Youth Ministry Newsletter
November 2024
Important Dates for November:
- Friday, November 1st - All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation)
- Mass offered at 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
- Monday, November 4th & 18th - Ignite Bible Study
- 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Resource Room
- Monday, November 11th - Youth Night Thanksgiving Potluck
- 6:15 - 8:00 p.m. in the Church Basement
- Friday, November 15th - Family Bingo Night
- 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Scantlin Hall
- Thursday, November 21st - Wonder of Eve presentation for Mothers & teenage daughters
- 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Family Catholic School Library
- Saturday, November 23rd - St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Basket Prep. & Delivery (volunteer opportunity)
We are Thankful for our Priest & Deacons!
What better way to show our appreciation to Father Hoa, Deacon David, Deacon Mark, & Deacon Mike than to learn a little bit about them and pray for them in this month of Thanksgiving.
I put together a little survey to find out more about each of them & here are the responses....
- Who is your Confirmation Saint?
- Fr. Hoa:St. Peter, our 1st Pope
- Dcn. David: St. Francis
- Dcn. Mark: St. Francis
- Dcn. Mike: St. Edwin
- What is your favorite food?
- Fr. Hoa: Steak, salad, & potatoes
- Dcn. David: Lasagna
- Dcn. Mark: A Prime Bone in Ribeye medium rare
- Dcn. Mike: Smoked sausage
- What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
- Fr. Hoa: Turkey, gravy, & mashed potatoes with cranberry sauce
- Dcn. David: Oatmeal pie
- Dcn. Mark: Dressing and gravy
- Dcn. Mike: Cranberries
- What is your favorite Old Testament Bible verse? What is your favorite New Testament Bible verse?
- Fr. Hoa: OT - Joshua 24:15 NT - John 3:16
- Dcn. David: OT - No single favorite, Joshua 24:15 NT - No single favorite, Luke 23:43
- Dcn. Mark: OT - Sirach 15:15-20 NT - Revelation 3:20-21
- Dcn. Mike: OT - Michal 6:8 NT - Matthew 5: 3-12
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Fr. Hoa: Thanksgiving because I like to eat! 😂
- Dcn. David: Christmas
- Dcn. Mark: Thanksgiving
- Dcn. Mike: Easter
- What is your favorite color?
- Fr. Hoa: Black because I'm a priest
- Dcn. David: Green
- Dcn. Mark: Purple
- Dcn. Mike: Blue
- What is your favorite sport to watch? Who is your favorite team?
- Fr. Hoa: Women's Soccer - the U.S. Women National Team
- Dcn. David: Baseball - my son's team
- Dcn. Mark: College Football - Texas Tech & Texas A&M
- Dcn. Mike: Anything my grandchildren are playing - You guessed it (grandkids' team)
- What is your favorite sport to play?
- Fr. Hoa: Golf
- Dcn. David: Skeet Surfing
- Dcn. Mark: Golf
- Dcn. Mike: Fishing
- What is your favorite movie?
- Fr. Hoa: Simon Birch
- Dcn. David: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
- Dcn. Mark: Field of Dreams
- Dcn. Mike: Cool Hand Luke
- What do you do for fun or to relax?
- Fr. Hoa: To play golf & to celebrate at the 19th hole with some friends to talk about life with hotdogs, chips, & beers
- Dcn. David: Gaming at Cidercade
- Dcn. Mark: Drive my tractor at our family ranch
- Dcn. Mike: Go to the farm
- Anything you want to share?
- Fr. Hoa: Life is good, but it's never fair. Take what life gives you and try your best to live right and God will take care of the rest. Your life is not about you. Live not as a go-getter, but as a go-giver.
- Dcn. Mike: Live as simply as you can.
Ignite Bible Study for MS & HS
Join us for the Ignite Bible Study Monday, November 4th & 18th, and Dec. 2nd from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Resource Room. We will be discussing the following passages:
- Nov. 4th - The Sower & the Seeds -- Matthew 13:1 - 9, 18 - 23
- Nov. 18th - Following the Good Shepherd -- John 10: 1 - 18
- Dec. 2nd - Rock & Sand -- Matthew 7: 24 - 27
Wonder of Eve - Thursday, November 21st 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. in the Holy Family School Library
This presentation is for moms and teenage girls about the beauty of the female body. You can watch a trailer here: https://www.fertilitycarecenterfw.com/wonder-of-eve
Saint of the Month - Saint Cecelia
November Devotion
Since the 16th century Catholic piety has assigned entire months to special devotions. As a reminder of our duty to pray for the suffering faithful in Purgatory, the Church has dedicated the month of November to the Holy Souls. The Holy Souls are those who have died in the state of grace but who are not yet free from all punishment due to their unforgiven venial sins and all other sins already forgiven for which satisfaction is still to be made. They are certain of entering Heaven, but first they must suffer in Purgatory. The Holy Souls cannot help themselves because for them the night has come, when no man can work (John 9:4). It is our great privilege of brotherhood that we can shorten their time of separation from God by our prayers, good works, and, especially, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. - CatholicCulture.org
The Solemnity of All Saints
All Saints' Day, or the Solemnity of All Saints, is one of the most significant feast days in the Catholic liturgical calendar. With roots dating back to the 4th century, this feast has been celebrated on November 1st since 835. The feast took its current date under Pope Gregory IV, marking a day when Catholics worldwide are called to attend Mass and honor the entire Communion of Saints in Heaven.
This Solemnity celebrates all those who have entered Heaven, including both canonized saints and the countless unknown souls who died in God's grace. The feast reflects Catholics' understanding of the Church Triumphant, those who have achieved the beatific vision and now behold God face to face. This feast day fosters unity within the Church by affirming the connection between the living and the dead. It encourages the faithful to draw inspiration from the examples of these holy men and women, who demonstrate that each person is called to be a saint.
In Catholic tradition, All Saints' Day is marked by festive liturgies featuring white vestments, special readings, and the singing of the Litany of Saints. The Mass for this solemnity includes the Beatitudes as the Gospel reading, highlighting the connection between Christ's teachings and the lives of the saints who embodied these holy characteristics. The feast of All Saints is celebrated each year on November 1st, followed by All Souls' Day on November 2nd. Together, these feasts underscore the hope of resurrection and the promise of eternal joy with God.
Ascension Team
Looking ahead....
December 1st - First Sunday of Advent (no Faith Formation classes)
December 2nd - Ignite Bible Study 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Resource Room
December 6th - Advent Family Night
December 8th - Family Movie Sound of Hope 2:00 p.m. in Scantlin Hall
December 9th - Youth Night
December 21st - St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Basket Prep. & Delivery (volunteer opportunity)
December 24th - Christmas Eve Vigil 4:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m.
December 25th - Christmas Mass 10:00 a.m.