Bulldog Bulletin
January 20-24
Office: 623-547-1200 (Open beginning 7/22/24)
Fax: 623-547-4770
Office Hours: 7:45am – 3:30pm
School Hours: 8:15am – 3:00pm
Monday, January 20th- NO SCHOOL- MLK Day!
Wednesday, January 15th- Early Release 1:00 pm
Tuesday, January 21st- COINS WARS BEGIN!!!---See Details Below!
Wednesday, January 22nd-100TH DAY OF SCHOOL!!!--- DRESS LIKE YOU ARE 100 or like its 2125!!
Wednesday, January 22nd- Early Release 1:00 pm
Friday, January 24th- GLOW DANCE- Details Below
Wednesday, January 29th- Early Release 1:00 pm--PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES
Thursday, January 30th- McTeacher Night 5:00pm-7:00pm
Friday, January 31st Top Dog Assembly 2:20 pm
Wednesday, February 19th: 4:30-6:00 pm- Kinder Experience!
Friday February 21st- Fun Run- MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW!
Spelling Bee Winners!!!
Congratulations Addison Orozco and Jose Orozco for winning the Dreaming Summit Spelling Bee. They advanced to the District Spelling Bee.
Check out the district new safety hub with many resources for parents, students and staff!
Tax Credit Donations!!!
Tax Credit Donation Link - LIVE Online!! LESD Tax Credit Donations
There are two options to make an online TC donation
Parents/Guardians - They will use their ParentVue user information to create an account. This is the best option for families so that they can easily access their receipts and see any fees for their child(ren)
Community Members - This is for all non-parent users
Resource for Families LESD Online Payment Direction
Make a difference for our students. By donating through Arizona's Public School Tax Credit by April 15, you’ll directly support programs that support our students' education at Litchfield Elementary School District #79. In addition, you will also receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your state taxes.
Your tax credit donation can help fund:
- Sports
- Visual and performing arts
- Field trips
- Outdoor education
- Character education programs
Here’s how it works:
Single or Head of Household Filers: Donate up to $200
Married Couples Filing Jointly: Donate up to $400
Visit www.lesd79.org/TaxCredit to learn more and make your contribution today.
Thank you for supporting our students, together, we can make a difference.
Coach Sibrel's Corner
Our Words Matter-
We strive to create a supportive and safe learning environment, we've noticed that students are sometimes unaware of how their words can affect others – both positively and negatively.
Children at this age are still developing their social skills and emotional awareness. They're learning to navigate friendships, express their feelings, and understand others' perspectives. This makes it the perfect time to help them recognize that their words have real power to build up or hurt their classmates.
Here are some ways you can reinforce these important lessons at home:
1. Model thoughtful speech: Children learn primarily by example. When they hear us speaking respectfully to others, using kind words to resolve conflicts, and acknowledging when our words have hurt someone, they internalize these behaviors.
2. Discuss the impact of words: When reading stories together or talking about your child's day, take time to explore how different characters or people might feel based on what was said to them. Ask questions like "How do you think that made them feel?" or "What could they have said instead?"
3. Acknowledge both positive and negative impacts: Help your child recognize not just when words hurt, but also when they help. Celebrate moments when they use their words to encourage a sibling, comfort a friend, or solve a problem peacefully.
4. Practice-Stop. Think. Speak.: Teach your child to take a brief moment before speaking when they're upset. A simple strategy like taking three deep breaths can help them choose their words more carefully.
5. Create a safe space for mistakes: We all say things we regret sometimes. Help your child understand that while we can't take back our words, we can apologize, learn from our mistakes, and make better choices next time.
Remember that this is an ongoing learning process. Your child may need gentle reminders and consistent support as they develop these skills. If you notice your child struggling with using appropriate language or if they report being hurt by others' words, please don't hesitate to reach out to their teacher.
Together, we can help our students understand that their words matter and give them the tools they need to communicate with kindness and respect.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
An excellent way for you to stay involved and informed about your child’s school experience is to participate in our Volunteer Program. You can complete the online or in-person training with DSE. Parents volunteering for any school function, must complete the training. You are required to update your paperwork each year! Starting this year you only have to complete the training one time! So if you have already taken the training at DSE, you only need to turn in the paperwork. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Your child’s safety is our number one priority. You can complete the paperwork Volunteer - Litchfield Elementary School District and you can email: dsevolunteer@lesd.k12.az.us to sign up for a training.
Once approved, all volunteer opportunities must be coordinated with the classroom teacher or supervising staff member. The staff member will communicate with the office to let them know how/when they will be utilizing your support.
Individuals listed on your contact list are intended for emergency situations only. They will only be allowed on campus or allowed to participate in school activities (ie; field trips) if they are over 21 and you are accompanying them. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and your family but it is our intent to keep our campus secure and keep your child safe.
January 28th: 7 am
February 11th: 5 pm
February 25th: 7 am
Opting In for Transportation
The QR codes below can be used to register your child for transportation for the 24/25 School Year. One code is iPhone friendly and the other is Android friendly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email transportation@lesd79.org and someone will respond to you within 24-48 hours.
With the end of the USDA Universal Meal Program, LESD will no longer be able to provide free meals for all students for the 2023-2024 school year. We strongly encourage all families to apply for the Free and Reduced Meal Benefits Program. Applications for the 2023-2024 school year will be available and processed after July 1, 2023.
Breakfast and lunch pricing for the 2023-2024 school year: https://www.lesd79.org/departments/food-services/free-and-reduced-price-meals-application
Breakfast: $1.60/day
Lunch: $2.85/day
SIMPLIFY LIFE: Make your school lunch payments online. Go to: https://www.lesd79.org/departments/food-services Click: Online Meal Payment.
Our PTSA is an essential part of our school! We are fortunate to already have a strong committed group of individuals excited to support our students, staff and community. We are looking for additional members with ideas, energy, talents and strengths. We invite you to become an active PTSA member and visit our membership table at Open House Night. Spirit Gear is available for purchase at Open House. PTSA will meet every month. Follow our Bulldog PTSA on Facebook and on their website: https://dse.lesd79.org/get-involved/parent-organization
Parent Square
Litchfield Elementary School District launched a new form of school-to-home communication. ParentSquare is designed to keep parents informed and facilitate participation at school. It provides a safe way for the school principal, teachers, staff, and parents/guardians to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Parents – Getting Started video
All school/grade level and classroom information can now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text or you can download the free App and set the time you would like to have your non-critical messages delivered.
Parent View
ParentVUE is a secure web-based information management system that provides parents/guardians the ability to view their child's assignments, grades, attendance, report cards and contact information.
Need help accessing? Please review the ParentVUE FAQ document.