Westmoor TelegRAM 02/03/25

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Principal's Message
Dear Westmoor community,
For those of you that celebrated, I want to wish a happy Lunar New Year! I hope that it was a time of rest and quality time spent with families, friends, and those close to you. As we head into February, I have a few things I'd like to highlight:
- Key school staff members will begin training with the rest of San Mateo County on February 4th on how to best support and protect our school community, particularly immigrant students/families and LGBTQ+ students. This is in response to the shifting actions and proclamations of the new federal administration, which we understand has caused many families to wonder how they might be impacted. I want to reiterate that the Westmoor administration and district leadership is committed to educating and serving our entire local Daly City community, without exception. A major part of that of course, is creating a safe and inclusive learning environment, where students can learn without fear of intimidation or threat. I will send a standalone message soon with more information and resources for our school community.
- To this end, teachers and school staff have created and begun the distribution of "Red Cards," which are small printed cards that contain basic information on student and family rights in the event of an interaction with immigration authorities. Anyone interested in obtaining more can find them in the main office, translated in several languages.
- We are more than halfway through this grading period! If you have not checked your student's grades, please do so via the ParentVUE app, and check in with your student about any concerns.
- We are continuing to notify parents of tardies through texts and emails. These updates are sent 1-2 times a week and are part of a new initiative started this semester to keep parents more up-to-date on student attendance. Please be aware that students have been reminded that chronic absences can lead to detentions being issued. Westmoor's tardy policy outlines that students with three or more tardies in the same class, within one grading period, will be issued detention automatically. Tardy sweeps are also conducted and announced well ahead of time, during which late students are issued detention during passing period. Please speak with your students about the importance of attending class on time, and check ParentVUE regularly to view your student's attendance.
- Westmoor will be hosting a Ramadan community event on March 14th, 6 pm - 8:30 pm! We invite our students, their families, and local community members to break their fast together on the Westmoor campus, bring a dish to share, and enjoy a potluck dinner. More information will be provided as we get closer to this event.
As always, thank you for your time, and do reach out if you have any questions!
Victor Zou
Interim Principal
Every family should have a Family Preparedness Plan in case of an emergency. It is critical for immigrant families to think ahead and set more concrete plans for immigration emergencies that can arise. See the Immigrant Legal Resource Center's Family Preparedness Plan:
Click or scan the QR codes if you're interested in Wellness support groups 🫂
There is lots to celebrate in the library right now!
Stop by the library to get your Lunar New Year and Ground Hog Day sticker! Valentine’s Day stickers will be coming soon.
This week, the American Library Association announced their Award Winners for 2025! They will be featured in the library shortly. Stay updated with Novel News for more information.
The theme for Valentine’s Day will be "Love Conquers All." Check out the library's new decor for the upcoming week!
Please check out the programming at Daly City Public Library. The 2025 schedule is up for the Serramonte Library.
Young Adult Novelist Convention 2025 is rapidly approaching!
We look forward to a day of author panels, book signings, and writing workshops 😊
Join us at the Redwood City Public Library on Saturday, February 8th for YANovCon!
11:00 am – 4:30 pm
Redwood City Public Library
1044 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063
February Meal Menus 💝🤌
Stay tuned for February's weekly meal menus!
Daily Reminders ❗
Spring sports begin their season on Monday, February 3rd! Tryouts and/or practices for some teams are listed below.
3:45 pm at the Baseball Field
Boys Tennis
3:45 - 5:00 pm at the Tennis Courts
3:45 pm at the Track
Boys Volleyball
Non-transferable between families. ID required for all games.
Does not guarantee admission to sold-out games.
Athletic Events 🏀⚽🤼
Click your counselor's flyer below to schedule an appointment with them 👇
If you need assistance, reach out to our school administrators:
Dr. Monica Nagy
Mrs. Tina Yee
Dr. Sterling He
About Us
"It is the mission of Westmoor High School to address the diverse educational needs of our students. Westmoor is committed to the integration of technology and a variety of teaching strategies to engage the whole child and prepare students for success in advanced study, careers, and employment."