O'Maley Weekly Update
Week of March 10th, 2025
Principal's Message
Everyone have a great weekend!
Important Information
Attendance continues to be a huge priority for us. We wanted to take a moment to celebrate our students with perfect attendance!
6th Grade
Declan Black
Giuliana DiMaio
Audrey Foote
Jameson Militello
Ryder Bouchard
Keroles Ayad
Owen Tolman
Sheamus Doyle
Julia Lopes Pimenta Castro
Pearl Misuraca
7th Grade
Massimo Chambers
Quentin Cyr
Ethan Gibbons
Hunter McNelly
Christopher Tuck
Cynthia Velasquez Lorenzo
8th Grade
Cameron Calabrese
Iylan Mione
Karsyn Klopotoski
Alina O'Brien
Sofia Velasquez
Elizabeth Olson
Matilda Bruce
Levi Dupont
Thomas Olson
Gabriella McKearney
Riley Grace O'Connor
Chloe Kousoulos
Keep up the great work!
O'Maley Academy Spring Sign-ups Start Soon!
O'Maley Academy Spring Sign up link goes LIVE March 10th at 8AM & closes March 20th at 8AM - Spring afterschool programs start the week of March 24th!
Save the Date! GHS Presentation for 8th Grade
Thursday, March 13th at 6pm GHS will have a presentation for 8th grade parents about 9th grade course selection at GHS library. Please reach out to Mrs. Mastandrea with any questions.
O'Maley Drama Club Performances
We have three more performances of Disney's Descendants! We hope to see you there!
Friday, March 7th @ 6:00 pm
Saturday, March 8th @ 1:00 pm
Saturday, March 9th @ 1:00 pm
Yearbooks are on Sale
Purchase a 2024-2025 O'Maley Yearbook Here: https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/OMALEY2025
Send in yearbook photos to: omaleyyearbook@gloucesterschools.com
PTO Updates
Coin Wars!
We will be having a fundraising competition as part of the March Madness Spirt Week! See the flyers below for details on this year's O'Maley Coin Wars.
Nurses Amazon Wishlist
Spirit Wear
We are so excited about our new Sprit Wear store! We are offering new items with logos that include Drama, Chorus, Athletics and Band. Check out the link below to our store or scan the QR code on the attached flyer.
NEW to the store! O'Maley "Class of" sweatshirts and t-shirts available here. These will most likely NOT be done before the holiday. Scroll to the bottom of the page for class of apparel.
Upcoming Dates
3/11 - Early Release
3/17 - 3/21 - Spirit Week!
3/20 - GHS Electives Fair for 8th graders