Collier Elementary PreK - 6th
November 2024 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
November is the time we spend time showing gratitude for the good people and things in our lives. Here at Collier we are so very thankful for each of our students, and all of our families. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure your child's education.
Practicing Gratitude can help us all focus on the good things in our lives. Here are ways you can practice gratitude with your child.
- Make a gratitude jar
- Write thank you letters
- Donate items to a food bank or shelter
- Share what you are thankful for at dinner
Attendance Reminder: Attendance in school is extremely important for your child's success. Being at school on time each day allows your child to learn core skills for the rest of their life. Thank you for making sure your child is here on time each day.
Upcoming Events
- Nov. 1st - Dec. 4th Food and Hygiene Supply Drive, Competition between Primary and Intermediate Classes
- Nov. 8th 7:45am Parent Coffee with Ms. Williams Collier Counselor, all parents welcome
- Nov. 11th No School Veterans Day
- Nov. 14th School Picture Retake Day
- Nov. 15th PTA Meeting and Movie Night 6pm
- Nov. 19th PTA Chipotle Night 4 - 8pm Grant and Tanque Verde
- Nov. 28th & 29th No School Thanksgiving Break
Collier earned a B!
Congratulations to our hard working Collier Students and Staff!!
You earned a "B"
from the Arizona Department of Education!
Keep up the great work!!
Health Office News
Hello Collier family, from the Health Office Team!
We are entering into the time of year when various illnesses are on the rise! With this in mind, here are a few tips and reminders:
-Maintain a healthy lifestyle: eat well, exercise, and get recommended vaccinations!
-Practice good hygiene: Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze.
-Avoid spreading germs: Stay home when you're sick! Students must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and vomit free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
-Please save our health office number so you can be aware when we are trying to reach you as we care for your students: 520-584-4817
Thank you, as always, for your help in keeping our school community safe and healthy!
Food and Hygiene Drive
This year we will be hosting a competition between our Primary (PreK - 2nd) and Intermediate (3rd - 6th) classes. The team that donates the most items will earn a popsicle party!
Thank you for helping us in helping others.
Counseling News
Please mark your calendars to join me for Coffee with the Counselor! Our first meeting is Friday, November 8th at 7:45. You are welcome to chat about anything you have questions about or how to support your child at home.
OMA Gold News
There is so much going on in OMA at this time of the year
Last month, artists from Arizona Opera performed Rusalka: The Littlest Mermaid for our students. It was a wonderful experience for all. We also had a visit from the Tucson Symphony Orchestra’s Brass and Percussion Ensemble, who showed us how music can be used to communicate meaning and messages.
This month, dancers from Rincon/University High Schools will be here to perform for our students on November 8th.
All students are working very hard on their upcoming informances (informal, informational performances). Here are some upcoming dates for your calendars (families are invited to attend):
Tuesday, December 10, 1:30-2:00pm
Kindergarten and 2nd grade dance, 1st grade musical theatre informance
Tuesday, December 17, 5:30pm
Violin, Band, and Orchestra Concert (grades 4-6)
Thursday, December 19, 9:00-9:30am
Whole school Winter Concert, followed by a hot chocolate reception
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
PTA News
Thank you, Collier Community for an amazing Monster Mash!! We appreciate everyone who came and had a great time! There is still time to join the PTA this year, we need as many of you as we can get to make Collier Strong!
Please join us for our Chiplotle Night! Tuesday, November 19th 4 - 8pm Grant and Tanque Verde
Tucson, AZ 85749