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February Newsletter
In Friendship and Love
Letter from the Head of School
by Kara Lawler
Dear Parents and Friends,
February seems to be the perfect time to reflect on friendship, and the love we share with the friends in our lives. Years ago, I stumbled upon a vintage copy of Kahil Gibran’s The Prophet at a bookstore in Manteo, North Carolina. As a bibliophile, it has taken prominence on my bookshelf at home, and it’s been a steadfast reminder to me of the things that matter. One of them is love and another is friendship. Kahil Gibran, in The Prophet, writes:
“And a youth said, Speak to us of Friendship.
And he answered, saying:
Your friend is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.”
I spend a lot of time thinking about the lessons we are teaching our children—mine and yours both—and the one that comes to mind this month is the value of being a good friend. Your daughters continually impress me. They are learning here how to be good humans and part of that is how to be a good friend. As Gibran mentions, friendship is shown in so many ways. Here at Grier, I see it show up in the laughter of the girls in the hallways, when a friend stayed with her friend after falling on the ski slope, or something as simple as helping a friend do her laundry. They support one another at performances, games, and horse shows. They review questions for the history exam, make tea for one another in the dining hall, and rally around a friend in need.
Friendship is a great gift in our lives, and your daughters are fostering life-long friendships here at Grier. I know I speak for all of the adults here when I say that we are so lucky to watch them grow in friendship and in love.
My best,
P.S. If you would like to learn more about the love languages of teenagers, this is a great resource:
Spring Break Travel Information
All travel plans for Spring Break must be emailed to Travel@grier.org in order for your student to receive transportation to/from the airport.
· Students should begin to depart campus for Spring Break starting March 7th and must be off campus no later than 12:00 p.m. on March 8th.
Airport Guide:
· Washington D.C. Airport (IAD) is roughly three hours away from Grier and is recommended for all international travel.
· Pittsburgh Airport (PIT) is two hours away from Grier and services all domestic major airlines as well as Mexico and Canada travel.
· State College Airport (SCE) is 30 minutes from Grier and services connection flights to many major airports.
For all travel questions, please email Gage Bassham at travel@grier.org
Teacher Talk
By Anthony Lang, Dean of Faculty
The winter wonderland is in full effect at Grier school, with white snow, icicles, and remnants of snowmen around the campus. Inside the classrooms, the teachers and students are working hard as they kick off the second semester. Seniors, with the help of Mr. Packnick, his wife, Dr. Kaela Feuntes-Packnick, and Mr. and Mrs. Lang, officially kicked off their work on their Senior Symposium research paper presentations with a big event in the library. Led by Dr. Fuentes-Packnick, the students sought out topics they were passionate about and wrote research questions and explored the different directions their research might take them. Students were guided with questions and prompts, finding that their own curiosity will lead to an extremely unique and informative research experience that benefits the entire campus, when, later in the semester, the student body participates in the Senior Symposium conference and watches the different panelists present their research findings. All the students left with a feeling of excitement to venture into their research, curious to see what they would actually find, and excited to share their newfound knowledge with others. Some students will also be doing great work off campus, when Mr. Packnick and Ms. Brandebura take Model UN to their February conference in Washington D.C. It might be the shortest month, but February will definitely bring a lot of new experiences and learning for everyone at Grier!
Crago's Corner
by Cari Crago, Dean of Counseling, Wellness & Residential Life
It is unbelievable that we are already entering our February month of fun! The girls keep telling me that they have no idea of what happened to January and I completely agree. The month of February brings so many wonderful activities on and off campus. It also (which is very exciting) brings our first official graduation meeting for our AMAZING Seniors. All the details of our upcoming graduation events, happenings and wonderfulness will be detailed in our March 1st newsletter. Senior parents, don’t hesitate to connect with me if you have any questions in the meantime.
I do have a bit of Daisy Sunshine Crago news (our therapy pup)! Daisy has been a fabulous addition to our counseling team, full of kisses, snuggles and silliness. I am proud to announce that Daisy Sunshine will beginning her official therapy dog training starting on February 12th to become a certified therapy dog. One of the girls even got her a backpack for her first day of school, too cute!
I have included a small snapshot of the view our students get walking to and from classes;-)
This is the perfect time of year to develop new habits, new ideas, and a new attitude towards winter. The beautiful freshly fallen snow of January is getting a little “I’m over it” and seems unending, so let’s turn that negative into a positive. To help I have included my little A to Z guide of beating the winter blues for y’all.
A little added note: “You can always tell who the strong women are. They are the ones you see building one another up, instead of tearing each other down. Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another, we’re strongest when we cheer each other on.” ― Serena Williams
February Events
by Erin Guydish Buchholz, Dean of Students & Belonging
February is a time to celebrate love, friendship, and welcome the coming spring. At Grier, we celebrate with Motion, the Spring Music Concert, and James Crews, the author of our One Read. We are moving closer to the end of the year and are working to find more community service opportunities to fulfill the matriculation requirements such as World Language Read Aloud Day at Tyrone Elementary, the Galentine’s Bake Sale, Valentine’ making, and spring clean ups. Along these lines, we will begin planning for next year with the electives’ faire. The last round of winter related activities is also offered this month. As we march towards spring break, student have plenty of time and chances to make last minute winter memories.
February 7th
Tyrone Elementary World Read Day Community Service Free
3:30 p.m. Tussey Mountain Skiing, Prices Vary
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Photo Club Free
Card making & Coffee Free
2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open Pottery Studio Free
5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Wegman’s, $20
February 8th
Ice Skating @ PPG Paints Arena, Prices Vary
Romeo & Juliet NYC Trip, $200
Broadway Musical Theatre NYC Trip, $200
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Volleyball Tourney Free
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Community Service: Reservoir Park Clean Up, $5
11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Allegheny Crepes and Shopping, $10
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday Study Hall Free
Activity TBD
February 9th
10:10 a.m. Church Free
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Playtime Pottery, TBD
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Baking Club Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tussey Skiing, Charges Vary
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Community Service-Make and Deliver Free
Valentine’s: Tyrone Nursing Home
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Blue Knob Skiing, Charges Vary
6:30 p.m. Superbowl Free
February 14th
3:30 p.m. Tussey Skiing, Charges Vary
4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Campus clean up & Juice Shack, $5
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Photo Club Free
Time TBD 10th grade class Rom Com & valentine’s cards (1853) Free
February 15th
PA Grand Canyon & Town Tour, $40
7:00 a.m. ACT
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Community Service: Set up for Free
Valentine’s Bake Sale
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Escape rooms, $35
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday Study Hall Free
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Walmart/TJ Maxx, $20
4:30 p.m. Dinner Trip, Charges Vary
Motion Classes 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Competition 4:00 p.m.
February 16th
10:10 a.m. Church Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Downtown State College Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tussey Skiing, Charges Vary
Motion Classes 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.; Professional Showcase and Scholarships 3:00 p.m.
February 17th
Galentine’s Day Free (Late Start)
February 21st
End of Marking Period 3
2:05 p.m. Electives’ Faire Free
3:30 p.m. Tussey Skiing, Charges Vary
5:30 p.m. Wegman’s, $20
Time TBD Self-care/meditation session Free
7:00 p.m. Spring Music Concert Free
February 22nd
Time TBD Fallingwater, $40
11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Brunch & TJ Maxx, $25
11:00 a.m. Brunch & Target, $25
Time TBD BTB talk Free
4:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Ulta/Old Navy/Trader Joe’s/ Moe’s, $20
February 23rd
10:10 a.m. Church Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Dress Shopping, $20
February 28th
James Crews (One Read) workshops Free
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade students
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 9th-12th grade students
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Creative Writing/Writing/Literature Students
3:30 p.m. Tussey Mountain Skiing, Charges Vary
4:30 p.m. Fashion Show (Fashion Club) Free
Time TBD History Club: Blair County: A People’s History Free
Time TBD dress shopping, $20
6:30 p.m. Mr. Minnich small ensemble performance & open mic night Free
March 1st
Time TBD Powwow Volunteer Training Free
Time TBD Winter Formal Cost TBD
March 2nd
10:10 a.m. Church Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Baking Club Free
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Logan Town Center, $20
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tussey Mountain Skiing, Charges Vary
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Blue Knob Skiing, Charges Vary
Time TBD Mardi Gras Dorm War Free
Lights. Camera. Action!
Please follow the link below to view photos from our talented group of Photography Students and Photography Instructor, Mrs. Christine Fernandes!
Academic News
By Kathryn Barr, Dean of Academics
“Winter Path”
- Ellis Nightingale
I’ll walk along this winter path,
between the fields and sky,
and linger with the old oak trees
that never question why
I’m out here in the silence,
or where I’m going to,
or if there is a reason
for the wandering I do.
Academic Updates
New Student Information System
We will be moving to the new Student Information System for the spring semester. We will be utilizing AdminPlus through Rediker Software. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will be slowly sending invitations for students and families to join the program. You will receive an e-mail invitation from the program instructing you on how to set up an account. There is also an app you can download to your phone.
Please be advised that e-mails from the new system will come from @rediker.com. Please reach out to kbarr@grier.org if you have questions about the new system. We ask for patience and understanding as the new system is implemented.
Marking Period 3
Marking period three will end on February 20th. Grades will be visible through the new student information system as completed by teachers.
2025-2026 Academic Course Registration
Course registration for the 2025-2026 academic year will take place after Spring break.
Looking Ahead
Grier’s Underclassmen Awards Ceremony will be held in the dance building on May 7th starting at 1:00 p.m. Grier Families are welcome to attend. Please let us know if you will be coming. This is also when we induct new members to our National Honors Society as well as other organizations.
Grier Summer 2025
Thinking of Summer Vacation already?
Summer camp offers girls ages 7 - 17 a chance to experience. Grier featuring our signature programs of Dance, Art, and Riding in a fun-filled camp environment! Help us get the word out about the fun that is Grier Summer!
General Camp Activities include: Archery, Art, Creative Writing, Dance, Horseback Riding, Musical Theatre, Photography, Science, Swimming, Videography
Intensive Activities include: Dance, Art, and Horseback Riding
We will be offering three one-week sessions for both day campers (ages 7-17) and boarders (ages 9-17). Campers are welcome to attend up to all three!
- July 6th - 12th
- July 13th - 19th
- July 20th - 26th
Overnight campers will pay $2,000 per week and day campers will pay $1,000 per week. $70 per week for international health insurance.
Find out more: Grier Summer 2025 | Registration
Grier TV 2024 - 2025
Senior Class Rings
We are very excited to offer a senior class ring this year! The classic ring features a timeless design, very similar to the class rings our graduates had decades ago. Featuring a genuine jade center, the ring is set in antique gold. With "Grier School" around the bezel, the inside of the ring allows for custom engraving with your daughter's initials and class year. Our motto, Sana Mens in Corpore Sano, is also engraved inside. Please find the information attached with three options for the gold and your customization preferences. Josten's will handle the ordering and payment but reach out to Kara Lawler with any questions. Kara has sizers in her office if students would like to verify ring size.
STEM Center Stage
By Dr. Nancy Burke, Director of STEM Education and Science Dept. Chair
Hello Grier community, the STEM activities at Grier School are off to a great start in 2025. On January 24th our chapter of the National STEM Honor Society hosted their first speaker of the year. Dr. James Burke M.D. Ph.D., a private practice neurosurgeon, came to speak with our students. In his talk, Dr. Burke spoke with our students about a variety of topics pertaining to medicine as a career, the M.D. Ph.D. educational pathway, and a variety of intriguing cases from his years of practice. We thank Dr. Burke for sharing his time and talent with our students!
We have two more big STEM events coming up next week, the U.S.A. Bio-Olympiad exam and the regional Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition. Last year we had four students participate in the annual U.S.A. Bio-Olympiad Exam and this year we have doubled that; on February 6th we will have 8 students participating in the open exam. If students receive a sufficiently high score on the open-exam they will have the opportunity to participate in the semifinal exam at the national level. The top four scorers from that exam will then participate in the international exam. I will share the results for team Grier in the spring when results are released, till then, wish our girls Good Luck!
The regional Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition will be held on February 8th at Saint Francis University in Loretto, PA. This year Grier School has five students participating in the regional event which encourages students to carry out scientific research and provides the students a venue at which to present their projects. Students who receive a first award at the regionals event will qualify to participate at the state competition in May which is held at Pennsylvania State University in State College, PA. Again, wish our girls luck and check back next month to learn of our results.
Our honors computer science class has also been busy in the month of January. The students have been developing their coding skills by creating unique works of art using JavaScript coding. Here are some examples of the images they created and the code they used to generate them.
My final piece of news from this busy start to the new year is a well-deserved congratulations to Grier student, Seoyoung Yang. Seoyoung received a score in the top 6-8% of students taking the AMC 10 math exam thus qualifying her to take the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) on February 6th. Great job Seoyoung!
All of these great activities show why, at Grier School, girls belong in STEM.
-Certain people discouraged me, saying [science] was not a good career for women. That pushed me even more to persevere.” –Francoise Barre, a virologist who won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine
Landon Library Lowdown
by Mrs. Dunklebarger, Librarian
The Foxes Den
Let's GO Foxes!
Greetings from the Athletic Department,
Our Winter Varsity Sports, fencing, and archery are off to a good start. They have been practicing very hard and will be competing in the next few weeks. We have 21 students participating on the fencing team. They are all suited up and ready to go. The kickoff competition was held at the Grier School on January 29th against Northern Bedford School, under the direction of Coach Crocker. Next competition to be held February 5th. Good luck Foxes!
Our popular fun winter rec sport is skiing, we have 25 girls that hit slops every week, and they have the option to go 6 times a week. All are having a great time!
This spring the Varsity Archery team has been hard at work practicing for seasonal tournaments.
The team consists of nine archers from grades nine through twelve. There are four new additions to the team this year.
The varsity team traveled to Johnstown Christian School on January 25th to compete in their first tournament of the season. Jingchu (Sandy) C. was Grier’s high score of the day with a 256/300, which is a personal best. CJ W. had a personal best of 242/300 and was Grier’s second highest score of the day. Other personal bests were achieved by Chi (Chloe) N., Quinn S., and Amalys Z. Congratulations to the Grier team on their awesome start to archery season.
Upcoming Tournaments:
February 15th – Bishop Carroll Archery Tournament
March 1st – Johnstown Christian School State Qualifier 2
Riding Updates
Be in the know of all Equestrian events!
The Grier School Equestrian team started the Spring semester off with a clean sweep at the first IEA show of the semester! Grier School hosted an IEA Dressage show the weekend of January 25th and 26th, claiming Champion Upper and Middle School teams both Saturday and Sunday!
Marian P. claimed Reserve High Point Rider both Saturday and Sunday. Samantha W. earned High Point Rider on Saturday. On Sunday, Anleigh A. earned Upper School High Point Champion rider and Middle School riders Ava B. claimed Champion with Claire P. as Reserve High Point. Great job riders!
On February 1st and 2nd, our riders had another double header weekend with an IEA Hunt Seat show, hosted by Grier School. On Saturday, Grier School was Champion High School Team and Reserve Champion Middle School Team! Emily G. was High Point Rider with Langston E. in Reserve. On Sunday, Grier School was Champion High School Team with Gia M. as Reserve High Point Rider and Violet F. winning Sportsmanship Award.
Later this month, our riders have a busy schedule with traveling to the World Equestrian Center in Ohio, IEA Dressage Zone finals at Delaware Valley University, and IEA Hunt Seat Regionals hosted by Grier School! Stay tuned for results and updates.
Dance Updates
Be in the know of all Dance events!
Our dancers started off 2025 by getting back into their regular classes and even taking a master class with Elizabeth Auclair, former principal dancer for the Martha Graham Dance Company! See Pictures below!
Here’s what dancers can look forward to in February
- February 3rd-7th- Guest Artist and Tony Award Winner, Ahmad Simmons, will be in to set choreography for the Grier School Musical (Pre Professional dancers & Dance Styles dancers + any cast members)
- February 15th-16th- Motion Dance Competition (all dancers may participate- fee required for competition and convention classes.)
- February 26th -March 2nd- The National High School Dance Festival in Pittsburgh, PA (Pre Professional dancers)
What is Motion?
Motion is a 2-day dance convention/competition where dancers take workshop classes from guest faculty and perform pieces to be adjudicated. Anyone may register for and participate in the workshop classes, however, dancers must be registered for the workshop classes if they wish to participate in the competition. The event also includes scholarship opportunities and a professional showcase.
The typical Motion schedule is as follows…
Saturday, February 15th
9am-3pm- Workshop classes (and a break for lunch)
4pm-8pm- Competition
Sunday, February 16th
9am-3pm- Workshop classes (and a break for lunch)
4pm- Professional Showcase for all Grier students & faculty to come and enjoy.
Performers will include select students from Motion Elite and professional performers.
Events are subject to change and exact dates are TBA
- April 2nd -6th- The Pre-Professional dancers will travel to NYC to perform with the Martha Graham Dance Company at the world-famous Joyce Theatre. They will also perform various pieces at the Peridance Showcase and take master classes throughout the week.
- April 7th-10th- Tech & Dress Rehearsals for Spring Show
- April 11th at 7pm- Spring Show (all dancers- costume fees for each performing piece)
- May 2nd & 3rd- The Grier School Musical (Pre Professional & Dance Styles dancers)
- May 23rd- Grad Show (Graduating Seniors, Pre Professional, & Intermediate dancers)
Welcome to the Social Institute
Social Institute Updates
As part of our advisee groups, we have run quite a few lessons through the start of the school year with students. Our seventh through ninth grades have worked with this tool in particular in a few of their classes as well.
As you have time, continue the conversation at home about these important modern-day life skills. Consider encouraging your child to coach up and share their ideas. Here are some questions you can pose to everyone in the family:
1. TOSS UP: If you could magically remove one stressor from your daily routine, what would it be?
2. COACH UP: How do you practice self-care? What’s a self-care method I could use when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed?
3. HUDDLE UP: How could we improve wellness at home? Let’s go around the room and each share one idea for improving our family wellness.
Discover more insights and expert tips on social media and tech by checking out the Social Toolkit.
As part of the school's partnership with The Social Institute, you receive exclusive access to the Social Toolkit, which includes a full library of content specifically for families. All co-created with students and experts around the country.
Platform Playbooks feature expert breakdowns of the most popular apps and platforms and offer tips on how students can use them positively. TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, ChatGPT, Fortnite... the list goes on and on!
Family Huddles help you reinforce the important modern-day life skills that your child is learning at school. These topics align with #WinAtSocial Lessons to extend discussion beyond the classroom and encourage students to huddle with their families.
Use your Social Toolkit School Code and activate your free account today.
Activate Your Account or Log In | Your Social Toolkit School Code: 3b303EF444F026
All #WinAtSocial content is confidential and cannot be shared or used outside of your school. Please help maintain the confidential nature of these materials.
Easter for Eli
Community Service Opportunities Sponsored by Junior Class
Purchase Items for Easter for Eli—UPDATED Information
- Please consider helping with the Easter for Eli organization. To learn more, please WATCH this interview with Mr. Martin Garrett the founder and father of Eli, his son, who passed from Non-Hodgkin T-Cell Lymphoma at the age of 3 years old in 2009.
- CLICK HERE to find an extensive list of items that can be purchased to donate.
- Last year, 63 baskets were able to be built from the items donated. This year’s goal is 70 baskets!
- For every (3) items donated, the student’s name will be entered into a raffle. Prizes to be announced later.
- UPDATED Items Due Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2025
- Students may drop-off items before due date to Mrs. Hallahan in the testing center.
- Who can participate? ALL Grier School students (and staff)
- Thank you to all those able to donate!
- Examples of items donated last year—coloring books, reading books, lip gloss/Chapstick, facial masks, pens, colored pencils/crayons, decorative socks (w/ or w/out non-slip bottoms); crafting sets, fidget toys, gift cards, etc.
Easter for Eli Events
Event 1: Blanket Making
This year, Grier girls made a total of 25 blankets! Below are photos from this year’s event! Thank you to all those able to help!
Event 2:
- What: Basket Build
- When: Friday, March 28th, 2025
- Time: TBD
- Location: Auditorium
- How to sign up? Closer to the date, see the trip board outside Dr. GB’s office.
- Important Details:
- ALL are welcome to help build the baskets even if you were not able to donate.
- Last year, 63 baskets were able to be built. Goal for this year is 70! Please help reach this goal!
- Community service hours will be given. You must sign-in and sign-out at the event. Thank you!
Photo from last year’s Easter for Eli Basket Build!
*Students should see Mrs. Hallahan with any questions, or email (ohallahan@grier.org).
College Counseling Updates
The senior class has entered into the waiting period for regular decision applications. Students will hear results from these applications between March and April. College decision day is May 1st.
The junior class has started their weekly college meetings with Ms. Barr. They are currently working on building their resumes. In the coming weeks, they will be discussing standardized testing, assessing their career interests, and building an initial college list.
Please reach out to Ms. Barr with any college counseling questions or concerns at kbarr@grier.org.
Testing Announcements
By Olivia Hallahan, Testing Coordinator
Exam Opportunities: On-Campus at Grier School
Junior Class: Now is the time to start thinking about your college application process. One step is to start taking the SAT and/or ACT.
Please find below testing opportunities for this semester. It is strongly encouraged that ALL Juniors take at least ONE of these exams this semester.
International students should take at least the SAT and/or ACT in addition to the TOEFL iBT (more info below for TOEFL).
*Accommodation Requests: For both test companies, College Board’s SSD Department and ACT TAA Department, the deadline to request a submission for your child has passed—due date was Friday, January 24th, 2025. However, if you have questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Hallahan (ohallahan@grier.org) to go over possible options.
TOEFL iBT at Grier School’s Test Center
Second Semester TOEFL iBT® Dates
*After completing the registration form, please see Mrs. Hallahan to fill-out an additional paper that must be sent with your registration.
The TOEFL iBT® exam takes place in North Cottage room 1 in the TOEFL Lab on Grier School Campus.
Have questions about testing at Grier School? Reach out to Mrs. Hallahan (ohallahan@grier.org) or stop by her office—1st floor inside the “Counseling Suite”.
Exam Opportunities: Off-Campus at Altoona Area High School
Weekend ACT & SAT
- ACT Test Center Code: 183670
- SAT Test Center Code: 39116
ACT and SAT Options
- MySAT (College Board) or MyACT account for registration.
- ALL off-campus weekend exams MUST go to Altoona Area High School for both the ACT and SAT. [Test Center Codes listed below.]
- Altoona Area High School is the ONLY location Grier School will transport students.
- Need help? Stop by Mrs. Hallahan’s office.
- Breakfast CLICK HERE to send your request(s). Breakfast will be available for “pick-up” in a “to-go” breakfast bag at dinner on FRIDAY NIGHT the evening before testing.
- Depart campus at 7am for testing at Altoona Area High School.
Have questions about testing at Altoona Area HS? Reach out to Mrs. Hallahan (ohallahan@grier.org) or stop by her office—1st floor inside the “Counseling Suite”.
Reminder for Saturday Mornings:
- Breakfast at 7:30AM
- Report to NC 2 at 8AM
February 2025—CLICK HERE to register
- February 8, 2025:Regular Jan. 15th; Late Jan. 28th)
- February 22, 2025: Regular Jan. 31st; Late Feb. 11th)
March 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- March 1, 2025: Regular Feb. 7th; Late Feb. 18th)
- March 29, 2025: Regular Mar. 7th; Late Mar. 18th)
April 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- April 5, 2025: Regular Mar. 14th; Late Mar. 25th)
- April 26, 2025: Regular Apr. 4th; Late Apr. 15th)
May 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- May 3, 2025: Regular Apr. 11th; Late Apr. 22nd)
- May 10, 2025:Regular Apr. 18th; Late Apr. 29th)
SAT School Day Dates/Deadlines/Registration
- Semester 2: Friday, March 28th, 2025
- Deadline (preferred): Friday, January 31st, 2025
- Final Deadline: Monday, February 10th, 2025
- Registration: CLICK HERE to access the form. Students use their Grier School email account to register.
ACT District Testing Dates/Deadlines/Registration
- Semester 2: Tuesday, April 8th, 2025
- Deadline: Friday, February 21st, 2025
- Final Deadline: Monday, February 24th, 2025
- Registration: CLICK HERE to access the form. Students use their Grier School email account to register.
February 2025
ACT Weekend Administration (Saturday, February 8, 2025) [PAPER or DIGITAL]
Test Center: Altoona Area High School
Test Center Code: 183670
- Deadline: Jan 3
- Late Deadline: Jan 20
- Photo Upload & Standby Deadline: Jan 31
- Deadline to Notify Mrs. Hallahan About Transportation to ALTOONA TEST CENTER: Jan 20 (Monday)
- Deadline Admission Ticket Turned into Mrs. Hallahan: Feb 3 (Monday)
March 2025
SAT Weekend Administration (Saturday, March 8th, 2025) [DIGITAL]
Test Center: Location near your home.
- Deadline: Feb 21
- Late Deadline/Changes to Registration Deadline: Feb 25
April 2025
ACT Weekend Administration (Saturday, April 5, 2025) [PAPER or DIGITAL]
Test Center: Altoona Area High School
Test Center Code: 183670
- Deadline: Feb 28
- Late Deadline: March 16
- Photo Upload & Standby Deadline: March 28
- Deadline to Notify Mrs. Hallahan About Transportation to ALTOONA TEST CENTER: March 16 (Monday)
- Deadline Admission Ticket Turned into Mrs. Hallahan: March 31 (Monday)
TOEFL, SAT & ACT Testing Dates
TOEFL iBT at Grier School’s Test Center
Second Semester TOEFL iBT® Dates
February 2025—CLICK HERE to register
- February 8, 2025:Regular Jan. 15th; Late Jan. 28th)
- February 22, 2025: Regular Jan. 31st; Late Feb. 11th)
March 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- March 1, 2025: Regular Feb. 7th; Late Feb. 18th)
- March 29, 2025: Regular Mar. 7th; Late Mar. 18th)
April 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- April 5, 2025: Regular Mar. 14th; Late Mar. 25th)
- April 26, 2025: Regular Apr. 4th; Late Apr. 15th)
May 2025—CLICK HERE to Register
- May 3, 2025: Regular Apr. 11th; Late Apr. 22nd)
- May 10, 2025:Regular Apr. 18th; Late Apr. 29th)
Off-Campus Testing Options
ACT and SAT Options
- MySAT (College Board) or MyACT account for registration.
- ALL off-campus weekend exams MUST go to Altoona Area High School for both the ACT and SAT. [Test Center Codes listed below.]
- Altoona Area High School is the ONLY location Grier School will transport students.
- Need help? Stop by Mrs. Hallahan’s office.
- Breakfast CLICK HERE to send your request(s). Breakfast will be available for “pick-up” in a “to-go” breakfast bag at dinner on FRIDAY NIGHT the evening before testing.
- Depart campus at 7am for testing at Altoona Area High School.
February 2025
ACT Weekend Administration (Saturday, February 8, 2025) [PAPER or DIGITAL]
Test Center: Altoona Area High School
Test Center Code: 183670
· Deadline: Jan 3
· Late Deadline: Jan 20
Photo Upload & Standby Deadline: Jan 31
Deadline to Notify Mrs. Hallahan About Transportation to ALTOONA TEST CENTER: Jan 20 (Monday)
Deadline Admission Ticket Turned into Mrs. Hallahan: Feb 3 (Monday)
March 2025
SAT Weekend Administration (Saturday, March 8th, 2025) [DIGITAL]
Test Center: Location near your home.
· Deadline: Feb 21
· Late Deadline/Changes to Registration Deadline: Feb 25
Have questions about testing at Grier School? Reach out to Mrs. Hallahan (ohallahan@grier.org) or stop by her office—1st floor inside the “Counseling Suite”.
2024 - 2025 Student Handbook
Stay Connected
Stay in Touch!
Want to be "in the know?"
Want to be connected DAILY to Grier School?
There are multiple ways to follow along with the daily happenings here at Grier! Follow these steps to stay connected to your daughter and our Grier School extended family!
- Stay up to date on current events and daily activities through the Grier School App! There are many important items linked here. Open the PDF below for a QR code to direct you to the App Store. (Available for Apple and Android devices)
- Follow us on Instagram @grier_school
- Follow us on Facebook @ Grier School | Tyrone PA | Facebook
- Log onto our website: www.grier.org
You've Got Mail!
Important Mail and Delivery Information!
Shipping and Postal Mail Updated Address is NEW:
ALL packages from UPS, FEDEX, DHL, AMAZON, etc. should
be sent to:
Grier School
4100 Juniata St
Tyrone PA 16686
ALL POSTAL MAIL (letters, cards, packages) should be sent to:
Grier School
2522 Grier School Rd
PO Box 308
Tyrone, PA 16686
Please note: Students are not permitted to order from InstaCart, UberEats, or any food delivery services. This is a safety concern. They are allowed to order from Domino's only on Friday and Saturday evenings for a 6-10 p.m. delivery to 4100 Juniata Street. With our amazing new food service and the extended hours of 1853, there are many options here on campus!
2024-2025 Calendar
Please log into your MyGrier Account for an in-depth Calendar and Events!
Grier School is dedicated to providing every student the opportunity to unlock her individual potential and pursue her unique passions. We offer a challenging curriculum within a nurturing and inclusive community where students find a sense of belonging as they gain knowledge, confidence, social and global awareness, and leadership skills.
Important Contacts
Geoffrey Grier, Director
Kara Lawler, Head of School
~ klawler@grier.org, ext. 7006
Cari Crago, Dean of Counseling, Wellness, and Residential Life
~ ccrago@grier.org, ext. 7015
Katt Barr, Dean of Academics
~ kbarr@grier.org, ext. 7057
Erin Guydish-Bucholz, Dean of Students and Belonging
~ eguydish@grier.org, ext. 7056
Anthony Lang, Dean of Faculty
Gage Bassham, Travel Coordinator
Lindsey Good, Business Director
~ lgood@grier.org, ext. 7008
Angela McLaughlin, Facts Administrator
~ amclaughlin@grier.org , ext. 7019