Wildcat Weekly
Wednesday Hours are 8:30am - 2:30pm
Email: tlhartley@mpsomaha.org
Website: willowdale.mpsomaha.org
Location: 16901 P Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-715-8280
If you need to get a message to your student about changes in Pick-Up, please call the school at 402-715-8280 before 3:00pm and before 2:00pm on Wednesdays.
Thank you!
Principal Message
1. This is an especially fun time of year full of joy! Please remember to help model that joy in our parking lot at drop-off and pick-up. As the weather gets colder, less children walk, resulting more cars in our parking lot! Bring your patience as we work hard to get our line moving as quickly as we can! Thank you!
2. Getting outside and getting fresh air is so important, even when it is cold! We go outside almost every day! If your children wear shorts, they will be very cold at recess. If they wear a hoodie only and not a coat, they will be very cold at recess. Gloves, mittens and hats are also important! Please help your children make sure they have all of these items (labeled with their name!) so they can enjoy their time outside. Thank you!
3. Thank you for your support at Don & Millie's Night this week!
4. Next Wednesday, 12/11 is McTeacher Night!
5. Have a wonderful weekend with your families!!
Winter Break is coming quickly!
No December meeting for Yearbook Club
Attention 5th Grade Parents
The MPS Algebra Aptitude Assessment will be give to 5th Grade students by Mrs. Gillis on Tuesday, January 14th. Please see the letter below and if you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Gillis.
Incoming Kindergarten Students for the 2025-2026 School Year
PTO Corner
Join PTO Today!
President - Wendy Gibson
Vice President - Brittany Hoebelheinrich
Secretary - Jordan Fletcher
Treasurer - Bridget Perry
Candy Cane Grams!
Paper copies were sent home on Tuesday, November 26th.
Spirit Wear for Willowdale
The link to order Willowdale Spirit Wear is open if you would like to order more Spirit Wear. Plus, don't forget to TAGG your receipt from your purchase, a portion goes back to Willowdale PTO.
Student Directory can be found here!
You can access this year's student directory at this link: Willowdale Student Directory
Pages 1-5 of the directory are sorted by student last name and pages 6-10 are sorted by teacher.
If you need to add information or another student, please fill out this form
Purchase your Yearbook below, with the QR code.
Sign Up for the Snack Cart
2024-2025 School Calendar
The first day of school for the. 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, August 8th.
Approved 2025-2026 School Calendar
Parent's Day Out!
Millard West Educators Rising (Education Academy) is sponsoring a Parent's Day Out on Sunday, December 15th from 1-4 pm. This fundraiser will help us attend the State Educators Rising Convention/Competition in Kearney this February. Want to do some last minute shopping or want to get lunch? Sign up with the QR code below.
Winter Sports Camp
Millard West Post Prom
Watch Dogs
Please use the QR code to sign up to be a Watch Dog. Please only sign up for one or two spots so other dads and moms have a chance to be a Watch Dog.
Thank you.
Important Dates at Willowdale
Skip cooking dinner and join us at McDonald's for McTeacher Night, Dec 11th!
Don & Millie's Night!
Everyone is welcome on each Don & Millie's Night, located at 144th & Harrison streets. Art work will be displayed on the night for that grade level.
Here are the dates for your planning:
January 8th is for 3rd Grade
February 5th is for 4th Grade
March 5th is for 5th Grade
April 2nd is for KG, 1st and 2nd
May 7th is for 3rd, 4th and 5th.
December Lunch Menu
Lunch Choices for the week of December9th - December 13th
Lunch Choices for the week of December 9th - December 13th:
Monday, December 9th
1. Creamy Chicken & Rice Casserole
2. Cheese Pizza
3. Ham & Cheese Wrap
4. Bagel Kidzable
Tuesday, December 10th
1. Breaded Mozzarella Sticks w/Pizza Sauce
2. Spaghetti & Meatballs
3. Chicken BLT Salad & Roll
4. Waffle Kidzable
Wednesday, December 11th
1. Crispito w/Cheese Sauce
2. Chicken Nuggets
3. Fruit N Yo To Go Box
4. Bagel Kidzable
Thursday, December 12th
1. Holiday Meal
2. Waffle Kidzable
Friday, November 13th
1. Sweet & Sour Chicken w/Brown Rice
2. Hamburger
3. Cheese Pizza Kidzable
4. Bagel Kidzable