Overlook Monthly News
May 2024
PTO Pottery Fun!
May News & Highlights!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we step into the merry month of May, I wanted to take a moment to update you on all the exciting happenings at Overlook. It's been a vibrant and productive school year, and as always, your involvement and support have been invaluable to us.
Here are some key highlights and announcements:
End-of-Year Events: With the end of the school year approaching, we have a variety of events planned to celebrate our students' achievements as well as some parent info nights. Please mark your calendars for:
- May 15: Next Year's Washington DC Trip Info Meeting for current 7th grade parents 5:30pm/Team Room
- May 16: 5th Grade Middle School Parent Info Meeting "Step Up Night" 5:30-7pm/Team Room
- May 28: Grade 8 SOARing Eagles Awards Ceremony 6-7pm (invite only)
- June 12: Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony 6-7pm Oakmont Gym; Farewell Dance 7-8:30pm Oakmont Cafeteria
Academic Achievements: Our students continue to excel academically, and we couldn't be prouder. As we near the end of the semester, please encourage your child to stay focused and finish strong.
Upcoming Standardized Testing: In the coming weeks, our grade 8 students will continue participating in MCAS testing. These assessments provide valuable insight into our students' progress and help us tailor our teaching strategies to better meet their needs. They will be testing on May 15 and 16 for the Science, Technology, Engineering MCAS Test and on June 4 and 5 will be taking a Civics MCAS test.
Volunteer Opportunities: We always welcome parent volunteers to assist with various school activities and events like Staff Appreciation Week. If you're interested in volunteering, please reach out to our PTO for more information.
Stay Connected: Don't forget to stay connected with us on social media and through our school ParentSquare for the latest updates and announcements.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any member of our staff. Thank you for your continued support, and let's make the rest of the school year a great success!
Warm regards,
Kristina Bogosh
Dates to Remember
May 2024
May 1 Half Day/Professional Development/dismissal 10:59am
May 2 MCAS Testing Math Grade 6 & 7
May 2 Wingspan 2-2:30pm Room 121
May 3 New to OMS Staff Meeting/Library/7am
May 3 MCAS Testing Math Grade 6 & 7
May 6-9 Washington DC Trip 8th grade
May 8 JRB 5th Grade Tours/Teamroom/9-10:30am (Student Council members will give tours)
May 9 WES 5th Grade Tours/Teamroom/9-10:30am (Student Council members will give tours)
May 10 Last Day Enrichment 7
May 13 First Day Enrichment 8
May 13-17 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
May 15 MCAS Testing STE Grade 8
May 15 Soar Meeting/ Library 2-3pm
May 15 7th Grade Parent Washington DC info meeting/ 5:30 pm/Teamroom
May 16 MCAS Testing STE Grade 8
May 16 5th Grade Parent Night/Teamroom/5:30-7pm (6th grade & Enrichment teachers in attendance)
May 17 8th Grade HS elections meeting/Teamroom/F block/7:35-8:33
May 17 Mike Garofano/Oakmont Youth Football/7th grade lunch
May 20 Dan Dufour meets with interested 8th grade class officer candidates/Teamroom/7:35-8:33
May 21 Wingspan 2-2:30pm Room 121
May 22 Marching Band/State House visit/Buses arrive @ 9:15am
May 24 8th grade (incoming Freshman) Class Officer nomination forms and recommendation letters due by end of the day
May 27 No School - Memorial Day
May 28 SOARing Eagles Ceremony/Oakmont Auditorium/6-7:15pm
May 29 Half Day/dismissal 10:59am
May 30 Dan Dufour last meeting with 8th grade candidates
May 31 Middle School State Track meet @ Clinton HS - 1:30 dismissal
May 31 Oakmont Graduation May 31 Oakmont Senior Class GraduationJune 12 Grade 8 Promotion Night 6-7pm Oakmont Gymnasium; Farewell Dance 7-8:30pm
June 13 Last Day of School! (Half Day)
Grade 8 Washington DC Trip: News and Updates
Upcoming Washington Information
Washington DC News (Less than a week and counting)
A few updates from your Washington DC advisors:
All students attending the Washington DC trip have a MANDATORY Luggage Drop off on Sunday, May 5th between 12-3pm DON'T BE LATE!
Please check the packing list when packing-Reminder...NO water bottles, NO other backpacks other than the provided one, NO Sleeping bags and NO medication that has not been accounted for by the nurse.
Remember to take all morning medications before departure on Monday May 6th. No medication will be distributed that morning.
Departure is on Monday May 6th-ALL STUDENTS MUST BE AT THE SCHOOL BY 4:30am!
Thank you to all the parents and guardians for donating snacks. We will be accepting any additional snacks up to luggage drop off day.
Follow us on Instagram at www.instagram.com/eaglesgo2dc/ for updated information and pictures from our trip.
Are you interested in going to Washington DC? We are already planning!
Informational meeting for 7th grade parents (not students) is scheduled for May 15th at 5:30pm in the Teamroom.
Come find out about the DC trip for 2024-2025!
Thank you,
Kristin Belkin and Colleen Moran
Review the behavior matrix and the handbook expectations with your child. Misconduct will not be tolerated on the trip.
Triss Plooster and Ellarie Healey are the winners of the DC Trip 2024 T-Shirt and Backpack designs! Congrats! See designs below!
Grade 6 Greek Plays!
Mr. Duncan's classes showing their skills on stage!
Wingspan Monthly Editions
The new April edition has arrived! Check it out HERE.
Did you sign up for ParentSquare yet?
If you feel inundated with emails or have trouble keeping up with email, Parent Square has a great feature if you download the application to your phone. The application will allow you to receive text notifications on school information/updates without having to rummage through your email's inbox to find them.
After-School Clubs- Info
PTO Pottery Fundraiser
Huge thanks to the PTO for their awesome fundraiser where students could hangout and paint pottery after school! Check out the pics below!
Important Notices & Reminders
Student Drinks & Candy & the Selling OR RENTING of Items
Students are not allowed to use cell phones in school. Some students have thought it would be a good business to rent out their old cell phones to students who lost cell phone privliges at home! This is not allowed or condoned. Please monitor your child's cell phones.
Students are only allowed water for drinks in class. There have been some young business entrepreneurs at OMS in the past that have been selling the popular "Prime" drinks (as well as other things such as candy and sneakers!).
Students are not authorized nor allowed to sell anything at school. Moreover, these drinks are not allowed. Please ensure that your student is not bringing these drinks to school or buying or selling or renting out any items at school or on the bus.
Charging Chromebooks
Coming prepared to school doesn't just mean bring a pencil and notebook - it also means making sure chromebook is charged. Please ensure your child's nightly routine includes charging their chromebook for the next day of learning.
SMART Watches
SMART watches are considered a personal device. Teachers have found that they can serve as a considerable distraction to students during class. They are also banned by the state during MCAS testing. We ask that all SMART watches be left at home or in the lockers during the school day. Please and thank you.
Parent Drop-Off / Pickup
Students cannot enter the building before 7:10am as there is no supervision.
Between 7:10-7:20, drive around the back of the building and have student exit by south side of building and walk up the front sidewalk to the front doors.
Between 7:20-7:30 drive around back of building and have student exit through the back door monitored by a staff member.
Breakfast begins at 7:20 (students can exit the bus at this time if eating breakfast only).
Students exit bus at 7:30.
Classes begin at 7:35am.
Dismissal is at 1:50pm.
Please be sure to not park in the general parking areas to let students off or pick them up. Use the line that goes behind the school. This is a safety concern with students running through parking lots and parents disrupting traffic patterns.
Also, please pay attention to staff members directing traffic. Do not drive-by when they ask you to stop.
Passing busses with flashing lights is a $250 traffic citation.
Dress Code
Students should not be wearing pajamas or slippers to school. This is part of our dress code. We do on occasion have a spirit day where students are allowed to wear pajamas as a "treat" but appropriate, everyday school attire does not include pajamas or slippers. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for school. Thank you!
- If students come to school in slippers or pajamas we may ask that parents come and bring the appropriate attire to school for students to change.
OMS Behavior Matrix
Be Respectful; Be Responsible; Be Ready to Learn
Please continually REVIEW expectations with you child.
We see the school and home as a partnership. We ask to review these expectations with your child in an effort to create unified expectations from both the school and home fronts. Please see the matrix attachment below to review with your child.
Notice From Nurse Taylor's Office
- If your student requires an epipen or inhaler at school or during after school activities, they must have written parent permission and doctor's orders on file with the health office whether the medication is in the health office or they are carrying it. If you are not sure about the status of your student's paperwork or have any questions, please contact me at ntaylor@awrsd.org.
- According to the Massachusetts school immunization requirements, it is recommended that students receive the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and tetanus) vaccine at age 11-12. One dose is required in Grade 7-12. It is typically given at the physical before entering Grade 7.
- The meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is also required with the first dose typically given in Grade 7 and the second dose given in Grade 11.
- Please submit documentation of these vaccines when your child receives them. This may be faxed by your physician's office to 978-827-4986, emailed to me or brought to school by your child (not recommended as frequently it is forgotten in the backpack).
- **In order to play sports, you must have an up-to-date physical in the last 13 months and must go to the Athletic website page and complete the online registration. Any questions please contact Athletic Director edawley@awrsd.org.
- Lastly, we want parents to know that if students call a parent/guardian to pick them up because they are not feeling well and a nurse has not officially dismissed them for medical reasons, this is an UNEXCUSED absence. We ask parents to discourage their child from trying to call home to be dismissed.
Mass Partnership for Youth Resource for Parents
New Great Parent Resource!
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce its new, free MPY Parenting Solutions Library. To date, over 2,200 videos have been borrowed. MPY is offering the MPY Parenting Solutions Library in partnership with Peace At Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Peace At Home Parenting Solutions is a dynamic hub of trusted knowledge and compassionate support that inspires parents to create positive change for their children, their families and themselves. Through this new partnership, MPY is pleased to offer proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. When parents grasp the interconnection between the brain, body, and behavior, they experience reduced stress levels, resulting in less stress for their children.
The Peace At Home Parenting Solutions team, comprised of experts with advanced degrees, stays abreast of the latest advancements in child development. With more than 30 specialists focused on child and adolescent development, including specific issues such as difficulties in school, mental health challenges, neurodiversity, LGBTQ+ identity formation, handling racism, navigating grief, and other matters parents and our partners identify. These experts present easy-to-use strategies for long-lasting change.
Parents can watch or just listen to experts who get right to the point solving big and small challenges. The 24 library presentations focus on the topics below. Each presentation includes a 10-minute videos and handouts.
· Inspire School Success for Elementary, Middle and High School Students
· Parenting Principles for Progress Not Perfection
· Mental Health Knowledge and Skills
· Support Your Anxious Child Library
· ADHD and Autism: How to Help Your Child Thrive
The Home Parenting Library may easily be accessed using the link: https://peaceathomeparenting.com/mpy-solution-libraries/ No log in or passcode is needed.
Parent Education & Resources Corner
Resources on the impact of cell phone and social media on the teen brain
- NIH Articles: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6449671/
- VIDEO: https://youtu.be/kGZvNbfrNag
- WEBSITE: https://www.humanetech.com/youth
- NYT Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PdtQZAuVsflH0SuM9E6BMNyDkq9NPcjq/view
- NYT Article: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zvHPmlIQios-a2llfLFyj6DbdMWB5h8S/view
- Guardian Article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/05/smartphone-addiction-silicon-valley-dystopia
- PEW Research: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/social-media/
- VIDEO: https://youtu.be/rv0g8TsnA6c
- TIME Article: https://time.com/5555737/smartphone-mental-health-teens/
- INFOGRAPHIC: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/technology-addiction-concern-controversy-and-finding-balance-infographic
Resources on talking to children about race and bias
- Smithsonian & NMAAHC WEBSITE (Race): https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race
- Anti-Defamation League WEBSITE: https://www.adl.org/resources/tools-and-strategies/talking-young-children-about-bias-and-prejudice
- Oakland Library Resources DOCUMENT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s0lCA3FlulVhK6DFE2d3uYCipc6ApY8Gn2rMwm6fYqw/edit
- PJ Library WEBSITE (Antisemitism): https://pjlibrary.org/beyond-books/pjblog/february-2022/how-to-talk-to-children-about-anti-semitism
- Nick Helps WEBSITE (Bullying Prevention): https://www.nick.com/nick-helps/bullying-prevention/
PTO Corner
Updates & News
PTO Updates & News
The next meeting is on May 14th at 6:00 pm in the OMS Library.
All are welcome to attend the meeting. Get the latest information about the school and how you can help from our Principal Kristina Bogosh and Assistant Principal Lori Shattuck.
Thank you to all those who volunteered at the Wizard of OZ concession stand. We had a great turn out and PTO was honored to support the OMS drama club by helping to supply the beautiful backdrop for the production. We are so proud of all of our students, Ms. Daigle and Mrs. Normand for putting on a great production.
Thank you to all the students and staff who participated in out first pottery painting event with "The Pottery Place" from Lunenburg. All finished potter was displayed at the Education of the Arts Night. Thank you to Mrs. Stanton for organizing the event and Mr. Szlay and Ms. Bennett for showcasing all of our student's art. Check out the pictures below.
PTO is hosting a teacher and staff appreciation week on May 14th-17th. This is coming up very quickly and we are getting all the last details in order. If you would like to show your appreciation for a teacher or staff member at our school please help us by donating a small token of your appreciation to our Venmo account or help by signing up to volunteer during the week. All donations will go directly back to our staff. IF you would rather donate a gift card to our raffle or food to our lunches/breakfasts, we will also be happy to accept what you are willing to give.
So if a teacher or staff member has helped you or your child this year please consider supporting PTO by giving them a great week of appreciation. Please reach out to overlookmspto@gmail.com with any questions.
OMSPTO Venmo Account
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Volunteers Sign Up
Thank you to all the local businesses and individuals who have already donated.
Jane Clabaugh
1st Day School Supplies
Kathie Thibeault
Nuttin' Bundt Cakes
Houston-Chadbourne Family
Houston-Chadbourne Family
Five Chicken Farm
Woo Sox
Woo Sox
Tara Watson
Beth Klein
Hames & Axle Farm
Salt & Embers
Emily LaMarca/Cole LaMarca-Alumni
Danielle Ferguson
Cheryl Gandreau/Stretch's Pickles
Susan Harris
Katie Whetherbee
Parker Stiles-Alumni
Red Apple Farm-Lorie Moore
Gardner Ale House-Debbie Morris
Jordan Grondell-Bits and Bobs
Joyce Dossett-Kitchen Garden
Smith's Country Cheese
Gardner Cinema
Wachusett Brewyard
Wachusett Brewyard Retail
Great Wolf Lodge
Westminster Cafe
Spice and Grain
Painted Goat
S'amoreray's and Sons
Tanner Petty Coaching
Art on the Rocks
Old Mill
Theatre at the Mount
Starbucks Gardner
Cox Family
Stanton Family
Polar Seltzer
Smith's Country Cheese
Texas Roadhouse
S'amoreray's and Sons
Dunkin Donuts
Panera Bread
Huguenin Family
Hildreth Family
Groskreutz Family
Gauvin Family
Courtemanche Family
Tara Ahern
Christine Carney
Ann Star
Rasmussen Family
Ross Family
Take a look at our website https://sites.google.com/awrsd.org/overlookmspto/home or our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram OverlookMSPTO for all the latest information.
Please check the Portal regularly. Google Classroom is not an accurate indicator of grades. Please reach out to the teacher directly if you have any questions.
Kindergarten Registration is open!
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)
Get involved in SEPAC
General membership to the Ashburnham-Westminster Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is open to all AWRSD parents/guardians of children with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 Plans and other interested parties. We are in need of volunteers to help plan workshops, staff tables at local school and community events, become future leaders, assist other parents, and plan new activities and projects. We welcome you to learn more about SEPAC and our work on our website, https://sites.google.com/view/ashburnham-westminster-sepac. You can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ashwestsepac. Please contact Justine Muir if interested in SEPAC jmuir@awrsd.org.