Panther Pride
What's Going on at Toby Farms
January 27, 2023
Upcoming Dates
February 2- Parent Teacher Conferences- No School for Students
February 3- No School for Students
February 6- Winter Awards Ceremony
February 9- CUSD Spelling Bee
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Sign Up For Conferences
Please make sure your students are coming to school in uniform each day. Toby Farms Uniforms are:
Black, Blue, or Khaki Pants
Blue, White, Orange, Black, or Yellow Collared Shirt
Shoes with the Heel and Toe Covered
Water Bottles
Please send your student to school with a water bottle. Our water fountains are only for refilling water bottles and do not have direct drinking access.
Home Access Center
Parents, did you know you can access your student's grades in real time? Toby teachers use an online gradebook and you can see your student's current grades at any time. Usernames and passwords are the same from last year. Look for a username reminder paper next week!
Bus Information
If you have questions about bus transportation please visit
Stay in Touch
School Phone Number- 610-447-3815
Mr. Popley- Principal-
Mrs. Donofry - Assistant Principal-
Ms. Donna West-Islam- Secretary-
Please see the attachment for all staff emails