8th Grade Newsletter May 2024
B. F. Butler Middle School
MCAS Testing Dates
Student have complete their ELA MCAS sessions last month. We still have Math, Science, and Civics coming up in May. Students need to make sure they have their fully charged Chromebooks in school on each of the following dates. Please help remind students to charge their Chromebooks at home the night before.
Grades 8 Math MCAS - May 7th & May 8th
Grades 8 Science MCAS - May 15th & May 16th
Grades 8 Civics MCAS - May 22nd & May 23rd
We ask for your support in encouraging your child to give their best effort on the tests. Please also support them by making sure she/he gets a good night sleep before testing days, attends school every day, arrives on time and is not dismissed for any reason during testing periods.
Upcoming Field Trips
Once MCAS testing is complete, the Grade 8 team would like to celebrate our student's hard work! On May 24, 2024 we will be taking the Grade 8 students to the Lowell Showcase Cinema to watch a movie together.
In order to attend this field trip, we are asking that:
- Students are in attendance for school on each testing date.
- During testing, students are working diligently, displaying perseverance, and following testing expectations.
Feel free to reach out to the Grade 8 Team with any questions!
8th Grade End of Year Activities
Paperwork with information for End of Year Activities was sent home on Wednesday April 3rd. All paper work should already be signed and returned. Please let the team know if you have any questions or have not received these forms.
The cost of dues for each 8th grade students is $55. Dues help support the cost of:
- Canobie Lake Park Trip
- Moving Up Ceremony
- Grade 8 T-Shirt & Memory Book
- 8th Grade Dinner Dance
*If your student is in need of any financial assistance, please reach out to Mrs. Moody.
Dues must be paid by Friday June 2nd.
Upcoming Dates for your reference:
Friday June 7th: 8th Grade Dinner Dance 6:30pm - 9:30pm (at the school)
Wednesday June 12th: Canobie Lake Park Field Trip
Monday June 17th: 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 6:00pm (at the school)
If you plan to donate items for the 8th Grade Dinner Dance, please use the QR code to sign up. Thank you to everyone who has already offered donations for this Dinner Dance. We will be in touch soon.
Classroom Updates
Math News
Students are currently working in Module 5 which is all about patterns and exponents. They have been using patterns they observe to formulate rules about multiplying and dividing with powers.
We are also stating to explore numbers written in Scientific Notation. We are discussing how scientific notation can be used to make working with really large or really small numbers more manageable.
Students will also continue to do some MCAS prep in skills classes to review previous concepts as we get ready for our MCAS Math tests.
Science News
ELA News
Right now students are wrapping up their dystopian literature unit and moving into a new unit revolving around the book, “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros. During this time, students will be focusing on perfecting their knowledge on many elements we have studied over the year such as point of view, mirrors and windows, characterization, writing and journaling skills, and diving deeper into learning about their own identities.
Social Studies News
Upcoming Events
Please see the School calendar for other important dates and events!
- Thurs., May 2nd - Grade 8 Q3 Awards Assembly
- Thurs., May 16th - Q4 Progress Reports posted to Aspen portal
- Mon., May 27th - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
8th Grade Chromebook Policy
The school has been working diligently to make sure all student's have access to a Chromebook. Students use Chromebooks daily in some of their classrooms. It is important that students use the school Chromebooks appropriately and respectfully. The Grade 8 Team has initiated a policy to help support this.
If a student is misusing a school Chromebook during the school day, the computer will be taken away as follows:
1st offense: 24 hours
2nd offense: 48 hours
3rd offense: a week
4th offense: referral to office
If a student loses their Chromebook for a period of time, paper copies for any assignments needed will be supplied.
Q3 Awards Assembly and Q4 Progress Reports
Q4 Progress Reports will be sent home electronically through the Aspen portal on Friday May 16th.
If you do not have your your login info or need help logging into Aspen, please reach out to your student's homeroom teacher for more info!
The link for ASPEN is below:
Q3 Awards assembly will be held on Thursday May 2nd at 10:00 am. All families are welcome to attend.
We will be recognizing students for:
- Q3 Honor Roll and High Honors
- Q3 Perfect Attendance
- Q3 Citizenship awards
- Academic Awards
- Allied Art Awards
If you would like to know if your student will be receiving an award so that you can attend, please feel free to reach out to any member of the Grade 8 team!
Student of the Month for February/March
Each month, one 8th grader will be chosen from each homeroom to be out Students of the Month. These are students who represents the Butler core values, follows the PBIS school-wide expectations, and/or is making good choices during the month.
Below are the students who were chosen for February/March. Students pictures will be posted outside the library to celebrate this accomplishment!
Homeroom 229 Rijenny Sar
Homeroom 230 Kimlee Heng
Homeroom 236 Alayni Ren
Homeroom 237 Isabella Heng
Congratulations to all of our recipients!
The next Student of the Month recipients will be from April. Recipients will be listed in the May newsletter.
Freedom Trail Field Trip
On Friday April 26th, the 8th Grade students went on a field trip to Boston where they got a tour of the Freedom Trail. We are so proud of how our students represented the Butler Middle School during this trip! Please enjkpoy some pictures from the trip below.
High School Corner
Greater Lowell Technical High School
No updates at this time.
Lowell High School
We are hoping to hear results on the Lowell High High Honors placement test soon!
We will update this section as more information from the high schools are shared.
Grade 8 Team
Math Teachers:
Mrs. Guerriero aguerriero@lowell.k12.ma.us
Mrs. Pappalardo cpappalardo@lowell.k12.ma.us
ELA Teachers:
Ms. Dabilis ddabilis@lowell.k12.ma.us
Ms. Sayles jsayles@lowell.k12.ma.us
Science Teacher:
Mrs. Cabrera alcabrera@lowell.k12.ma.us
Social Studies Teacher:
Mr. King aking@lowell.k12.ma.us
Special Education Teachers:
Ms. Loughlin aloughlin@lowell.k12.ma.us
Mrs. St. Louis kstlouis@lowell.k12.ma.us
Mr. Gibson kgibson@lowell.k12.ma.us
Butler Middle School
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/butler
Location: 1140 Gorham Street, Lowell, MA, USA
Phone: 978-937-8973