HDMS Newsletter
September 2024
Greetings From HDMS!!!
It’s great to have the 2024 - 2025 school year off and running! Grade level teams spent the first day of school engaging the students in get to know you and team building activities. It was great having everyone back in the building! The students did an outstanding job the first day and week of school! Boys and girls soccer along with cross country have been practicing and looking forward to their first matches and meets of the fall season. Congratulations to the girls’ soccer team for winning their first match of the season on Monday, September 16!
We completed the iReady fall diagnostic testing last week. The iReady diagnostic is given to students three times during the school year, September, January and June. Students will start working on their iReady growth goals for the school year in advisory.
We are incorporating a PREP period in the schedule this year. This is similar to the PREP period that the high school uses. PREP is a 39 minute period each day that provides time for students to receive more support in a class or classes. Students also have the opportunity to take an enrichment class during this time. During advisory on Thursdays and Fridays, advisors meet with their advisees to look at grades and schedule students into the appropriate classes for the next week in PREP.
We are all looking forward to a great school year!
Go Hillcats!
HDMS Administration
For the health and safety of the student body, students are not permitted to bring energy drinks and/or caffeinated beverages into the school building. Types of beverages include, but are not limited to, iced coffee, hot coffee, hot tea, iced tea, latte, cappuccino, macchiato, coolatta, and energy drinks. Students will be asked to dispose of their drink when entering the building.
8th Grade
ELA - In 8th Grade ELA, students have been busy familiarizing themselves with classroom procedures and expectations, setting the stage for a successful school year. They are currently exploring figurative language through the use of interactive notebooks, which provide a creative and engaging approach to learning. Additionally, each week, students read a nonfiction article and delve into content-specific vocabulary, helping to build their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Social Studies - We’ve had an engaging start to the school year in Social Studies as we dive into the fascinating journey of the United States' expansion and influence from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Here’s a snapshot of what our students have been exploring:
Building an Empire: We began by examining how the United States transitioned from a young nation into a burgeoning global power. Students delved into key events and strategies that fueled this expansion, learning about the impact of industrialization and the drive for international influence.
Expanding Boundaries: Our journey continued with a look at how the U.S. extended its borders, focusing on significant acquisitions and treaties that shaped the nation. Students explored the motivations behind this territorial expansion and its effects on both the country and the regions involved.
Opening Trade with Japan: A highlight of our studies was the pivotal moment when the United States established trade relations with Japan. Students researched the historical context of Commodore Matthew Perry's expedition and its long-lasting implications on international diplomacy and trade.
Spheres of Influence in China: We then shifted our focus to China, where the concept of spheres of influence became central to U.S. foreign policy. Students investigated the dynamics between Western powers and China, analyzing how these relationships influenced global politics.
Annexing Hawaii: Finally, we examined the annexation of Hawaii, exploring the strategic, economic, and cultural factors that led to its incorporation into the United States. Students discussed the complex interplay of power and diplomacy in this significant historical event.
To bring their learning to life, students created postcards as a creative project. They researched specific locations tied to these historical events and designed postcards that capture the essence of each place. This project not only reinforced their research skills but also allowed them to express their understanding in a visually engaging way.
Health Class Update: Exciting Greenhouse Adventures!!
Our Health classes recently had the opportunity to visit the new Hillsboro-Deering Greenhouse. During this hands-on experience, students planted a variety of herbs and greens, including arugula, sweet basil, cilantro, and lettuce.
The 7th and 8th grade groups will be engaging in an exciting experiment where they will compare the growth of their plants in the greenhouse to those grown in the hydroponic garden located in the library. This project marks a fantastic beginning to our discussions on nutrition and healthy eating!
Stay tuned for more updates on their progress!
7th Grade
ELA - Students have gotten off to a good start this year! Currently, the students are in the process of reading and analyzing short stories as a way to go over what they learned from last year. They are constructing narrative plot diagram posters as a way to showcase their knowledge on different aspects of the written text. These reading activities over the next few weeks will prepare students for our first major book study unit where they will be reading "Zane and the Hurricane". Overall the students are doing a nice job and showing good amounts of effort in their work to begin seventh grade!
Math - Students are working on scale drawings and scale factors. Scale drawings are important because they allow us to understand the relationship between a representation and reality, and they are used in many fields:
Architecture and engineering
Scale drawings are used to design and plan large-scale projects like buildings and machinery. They allow for the accurate representation of details and proportions, and can be used to estimate costs and materials needed.
Scale drawings are used to create maps, which can be used to find real-world distances or to make accurate maps.
Clothing design
Scale drawings are used in clothing design.
Understanding small objects
Scale drawings can be used to create images that help us understand small objects like insects and cells.
Science - Students are learning about and reviewing lab safety. We are also familiarizing ourselves with lab equipment and units of measure. Students will continue to take a more indepth look at Mass, Weight and Volume.
Yearbooks are on sale NOW! 8th graders will get a FREE book, but can get addons. Fill out a paper form and pay for your extras. 6th and 7th grade are represented in a lot of the yearbook as well! Get your copy for only $25 now. Sale ends December 31st. Go to yearbookforever.com, or click this link to order online.
6th Grade
ELA - Students are getting started on their Passion Projects. Now that everyone has chosen a topic, students are exploring potential resources online, at the school library, and will visit Fuller Public Library on September 20th. We are looking forward to our evening Passion Project Exhibit in October!
Math - Students will be working on area, algebraic expressions, and exponents.
Social Studies - Student will be focusing on all things geography. Students will be studying the
five themes of geography and learning about all of the continents.
Science - Students will start the year reviewing lab safety and then they'll get started on an astronomy unit.
Media Center News
I am thrilled to announce that the Library Media Center is buzzing with excitement and ready for exploration! There is an amazing selection of new books just waiting to be discovered. Students are invited to drop by from 7:00 AM to 7:17 AM and throughout the day with teacher permission.
But that's not all! Our Makerspace area is bursting with creativity and innovation. During Prep, students can dive into fun activities with Legos, snap circuits, beads, and so much more!
Our Computer Science and Media Lab classes have kicked off with an engaging focus on communication and collaboration, alongside learning the fundamentals of computers and journalism.
I can't wait to embark on this fantastic semester with all of you! Stay tuned for information about a Scholastic Book Fair coming in October.
Hillcat Health
SNAP Parent Portal:
School nurses cannot give any medication without written consent from parent. We need all parents to fill out the parent permission in the SNAP portal to allow the nurse to give out any over the counter medications. To access the SNAP portal go to the website HTTPS://www.studentehr.com Log in with the email that you used to set up powerschool if you cannot remember your password you can
reset it using the email link. Then go to the medication section and opt in on all medication that you would like to allow the school nurse to give your student.
Lions Club vision screening: The Lion’s club will be in the district to do vision screenings from Sept 24-26 th . If you would like your student to participate in this free screening please fill out the permission form and return it to the school health office by 9/23/24. Forms can be found in the email from the district or printed copies are available at the health office.
Please make sure to get their sports physical into the health office before tryouts. We need a current physical (within the last 12 months) on file for all student athletes. This includes a history of immunizations. If you need a sports physical we have a limited number of vouchers from convenient MD for free or discounted sports physicals. Reach out to the school health office if you have any questions.
FLU Clinic:
Welcome back to a new school year! This fall, Hillsboro Deering Schools will be hosting a school-
based flu clinic. Our clinic will take place Oct 18th during the school day, and licensed and trained
medical professionals will give all vaccines. It’s provided at NO COST to your family. The flu vaccine is recommended for children 6 months of age and older by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
If you would like your child to receive an influenza vaccine in school, please sign the consent form
and return to your school nurse. Written consent is required for your child to participate. Consent
forms must be returned no later than Oct 16th. Consent forms are available at the school’s main
office or the health office.
Vaccine Information Statements are available from the CDC to help answer your
questions. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/index.html You may also direct questions to your
school nurse or the NH Immunization Program at (800) 852-3345, ext. 4482.
Health Hints:
Upper Respiratory illness: it is virus season. Cold, flu and COVID are back in full swing. If your student has a fever, server cough or sore throat please let them stay home and rest until they are feeling better. Students need to be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.
Here are a few helpful hints from the health office. You can share health information with the school nurse via the SNAP portal. Go to the SNAP portal website https://www.studentehr.com. To log on use the email you registered your student with and if you do not have a password use the forgot password function to set a new password. From this site you can send the nurses messages and give permission to treat of give OTC medications. Giving consent on the Powerschool site is not the same as the SNAP site. Please use the SNAP site to give consent to give over the counter medications at school.
Updated physicals for your student can be uploaded to SNAP at any time or you can fax them directly to the health office at 603 218 6456. Children are due for a tetanus booster shot around age 11. Please send an updated immunization record to the health office when your child gets any new immunizations. Please update any Asthma Action Plans or Allergy Plans with you PCP and send
to the health office.