Banks Elementary School News
October 2024
A Word From Principal Rosenberg
Greetings Banks Families,
As we wrap up the first quarter of this school year, we are encouraged by the growth seen on the benchmark testing. The hard work of our staff and students is paying off. We had several classes who had perfect attendance on their testing days, so thank you to the parents for making sure your children were at school!
The month of October is going to be a busy one! Our teachers will be entering grades on October 4th, grading day, so no classes for students. Grades and progress reports will be available for parents to view on their ParentVue accounts by Wednesday, October 9th. Make sure you check the calendar for other important events happening throughout the month!
Our campus will be closed for Fall Break October 7th - 11th. We hope your family has a safe and restful break and look forward to seeing students back to school on Monday, October 14th.
Principal, Banks Elementary School WR:cm
Calendar of Events
October / November
Oct 1-3 Text-Talk-Act Presentations for 5th / 6th graders
Oct 3 Student Council forms due
Oct 4 Grading Day - no classes for students
Oct 7-11 Fall Break - campus closed
Oct 14 Cross Country meet Jesse Owens Park 4:00
Oct 16 Student Council speeches 1:45
Oct 17 Up A Level Celebration
Oct 18 Walk & Roll to School day
Oct 18 Mariachi Performances at Community Time 9:30
Oct 21 Picture Retakes
Oct 21 Cross Country meet Ft Lowell park 4:00
Oct 21 Cyber Safety Presentation for parents 4:30-5:30
Oct 22 Site Council, Family Engagement Meeting 3:45
Oct 23 Professional Development Day - no classes for students
Oct 23-31 Red Ribbon Week
Oct 24 4:30 Hiking Club family hike at Banks
Oct 25 Student of the Month for October
Oct 25 Q1 Awards
Oct 28 Cross Country meet Mansfeld Park 4:00
Oct 31 Costume Parade
Nov 4 GATE Testing for 2nd grade Opt-In
Nov 6 GATE Testing for 1st grade Opt-In
Nov 7 Cross Country Championship at Palo Verde 4:00
Nov 8 Veteran's Day Celebration 10:00
All dates subject to change. Join us every Friday at 9:30 for our School Community Time
Stay informed on everything happening at Banks by Class Do-Jo, Facebook and our Website
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Hult, School Counselor
Hello Banks Families!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. After exploring feelings, students will review the cause and effect of bullying. At Banks, we say BOO to bullying by practicing preventative methods. Students learn ways to problem solve to work through peer conflicts. Healthy conflict/resolution skills include respectful problem solving methods, honoring personal space and boundaries, using assertive language and I Messages, and sorting out peer issues through Restorative Circles. Practice at Home: Look out for resources being sent home to reinforce healthy conflict/resolution at home. These can be used when handling peer, sibling and parent-child conflicts!
To refer a student, see me in person, call 520-908-5700 or email me.
For more information about TUSD family resources and family events, please check out the Bobcat Family Connection
Costume Parade
October 31 2:00
Join us for our annual Costume Parade on October 31 at 2:00. We are asking families to support this event by sending in unopened, individually wrapped candy. The classroom with the most ounces of candy donated will lead the parade!
Curriculum Updates
Mrs. Stevens, Curriculum Service Provider
Hello Bobcat Families!
Quarter 1 District Benchmark Assessments are finishing up this first week of October. I want to give a SHOUT OUT to our 3rd, 4th and 6th grade classes for having perfect attendance on testing days. Students are at an advantage when they take the Benchmark in class with their teacher and not during a make up session. THANK YOU families for having your students here, on time for testing!
We have scheduled a celebration for those students who are proficient or have made growth in DIBELS, Q1 ELA, and Q1 Math Benchmarks. We are proud of our Bobcats and want to recognize their hard work!
Thank you for your partnering with us to positively impact your child’s education!
Proud to be a part of this Bobcat Community! Rachel Stevens, Banks CSP
Fall Break
Grading day is Friday, October 4, no school for students. October 7-11 is Fall Break. Campus will be closed. Students return to class on Monday, October 14.
Hiking Club
October 24 4:30
Hiking Club forms are due ASAP. Join us on our first Family Hike at Banks Elementary on Thursday, October 24th at 4:30 pm. All are welcome with an adult chaperone on this first family hike. Our next two hikes are in November & December. Those hikes will be chaperoned and include bus transportation. You must sign up ahead of time to ensure transportation due to limited availability.
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all enrolled TUSD students for 2024-2025. Breakfast is served from 8:30-9:00. Lunch is served as follows:
- 1st grade 11:20-11:55
- 2nd grade 11:30-12:05
- 3rd grade 11:40-12:15
- 4th grade 11:50-12:25
- 5th grade 12:00-12:35
- Kindergarten 12:15-12:50
- 6th grade 12:50-1:30
School Picture Retakes
October 21
School picture retakes will be on October 21. If you want your child to take retakes, please send in the original picture packet with them. If you want to have your child's picture taken, please pay on-line and refer to school ID number EVT9PQWJG.
Scholastic Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair A Huge Success!
A big THANK YOU to our Banks' families for supporting September's Book Fair! Over $2,000 was earned for our library to purchase new materials and books. Thank you to Ms. Felix for heading up this event!
Student Absences
When your child is absent from school, please call 520-908-5702 or email to report the reason for the absence. You may also report your child's absence via your ParentVue account.
Children must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.
If you have any health-related questions or concerns, please call our health staff at 520-908-5717.
Walk & Roll to School
October 18
Walk, ride your bike, scooter, or skates to school! Participating students will be entered into a drawing for prizes. Meet at the corner of Bopp and Lead Flower at 8:00 a.m.