North Brookfield Jr./Sr High School
Where Great Things Happen
What's Happening!
Good Afternoon NBHS Families!
Our first 2 1/2 weeks of school are off to a great start. I will try to include as many updates about all the wonderful things happening in these newsletters. For your convenience I will include the upcoming events in this section of the newsletter.
Also in this newsletter two of our newer staff members are featured. We will have different staff members interviewed by our students so you can get to know them better.
Finally, I want to give an update on a NBHS alumni who graduated last year. Olivia Giangrande is a freshman at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, PA studying forensics. She was identified and selected as a freshman to be part of a research project with her college professors. This is an opportunity normally given to juniors and seniors, but Olivia was selected because of her outstanding high school transcripts and all the extra-curricular experiences she had at NBHS! Congratulations Olivia!
Enjoy the Sunshine
John Diorio, Principal
9/18- ALICE drill
9/30-10/3- 6th Grade at Nature's Classroom
10/2- College Visits for Seniors
10/15- High School Field Trip at Nichols College
11/13- Wellness Day for all NBHS Students
11/13- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Senior Sunrise!
Senior Sunrise!
Another great tradition at NBHS!
Senior Sunrise!
NBHS Field Hockey
If you haven't heard- our Field Hockey Team is 3-1! Our team has wins over Burncoat, Worcester Tech, and Bay Path with a combined score of 16-0. Come cheer on our team this Friday at 3:30 as they take on Quaboag High School on our home field. Great job by our student athletes and coaches!
Looking forward to our interdisciplinary class with Ms. Macpherson (True Crime in the Media) and Ms. Kemp (Forensics). They began collaborating over the summer when they found out they would be teaching similar courses. Ms. Kemp's class has been learning about the justice system and the steps/people involved in crime scene investigations. They will be working as a class to conduct a mock crime scene investigation where each student plays a different role in the process.
Ms. Macpherson's students began by discussing the way true crime stories are told through television, documentary, podcasts, and other types of writing. They are currently reading Sara Miller's The Borden Murders and using forensic reporting to map out the details of one of America's most well-known cold cases. They will observe the crime scene investigation carried out by Ms. Kemp's students from behind the “police tape” and report their initial findings as press agents publishing news articles about the scene. Ms. Kemp's students will hold a "press conference" where they share their findings and Ms. Macpherson's students will ask any questions they may have. Finally, the Forensics class will have a "mock trial" where the students will present their case and the True Crime students will sit in, listen, then interview at the end.
ALICE Table Top Drill/Discussion
On Wednesday, 9/18, we will have an ALICE table top training exercise during 1st period. ALICE is a training program that teaches a multi-option response to an active shooter or intruder in schools and other settings. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. The program is intended to be used dynamically, not sequentially, in each situation.
Students will remain in their classrooms and be given several different scenarios involving a potential threat in our school. We will move the location of the potential threat to different locations around the school allowing students and teachers to discuss their options during this time.
Our 6th grade students will be attending Nature's Classroom in Groton, MA. from 9/30-10/3. Mr. Pfefferle has been holding parent and student meetings to keep families updated on the trip. This week I will be discussing school expectations for our students while they are at Nature's Classroom. Our students and chaperones are looking forward to a great time!
Reach out to Mr. Pfefferle with any questions at dpfefferle@nbschools.org
On October 2, our seniors will be on the road to visit 3 local colleges- WPI, Assumption, and Anna Maria College. Students will be given campus tours and have lunch provided by Assumption College. This is a great opportunity for our students to explore the college setting. We will host our 2nd career fair in January 2025.
On October 15 our high school students will be at Nichols college to take part in The "Black and Red: the Dilemma of African American-Indigenous Identity in Massachusetts" This initiative, aligning with Massachusetts Humanities' mission to highlight marginalized perspectives, and our district goals around diversity, equity and inclusion, delves into the historical and contemporary experiences of African-Native Americans. The field trip will involve a film screening, a panel discussion with the documentary producers, an art exhibition by a local indigenous artist, and a performance by the Eastern Medicine Singers. Transportation and lunch will be provided by Nichols college.
Saving Fred in Ms. Malone's Science Class
Saving Fred in Ms. Malone's Science Class
Saving Fred in Ms. Malone's Science Class
Can You Save Fred?
Saving Fred is a science/STEM cooperative activity that has children work in pairs to save a hapless gummy worm named Fred who has managed to capsize his boat and lose his life preserver.
Working together, students must rescue Fred, turn his boat right side up, and put on his life preserver – all without hurting Fred or dropping him into the “lake.”
This activity helps children develop teamwork, problem solving, communication, and fine motor skills.
Mr. Wilhelmi and Nathanial Stonehouse
Mr. Wilhelmi is in his second year as a science and math teacher at NBHS. He is one of two former college professors at our school. He was interviewed by Nathanial Stonehouse.
Where were you born?
I was born in Framingham, Massachusetts.
Where did you go to school?
I went to Franklin High School, I’ve always been at public schools throughout even College, and I ran track and played football in High School.
How was your experience there?
It was good. I don’t know about you, but I liked High School much better than Middle School. But, you know, we didn’t have the same comradery that you guys have in this school, I grew up in a much bigger school than this one.
Why did you get into teaching?
Honestly, it was by accident. I was just doing it for part of my compensation for Grad School as a teaching assistant, running labs, teaching classes, giving lectures, and other things like that. It was a lot of work, it took a lot of research, but I liked doing all of that. Once I graduated it was in March of 2020, as the Covid lockdowns were taking place. And, as you may know, Florida, where I went to College, was open for business unlike other places, and since many people didn’t want to teach in person and I had my degree, I was asked to do some of that teaching. I had all of these opportunities to teach and since I was taught broadly on the side of Geology I could teach a lot of different classes. Then I came back up North and sort of fell into it again.
Why did you choose North Brookfield?
Well, I wanted to come back up here in Mass, and when I applied to different schools I got a really good vibe from Mr. Diorio and he definitely seemed like the type of person I would like to work with, and same thing with the rest of the staff. One thing I really liked was that they brought in a student for the interview, and I liked the message that the school was sending that, you know, at the end of the day we’re here for the students, and the ultimate goal is to help you guys along the way.
What is your teaching philosophy?
I think that it is important to show the students the actual applications and why the students are learning this topic as well as showing the students the reason behind why they are learning this. Also, I think it is important to show the students the building blocks of something, you know, how we get there instead of just getting there and going along with what I say.
Who is your biggest influence?
My biggest influence in general has to be my father, who worked until he retired from the Police force a few years ago. He would always say, you know, if you’re going to do something make sure to do it as well as you can, no matter what your job is. You could be a walmart employee or anything but as long as you worked as hard as you could, that was noble.
More importantly, what is your favorite Hockey Team (there’s only one right answer)?
The Boston Bruins
Alexis Caouette and Ms. Gustafson
Ms. Gustafson is in her first year at NBHS. She is currently a paraprofessional in our middle school. She was interviewed by Alexis Caouette.
1. What made you want to work at NB?
I wanted to work at NB schools because it is closer to home.
2. Did you grow up in North Brookfield or somewhere else?
I grew up in Rochdale Ma. but I have been here in North Brookfield for almost 4 years.
3.What is your position at the school? (example: Math teacher)
Paraprofessional but want to teach ELA.
4.Why did you choose that position?
I wanted to try something new.
5. Is this the first school you've worked at? If not, where did you work before?
I worked at a Daycare in West Brookfield called Dipody Doo.
6. What's your favorite thing about working in North Brookfield?
The staff and students are so kind and supportive through this new journey of mine. I could not ask for a better team.
7. What are some things you like to do outside of school?
I have 3 dogs at home, and my 2.5 year old son. I take them to a park or go visit family around. I am a very active person, I enjoy staying on my feet and always having something to do. My fiance's family owns a farm, (cows & horses) we are mostly up there helping out. I love to travel out of state and explore new things/places. But don’t get me wrong I love to kick back and relax binge watch my shows and read a book with my son.