student is under the age of 12, please click the Canva graphic provided to fill out a form giving your student permission to use this tool in class if you have not already done so.
Attendance Matters!
The school day starts at 7:50am and ends at 3:35pm. At 7:45am, students will be released from the gym to their classrooms, and morning announcements will start at 7:50am. Attendance is taken every period at the Jr. High. Any student arriving late or leaving early will be marked absent for the periods that he/she misses. All absences, full or partial day, require documentation to be excused. If a student misses more than 20 minutes of a class without valid documentation, the student will be considered absent for this purpose.
When a student is absent and returns to school, he/she MUST bring a note signed by the parent explaining the reason for the absence or a note from a doctor. Any absence of more than 5 consecutive days for illness will require a statement from a doctor verifying the illness. Parent notes must be turned in within 3 days of the absence.
*Any documentation needing to be turned in can be done so through the reception desk, attendance office, or emailed directly to Mrs. Dorsey at bdorsey@hisd.com.
HJH Football
Bobcat Nation,
Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd to cheer on our junior high football teams as they take on the Marshall Mavericks, starting with the 7B team at 4:30pm! Our 7th and 8th grade teams have been working hard all season to prepare for their season opener. Let's fill the stands with Bobcat pride and show our young athletes the support they deserve. Your energy and spirit make all the difference—see you there for an exciting evening of football! Go Bobcats!
7B starts @ 4:30
7A starts @ 5:30
8B starts @ 6:30
8A starts @ 8:00
Pep Rally instructions for Parents
HJH Volleyball
The HJH Volleyball teams are off to a great start sweeping the Marshall Lady Mavs in their season opener this past Monday night. The Ladycats are back in action on Thursday, September 5th at Mt. Pleasant to take on the Lady Tigers. The volleyball team will also host a tournament on Saturday, September 21st. Please make sure to sign up on SportsYou for all up-to-date information on the volleyball program.
*8th Grade will play at HJH
*7th Grade will play at I6
HJH Cross Country
The HJH Cross Country team has been working hard these past few weeks gearing up for their upcoming meet on Saturday, September 14th. The meet will be held at Hallsville High School and will start at 8:00am. Come out and support the Cats!
HJH Tennis
Please join SportsYou to follow the HJH Tennis team. Matches start on Thursday, October 24th.
HJH Choir
Exciting things are happening in the HJH Choir room! Our 2024-2025 school year is off to a great start. In September the students will be preparing for upcoming performances of the National Anthem during our pep rallies. The students will also be working diligently on the All-Region Honor Choir music in preparation for the auditions that will come at the end of October. These are such talented singers and they already sound like an award winning choir. We are looking forward to a very successful school year.
HJH Band
This month our HJH Band will be performing at two home football games (9/3 - Marshall & 9/24 - Texas Middle). Our band students have been hard at work preparing for these events and getting ready for a strong year for their upcoming concerts and competitions. Also, there will be a band booster club meeting on Tuesday, September 10th at the Hallsville High School band hall.
Welcome back to another season of HJH Bobcat UIL Academics! This year we have many returning coaches but also some fresh faces in the mix. If your student is interested in participating in any event, you can view the events here: https://www.uiltexas.org/aplus/events. If they would like more information, please have them contact the event coach or they can contact Mr Gerald to find out more. We intend to begin tryouts and practices the week of September 9th with final teams determined before fall break. The days and times for practices will be passed out next week. We intend to hold our District competition in January, but that date has not yet been finalized. If you have any questions, please reach out to the event coach or the UIL Coordinator, Mr. Gerald. We are looking forward to another great season! Be on the lookout for the QR code to sign up!
Art - Mrs Salazar
Calculator - Mr Gerald
Chess Puzzle - Ms Fuller
Dictionary Skills - Ms Sullins
Editorial Writing - Ms Sullins
Impromptu Speaking - Mrs Bumpas
Listening - Ms Pipak
Maps, Graphs, & Charts - Ms Mixon
Mathematics - Mr Gerald
Modern Oratory - TBD
Music Memory - Mrs Cook
Number Sense - Mr Gerald
One Act Play - Mrs Bumpas
Oral Reading - TBD
Ready Writing - Ms Howard
Science - Ms Fuller
Social Studies - Mr Brown
Spelling - Ms Martinez
HJH Library
Mrs. Winters is starting a book club for this upcoming school year. If you've already been to the library with your class, you should know all about it. If you have not, the details will be linked in your Advisory calendar so you can read all about it. If you are interested, the form to complete is in the Advisory calendar. She is only taking 20 from each grade, so if you want to participate fill out your form as soon as you are able. The theme for this month is: New grade, new genre -- choose any book from any genre you wouldn't normally choose. If you have questions, go see Mrs. Winters and she'll be happy to answer them for you.
Download the sportsYou app
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KONA ICE, September 25th
9 Week Reward
Our 1st 9 Week Reward is Friday, October 11th. We will host a grade level Dodgeball Tournament in our gym. Teams will be divided up by student Advisory classes. In order to attend this reward, students must be passing all classes, have 90% attendance and meet all behavioral requirements. We will have music, sell snacks, and engage in friendly competition to celebrate student success. Students not attending will have an alternate setting during the tournament.
HJH Community Tailgate
Please mark your calendars for our 4th Annual HJH Community Tailgate Party on Tuesday, November 5th during the last football game of the year. During the game, we will have multiple performances from our fine arts programs, as well as recognizing our clubs, teams and organizations at HJH. More details to come in the October newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there.
HJH Picture Day
Save the date...More details to come on our HJH Picture day in the October newsletter.
Leader in Me Parent Survey
In order to Begin with the End in Mind, Leader in Me schools use the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA). It is a systematic survey tool used to gain data-informed insight on the factors that support the development of leadership, culture, and academics. At the end of the year, we will also have another survey to measure our growth. Your feedback is very important as we move forward engaging your student(s) in leadership development. Click here for the survey.
Student Survival Tips for the Junior High School Transition
Junior High is a great opportunity to meet new people and begin to explore who you are, and what you want to do with the rest of your life. It can also be a difficult time, as there are alot of things that are changing in your life. You are meeting new people. There are more choices and decisions to make. You have multiple teachers and are transitioning to multiple classrooms throughout the day. You will be faced with more responsibilities. Here are a few tips to help you with your junior high transition. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers, counselors, or staff at your school if you need help.
1. Get organized.
∙ Get used to checking Skyward daily.
∙ Color-code your folders, notebooks, or an AM and PM binder.
∙Keep your backpack cleaned out.
2. Do your homework.
∙ You will have homework.
∙ Schedule your time wisely.
∙ Allot a certain amount of time every night for homework and study.
∙ Don’t wait until an assignment is due - start early.
∙ Keep track of your homework assignments and their due dates. Check Skyward daily.
∙ If you are absent, check Skyward for missed work and check in with your teachers the day you return.
3. Talk to your Teachers.
∙ Ask questions. If you are unsure of an assignment, what you need to be doing, or of anything, just ask. Your teachers are there to help you.
4. Get involved in extracurricular activities.
∙ Find activities that you enjoy - sports, clubs, or other ways to get involved. This is a great way to meet new people and to have fun. ∙ Listen to morning announcements for upcoming meetings to join these activities at your school.
5. Turn in your best work.
∙ Turn your homework in on time, ask questions and take advantage of extra-credit opportunities if available. Remember to get absent work and check-in with your teachers when you return. By turning in your best work, teachers can identify the skills you need.
6. Stay Healthy.
∙ Get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast before school.
7. Talk to your parents and keep them informed of what is going on in your junior high life.
∙ Tell them if you are struggling with anything. They can help you with it or can reach out to resources to get help for you.
∙ Tell them about the exciting things happening at school and with your social life. They want to know the good and the struggles!
8. Find an adult you trust to talk to when you have problems.
9. Choose your friends wisely.
∙ Junior high is a time where friendships change as your interests change and you join different activities. This is ok and expected.
∙ If friends are doing or saying things you know to be wrong or that make you uncomfortable, say no and tell a trusted adult.
10. Come to school and have fun!
Parent Survival Tips for the Junior High Transition
For children going into junior high, there are many anxieties, apprehensions and fears to deal with and overcome. Junior High schools are typically larger than elementary schools, the school work is harder, there are more classes and more teachers – all with different expectations and personalities. If you have a child who is entering junior high for the first time, know that it is normal for your child to express concern.
1. Don’t be too anxious about your child going to junior high. Talk about the junior high experience in a positive way! Your enthusiasm and support can help make this BIG change in your child’s school life a positive one.
2. Help your child develop an organizational strategy.
∙ Designate a study space and set a consistent study time.
∙ Buy your child the necessary folders and binders to stay organized.
∙ Conduct a weekly clean-up.
∙ Keep a master calendar.
∙ Prepare for the week/day ahead.
∙ Provide help and support while your child is learning to become more organized.
∙ Check Skyward regularly.
∙ Check in with your child concerning assignments and upcoming tests daily.
3. Utilize Hallsville ISD’s parent resources.
∙ Explore Hallsville ISD’s website with your child. https://www.hisd.com
∙ Check Skyward: Homework is updated on the website.
∙ You can access the parent portal to check grades, progress, tardies, and attendance.
∙ Read the monthly newsletter. It has many important updates and information.
4. Talk about social skills. Talk about traits that make a good friend. Discuss how words and actions can affect other people. Practice skills needed for difficult social situations.
5. Openly communicate with your child. Keep the lines of communication open between your child and school staff. Be informed, listen, and talk to your child.
6. Get involved as a parent. Attend parent-teacher nights, open houses, HJH Parent group meetings and/or other events where you can connect with your child’s teachers and the school.
7. Encourage your child to get involved in school activities! Have them join a team, club, or other extracurricular activity and attend after-school events.
8. Help your child to be his or her own advocate. Encourage your child to discuss problems and solutions with teachers on their own, but be ready to help as needed. If a problem arises in a particular class about assessment/homework, email the teacher directly. Email the counselor with family or social concerns.
9. Take advantage of opportunities to tour the building. Attend the Meet the teacher event and Parent Conference days.
Struggling to be a successful student? Don't get discouraged, it isn't magic! But it does require desire, dedication and a lot of work. Active listening, reading comprehension, note-taking, time management, test taking, and memorization are a few study skills for students.
Here are some valuable strategies for effective study skills from, Princeton Review:
Identify more than one study space. Variety helps!
Get real. Be realistic about how long your assignments should take
Track more than homework in a school planner. Include all activities and social commitments and plan accordingly.
Use class time wisely. If you have time after class, ask your teacher to clarify a concept that seems fuzzy.
Start small. Complete assignments in small chunks.
Create a simple system to stay organized. Try separate folders for handouts for each subject. Nothing fancy!
Look over your notes each night. Fill in details. Highlight key concepts. Interacting with your notes will help you remember them.
Establish a routine. Try to do homework around the same time every day.
Study a little every day.
Don’t let a disappointing grade keep you down. Take proactive steps to improve.
Create a distraction-free zone. Turn off the devices! Or at least turn off the notifications until homework is done.
Make a friend in every class. Help and support each other!
Leader in Me
At Hallsville Junior High, we are happy to be on our way to becoming a Lighthouse School in the Leader in Me process. We are learning the 7 Habits and discovering that we are ALL leaders!
The Leader in Me is a process designed around a belief that every student can be a leader. Schools and parents can help children realize their potential by valuing their unique worth, giving them opportunities to lead and providing them with a foundation of timeless universal principles and practical skills.
The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformation model that includes training for staff, as well as, implementation support, materials for both students and classrooms, and access to an online community with resources.
Based on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Leader in Me produces results and increased engagement among teachers and parents. We celebrate our leaders through the 7 Habits advisory lessons, Leader in Me celebrations, daily activities, classroom jobs, Leader in Me visits, student clubs, and many other ways integrated into the classroom instruction. We view EVERYONE involved at Hallsville Junior HIgh as a leader!
“Leadership is communicating a person’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” ~Dr. Stephen R. Covey
To learn more about The Leader in Me, please visit: www.theleaderinme.org
7th grade hearing and vision screenings on campus: September 24th & 25th.
- Please note a change to our HISD medication administration policy: Any and all medications must have doctors orders to be given at school. This includes over the counter medications, such as Tylenol. The district does not provide medications. Medication Administration forms can be found online at hisd.com under “health services.”
Students are not allowed to carry any medications without written permission from the school nurse and prescribing physician.
HJH will follow CDC guidelines related to illness.
Please keep your student at home if they have fever (100 or greater) and/or vomiting within the past 24 hours.
Always reach out with any questions or concerns.
–Nurse Holt
Email: aholt@hisd.com
Phone: 903-668-5990, ext 2042
2025 Washington DC Trip
There are still spots left to join our 8th grade trip to Washington DC in May, but the deadline for registration is October 30th. Register at www.schooltoursofamerica.com (Trip #A947 departing 05/27/2025). If you have any questions, contact Ms. Mayes (mmayes@hisd.com).
Important Information
HISD 2024-2025 Calendar
HISD looks to a have a GREAT year in 2024-2025! Attached is a copy of the HISD calendar.
Parent Pick Up/Drop Off
Parent Drop-off/Pick-up:
The map below has instructions for parent pick-up and drop-off. Please make sure you enter in the correct locations and stay in line. The first couple of weeks will be hectic. Thank you in advance for understanding and being patient as we work to make these processes as efficient as possible for our students.
Car Tags for parent pick-up will be passed out during Meet the Teachers or afternoon pick-up on the 1st day.
Parent Drop-Off:
- Gym Parking Lot
- Do not enter via Bobcat Lane once the parking lot is already full
- Enter through the stadium home side parking lot on Rob Street
- Doors open at 7:15am, no students should be dropped off prior to this time
- Students will enter through 100 hall doors located above the gym and make their way to the gym
- After 7:50am, students should be taken to the main entrance
Parent Pick-Up:
- Gym Parking Lot
- Do not enter via Bobcat Lane once the parking lot is already full
- Enter through the stadium home side parking lot on Rob Street
- School dismisses at 3:35pm and once all staff is in position we will begin calling names. It is important that you have a car tag in your window to maximize efficiency with this process
- If for some reason your child does not come to your car, please pull your vehicle across Bobcat Lane to our stadium parking lot and our Officer will help locate your child and get them to you safely
- This allows for our flow of traffic to continue as we work to get all students home safely
- At 3:55pm all students remaining at pick-up will be escorted to the front of the building and you may pick your child up from there
7th/8th Grade Boys Athletics:
- 8th Grade Boys begin their day at the fieldhouse and may be dropped off in the fieldhouse parking lot
- 7th Grade Boys end their day at the fieldhouse and may be picked up at the fieldhouse parking lot
- ONLY Boys Athletics may be picked up or dropped off at this location
*Students may NOT be dropped off or picked up anywhere other than these locations
Restroom Policy
Tardy Policy
Instructional time is essential to student success. Additionally, it is critical that students learn the importance of punctuality. In order to encourage this behavior, HJH has implemented the following campus policy regarding tardies:
Tardies will be tracked cumulatively each 9 week grading period, with the following consequences in place for repeated tardies:
5th tardy - 1 day of Lunch Detention
10th tardy - 1 day of After School Detention
15th tardy - 1 day of ISS
20+ - Discretion of Campus Administration
Please discuss with your child the importance of punctuality as we are preparing students to be responsible with their time.
Click on the School Bus for HISD Transportation Services Information
House Bill 114 (HB 114)
Parents and Guardians,
We are reaching out to bring your attention to an important new policy change that has been passed by the 88th Texas Legislature and will be taking effect immediately in our district.
House Bill 114 (HB 114) has been enacted to respond to the increasing concerns around e-cigarettes, vaping, marijuana, and THC related products amongst our youth. The Bill mandates that any student found in possession of, under the influence of, selling, gifting, or delivering these substances within a 300-feet radius of any school premises, will be immediately removed and placed in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP).
You can access the full version of the Bill here: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/HB00114F.pdf
Please take a moment to discuss the implications of this new law with your children, emphasizing the importance of adhering to school policies and laws for their own welfare and for the betterment of the school community as a whole.
Thank you,
HISD Administration