June Family Newsletter
๐ ๐ฆJune 2024 ๐๐ฆ
From the Principal
Dear DCPHW Families,
From August to June, this year has been full of fun events and memories we will cherish! I hope you will continue to create memories throughout the summer and return with many stories. Along with having fun and relaxing, please continue to read books, write and review math facts. Continuing your childโs education over the summer can make a big difference in preparing your child for the next grade level. Check out our Summer Learning Smore below for lots of fun activities!! If you are interested in your child participating in Summer Advantage, please be sure to stop by the office to get them signed up.
Although this year is ending, we are looking forward to the 2024-25 school year! The DCPHW Staff wants to thank you for your continued involvement and support in your childโs education. Our first day of school will be Monday August 19. Our back to school Carnival will be held in early August (exact date to come soon)
Lastly, congratulations to our 8th grade students on a job well done as they finish their last month of middle school and continue their educational journey to high school. I wish them the very best!
Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Dietz
5th Grade Clap Out
Time: 9:00 am-9:30 am
Location: DCP-HW (we are asking parents to line the sidewalk in celebration)
During the celebration, our students will parade at the front of the school while receiving cheers and applause from parents, teachers, and staff. This special moment marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another for our students as they move on to middle school.
8th Grade Promotional Ceremony
Time: 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
Location: Peace & Goodwill Baptist Church
**6 tickets per student**
Field Day
Field day will be Wednesday, June 5th for our students in grades 1st- 5th grade
-It will be 73 and full sun (woo)
-Please make sure your child brings a water bottle with their name on it. They can bring it to every event including bounce houses.
-Kids are also free to bring a change of clothes. They all know they will be getting wet.
-They need socks for the bounce house
2024-2025 Re-Enrollment/ Kindergarten Registration
If you have not already done so, please complete and turn in your re-enrollment form to secure your child's spot for next year!
Registration for kindergarten is now open--
Please stop in the main office and fill out a paper application!
Documents needed:
Birth Certificate
Shot Record
Vision/dental screening
Parent ID
2024-2025 School Calendar
Important Dates
June 3- 5th Grade Clap Out
June 4: 8th-grade Promotional Ceremony
June 5- Field Day (1st-5th Grade)
June 6: Last day of school
June 17- Summer Advantage Begins