LWCA Quarterly
Vol 1 - Lake Weslemkoon Conservation Association newsletter
News from your LWCA Directors
We're trying a Newsletter! (Janice Mackenzie)
One of the ways that LWCA Directors communicate with members is via a closed / private group on Facebook. We regularly post bits of information that we think members will appreciate. Members also post photos and information related to the lake and conservation issues. It's a great way to communicate back and forth. We encourage you to join us! Click here: LWCA Facebook group, and click the blue button "join group".
Of course we fully recognize that a lot of LWCA members are NOT on Facebook. We hope that this newsletter will provide an alternate way to get interesting information to members. As the name suggests, we aim to publish 4 per year: September, December, March and June.
Let us know what you think by sending us an email (info@weslemkoon.com). If you have a photo or short information piece that you'd like us to share in our December edition, please send it along.
Logging in the Area (JP Murray)
Through numerous communications with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF) and the Mazinaw-Lanark stakeholders, Bruce persistently and diligently advocated against the planned tree harvest which would have impacted our watershed and view-scapes. As a result, the lake as we know it will stay this way. The specific areas & trails near Mink and Arnott lakes have been protected and the entire Weslemkoon shoreline now has a 90 meter buffer from any logging. Additionally, the timing of harvesting has been pushed to the winter season.
It really cannot be understated what a profound act of conservation and protection this is, and I commend him and the board for their efforts. I look forward to continuing to act as dutifully and conscientiously to protect our lake now and in the future.
What's Going on with the Loons?
Click here: The Cottage Life Podcast, and press the play button.
Municipal Election - are you on the voting list?
If you're not sure that you're on the voting list, you can look it up at voterlookup.ca. You'll need your roll number (found on your Property Assessment Notice or your municipal tax bill).
"After the Storm"
A Job Well Done
That's Incredible!
This photo was taken by Katie Kuzuchar on an unnamed island between American Island and Nicol Island.
This is Alice - she's a winner!
The theme for September is "Lake Weslemkoon Geology".
Have fun AND win a prize!
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday October 17, 2022 - Advanced Voting begins for the Municipal Election
- Candidate responses to LWCA member questions will be emailed to you prior to this date
Wednesday October 19th, 2022 (7:30-8:30pm) - virtual meeting
- Each Director will provide a short wrap-up, then guest speaker
- more information to come
Monday October 24, 2022 - Municipal election
- Details about the election can be found on the Township of Addington Highlands website
March 1st, 2023 - deadline for registration
- Pay by this date to get a copy of the Loon Call and your name in the registry
Saturday August 12th, 2023 (10 am - noon) - AGM
- Location TBD