AIMS Newsletter
February, 4th, 2024

Upcoming Events
Community Nights: Wednesday, February 5th
- Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
- Drum and Dance
- Sewing/Beading Society
- Everyone is welcome!
National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID): Monday, February 10th
Student Performances:
- Shine dance Performance
- Shadow Performance
- Black History Museum: Black Inventors
- HBCUS Presentations
Lunch Times:
2nd - 5th Grade: 11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Middle School: 12:10 - 12:38 pm
PreK - 1st Grade: 12:50 - 1:20 pm
Valentine's Day Sing - Along: Friday, February 14th
Join us in the circle room to hear love songs.
Vote for your favorite performance!
Community Nights: Wednesday, February 21st
- Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
- Drum and Dance
- Sewing/Beading Society
- Everyone is welcome!
Coffee with the Principal: Friday, Febuary 21st
- Time: 9:15 - 10:00 am
- Join Principal Downwind for a cup of coffee or tea!
Spirit Day: Friday, February 28th
Wear a fancy outfit to school or wear what makes you feel your best!
8th Grade Families
Harding High School and Johnson High School have Open Houses coming up. If you are thinking of sending your student to either of these schools for 9th grade, an open house is a good time to go see the school.
Johnson Senior High School Open House is 2/5/2 from 6:30 PM-8:00 PM at Johnson Senior High School 1349 Arcade St, St Paul, MN 55106, USA
Harding High School Open House is 2/12/25 from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM at Harding High School, 1540 6th St E, St Paul, MN 55106, USA
Flipside Updates
If your student did not receive a paper class schedule for flipside, or an emailed schedule they are not in Flipside and cannot attend.
Please note on the class schedule the bussing info, many students have new bus stops and some have a new bus!
We are closed for registration of grades K-4, however students in grades 5-8 are welcome to register for our many new class offerings this session!
Parent pick-ups please come to Door 2 to pick up your students from the cafeteria by 6:10pm.
Please reach out to the Flipside Coordinator Teanna Rouillard (651-744-1264 or teanna.rouillard@spps.org) with any questions!
🚨Important Information🚨
Due to security reasons, students cannot enter the building until 9:15 a.m. Please plan accordingly to drop your student(s) off closer to the time the building opens during the winter months.
If you have any questions or concerns about transportation issues such as bus delays please use the bus app to track your students bus: www.spps.org/transportation or call 651-696-9600.
Building Information
- Doors open at 9:15 am
- School begins at 9:30 am
- Dismissal is at 4:00 pm
Both the Main entrance and Earl St. East doors open at 9:15 am.
Families and students cannot enter the building until 9:15 am due to security reasons.
All visitors must check in at the main office and sign in if walking students to class in the morning or during the school day.
Bus Information
- Buses leave AIMS at 4:15 pm
- Buses might be late to pick up & drop off
- Use the bus app to track your student(s) bus: www.spps.org/transportation
Early Pickup & Dismissal Changes
Early Pickup
- Parents or guardians must come to the main office to sign their student(s) out for the day. Students cannot leave the building without being signed out by an adult.
- If another person will be picking up your child early from school, they must be on your family's approved pickup list. If you need to add or remove someone from your approved pickup list, please update your Parent Portal or call the main office for assistance.
Dismissal Changes
- Please call the main office by 3:00 pm. to change your child's pickup or bus plans. Calling before 3:00 pm. helps ensure your child's teacher is notified before dismissal.
Attendance Matters
If your child will be absent call or email as soon as possible.
- Attendance line: 651-744-6143
- aims@spps.org
- Your name & phone number
- Student's first & last name
- Student's grade & teacher
- Reason for absence
- Date
Check the AIMS calendar for upcoming events and important dates: https://aims.spps.org/calendar
Parent Portal
Please complete the iUpdate for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Campus Portal Help: If you need to reset your password, please call the main office.
You can report your students absence through Parent Portal!
Attention Student Drop Off & Pickup Families 🚗
- All families that regularly pick up students from the Walker/Pickup Door will need a registration form on file and will be assigned a number to hold up at dismissal time. Please visit the main office if you need a walker/pickup form.
- Please have your number ready and visible as you wait by the door. We ask that Families with younger students stand close to the school to ensure your child's safety.
- If another person will be picking up your child/children from school, please call to notify the main office at 651-778-3100 by 3:00 pm. Before we release your child/children to them, the person picking up your child/children must have or know the assigned pickup number.
- Please do not park or let children cross Earl St during drop-off unless they use the crosswalks near 3rd St. East and Fremont Ave. East. Please be sure to not block driveways during arrival or dismissal .There is no crosswalk for children to cross the street directly to the school. The safest place to drop off is northbound, so children are being dropped off in front of the entrance.
- The Earl St. Entrance doors open at 9:15 am and are locked at 9:30 am. If you arrive after 9:30 am, please go to the main entrance off 3rd St East.
- Dismissal: If you arrive after 4:15 pm you must report to the main entrance to pick up your child.
Question of the Month
What would help your child do better in school?
HMONG:Dab tsi thiaj yuav pab tau kom koj tus me nyuam kawm tau ntawv zoo dua nyob rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv?
KAREN : နဖိကမၤလိန့ၢ်တၢ်လၢ ကၠိပူၤဂ့ၤဂ့ၤအဂီၢ်န့ၣ် ဘၣ်မၤစၢၤ တၢ်မနုၤတဖၣ်လဲၣ်.
SOMALI: Maxaa ka caawin kara ilmahaagu inuu iskoolka ku fiicnaado?
SPANISH: ¿Qué le ayudaría a su niño para que le fuese mejor en la escuela?
You can answer the question through the Google Form below, or a paper copy of the Question of the Month will be in the Main Office.
ACCESS Test Notice 📝
The ACCESS Test will be conducted at our school from January 28 through February 28. The English Language Learners will be tested in four domains: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The results will be ready in June 2025 and shared with the families at Fall Conferences. Please contact Elena Seabrook at elena.seabrook@spps.org with any questions."
A Note from the School Counselors & Social Workers 💕
If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that's okay. If your student is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please text "Handle with Care." Nothing else will be said or asked. This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help during the day.
- Allicia Waukau Butler, Elementary Counselor: (612) 405-2029
- Linda Azure, PreK-2nd Social Worker: (651) 327-0410
- Sue Bobolink, 3rd-5th Social Worker: (612) 361-9084
- Maggie Sandvig, Middle School Social Worker: (651) 456-8492
- Teresa Hernandez, Middle School Counselor: (949) 445-0194
School Nurse
Illness Update 😷
If your child is out sick it is important that you notify the the Health Office or call the Attendance Line. When you call you can let us know that your child will be out multiple days or call each day to excuse their absence.
Illness is starting to ramp up at AIMS, please make sure students are washing their hands, and wearing a mask if they are not feeling well.
Please contact the nurse if you have any questions or concerns about your child's health.
Health Office: 651-888-7603
Illness and sending your child to school
Keep your child home if:
- he/she has a fever of 100 degrees or more during the previous evening or night or in the morning.
- has vomited or had diarrhea during the night or in the morning.
- has a rash that may be caused by a disease or if the cause is unknown, check with your family physician before sending the student to school.
If student is at home sick, please call the school attendance line daily to report the reason for absence.
The Culture Corner
Use kind words
Mino giigidon
Use Kind Words
Okíčhiya Waštépi
Community Events & Resources
Seeking Families to Join the Hub! Please share this exciting opportunity with your families! The Economic Mobility Hub is a Long-Term (2 year) Family Coaching program for American Indian families currently living in Ramsey County. Each Family who qualifies and completes the program enrollment is paired with their own Family Coach. The Family Coach will work with families to clarify and make strategic plans for goals centered around the programs four pillars of; • health, work, and income supports • career training and education • financial management and intergenerational wealth building • community connections and cultural supports.
Parent Advisory Councils
American Indian Parent Advisory
Native Voices in Education
Indian Education
SPPS American Indian Ed: Coffee and Comments
Sweetheart Powwow
Friday, February 14th
6:00 - 8:00 pm