Columbus Pickleball Club
January 2025 Newsletter (#1)
What can I find out about in this newsletter?
Newsletter contents:
1-CPC Board information
2-CPC Membership
3-What's Coming Up?
4-What Happened in December?
5-News to Know
6-Pickleball Schedules and Venues
7-Pickleball Tip Video
Newsletter tip: Be sure to click on gallery image expand arrows to view a small image completely.
Thank you! Jennifer Villiger
Mission Statement of the Columbus Pickleball Club
To promote the sport of pickleball as a fun, healthy, recreational activity for all skill levels in Columbus and the surrounding area.
Words from the President
It’s that time of year to renew your membership. Why should you renew your membership? CPC has their ears to the ground in all things pickleball in and around the community. They actively participate in meetings to help improve the play for all players in our area. The congestion at Donner during evening play comes up often as the biggest challenge. With the courts at Dunn coming in the spring and the ever growing group playing at Cera Sport, we are hoping that will ease some of it. We are working with Parks and Rec to clean up the court rules at Donner for easier understanding and better transitions when people are waiting. We are looking for any and all suggestions to pass on to those involved in the planning with Dunn, Cera Sport and Parks and Rec. The club works because we have so many passionate members who give their time and talents to improve the sport. If you have any suggestions or would like to help, we would love to hear from you.
CPC Board Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2024
Next meeting will be March 4, 2025, at 5:15 p.m. at Mill Race Center
E-mail Julie Geilker at Jageilker@icloud.com with any ideas or concerns
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It’s Time to Renew Your Membership for 2025!
It's a new year so it's time to renew your CPC membership for 2025. Time flies when you are having fun playing pickleball!!!
You can conveniently renew on-line, or if you prefer, with a paper membership form. Dues are $12 per person and we ask that each member sign up individually. This allows us to collect cell number, email address, and birth month for each member. If you have minor children who would like to be listed as members, please let us know and we will add them for free.
We have already had 135 members renew their memberships for 2025. Thank you so much for renewing early! Please check the membership roster in this newsletter and if you are not listed, please use the following link to renew your membership:
There will be a $1.10 transaction fee added by Sign Up Genius for each member bringing the total charge to $13.10. If you prefer to pay by check or cash, please email Cindy Rutan at CPCINTreasurer@gmail.com to get a copy of the membership form emailed to you.
Thank you for your continued support of Columbus Pickleball Club!
Membership Statistics
CPC ended 2024 with 278 members. Four new members joined in December and 135 members renewed before January 1st, giving us a total of 139 members going into 2025. That's a great start!
As a member, you will be able to attend member-only social round robins, for women members you will be able to attend the Ladies bi-monthly Birthday Luncheon, and for all, the end of year Holiday Social. All membership fees go towards approved miscellaneous expenses, equipment needs, training, or socials . For more information, email Floyd or Cindy Rutan, CPC co-Treasurers at CPCINTreasurer@gmail.com.
Welcome to CPC - December 2024 Members
Be sure to introduce yourselves to new members who joined in December (never before a member of CPC), if you see them on the courts at Foundation For Youth (FFY), Tipton Lakes Athletic Club (TLAC), Nexus Park or outdoors at Donner Park or CERA pickleball courts. New members if you need additional information, please contact Juliana at ColumbusPickleballClub@gmail.com.
New December Members
- Allison Bennett
- Dexter Jones
- Robert Newton
- Jim Roeder
New and Renewed 2025 CPC Members
CPC 2025
CPC 2025
Beginner Clinic - March 25/26 - Nexus Park Fieldhouse
Festival of Lights Parade - December 7th - Downtown Columbus
Great weather and an amazing group of people representing CPC! Thanks to everyone for your hard work and dedication to our pickleball club!
There are so many more pictures on the CPC Facebook page!
Click here to view: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033143779067
Beginner Clinic - December 11th/12th - Nexus Park Fieldhouse
Watch out Columbus, we have 16 new Pickleball players in town!
This amazing group graduated from a 2-day beginners clinic at Nexus Park in mid-December.
Please welcome them on the courts!
A big thank you to Bob Morrison for leading the class and to his assistants Twitch D, Julie F, Bianca and Doug W, and Shannon W.
CPC GroupMe
Want to know where & when to play in Columbus? Join CPC GroupMe!
CPC has various chats:
- CPC News & Information (auto enrolled) - the latest news about CPC
- Local Pickleball Schedules (auto enrolled) - current pickleball schedules for various venues
- Ladies Monday Night - Ladies only all skill levels at Donner Park or CeraSports Park
- Men's Monday Night - Men only all skill levels at Donner Park or CeraSports Park
- CPC Comp Group - Intermediate on up skill level play
- CPC Rec Group - Beginners to Recreational skill level play
- CERA Sports - All skill levels with play at Ceraland Park
- NexusPark Fieldhouse - All skill levels Open Play
- TLAC Pickleball - For those who would like to play during TLAC's Open Play
- Volunteer Assistants - Volunteers to assist with Beginner or Promo Clinics
If you would like to receive the "How To Join CPC GroupMe" pdf, text or e-mail Julie Geilker at 812-344-7745/ jageilker@icloud.com or if you already have GroupMe on your phone, just scan the QR Code to join.
CPC Member Discount
PickleballCentral.com: Use discount code CRColumbus to receive a 5% discount on your total order before tax and delivery and help CPC receive a matching 5% towards an end of year gift card to use on future equipment purchases.
Some of these rule changes may never apply to you, but it's interesting to see what has changed.
Indoor Venues
Foundation For Youth - 405 Hope Avenue
- 2, 3, or 5 indoor courts on wooden gym floor, portable nets available, bring your own indoor balls.
- Recreational & Intermediate Open Play days & times.
- Refer to flyer for fees & check-in procedures.
- Please note days closed for special events and holidays.
January 2025
Subject to Change
2025 FFY Drop-in Fees and Pass Pricing
Circle K Fieldhouse at Nexus Park - 2224 25th Street
- All levels Open Play
- Nets are provided, bring your own indoor balls
Morning hours available!
Due to other events in the Fieldhouse, the afternoon/evening drop-in schedule changes weekly. Please look at the Circle K Fieldhouse at NexusPark Facebook page for the latest schedule.
Brown County YMCA - 105 Willow St. Nashville, IN
Round robin blind draw tournament the first Monday of each month.
Decatur County Family YMCA - 1YMCA Way, Greensburg
3 indoor painted courts on gym floor - portable nets available, bring your own indoor balls.
Fees: Free YMCA Members or Drop-in fee $4, 10 punch card for $25, 15 punch card for $30
Beginner and Competitive open play times.
Mill Race Center - 900 Lindsey St.
Tipton Lakes Athletic Club - 4000 W. Goeller Blvd.
Register online at https://tlac.clubautomation.com/. Create a TLAC account, if you don't already have one.
For more information on youth pickleball programs, pickleball events, leagues, or Beginner Pickleball lessons contact Sharon Guingrich: Email Sharon2k@hotmail.com or text 812-679-7477
TLAC Programs and Clinics
Winter Session 2 (Jan-May)
TLAC pickleball program additional information
Winter Session 2 (Jan-May)
Open Play Schedule
Pizza and Pickleball
January 11
Ladder League
January - March
Recreational and Intermediate Levels
Lessons & Coaching
Instructor: Sharon Guingrich
Drills and Skills
Rec and Intermediate levels
Outdoor Venues
Donner Park
Six courts free and open to the public.
Address: Located in Donner Park at the corner of 17th and Sycamore Streets
CERA Sports Park
18 lighted pickleball courts. $5 gate fee per person
Address: 3989 S 525 E Columbus, IN 47203
Check CERA Sport Park Facebook page for updates:
Pickleball is evolving—and 2025 will be a game-changing year for the sport. From paddle bans and new technology to faster gameplay strategies, everything is moving toward a more aggressive, power-driven style. This video offers explanations on why pickleball is changing, how new paddles are reshaping the game, and the strategies you need to thrive in this fast-paced era.