Laker Nation Newsletter
November 8th, 2024
Which do you prefer as a pet?
Senior Bleacher Photo is in!
Seniors- Don't forget to keep up with all of your activities- check the Senior Activities Google Classroom and your Senior Year Activities Packet. And stay tuned for the outcome of the Superintendent's Round Table and a Senior day trip!
Are you signing to play sports at your college next year?!
Contact Mr. Cabucio if you would like to participate in a celabratory signing on November 13th. We will hold another singing event in the Spring.
Civics Project Kick-Off
We are embarking on our second year with the MA Civics Project as a graduation requirement. We have seen changes to our school practices as a result of the 2023 pilot and the 2024 project including, a 2:10 dismissal for Seniors to alleviate traffic concerns and the creation of a Senior Lounge this year, and we see the continuation of initiatives such as addressing sports user fees and road infrastructure, to name just a few.
We were invited by BSU to attend a symposium and three student groups presented their projects for recognition. These students addressed the grade 11 students on Monday November 4th as part of the kick-off, sharing their advice. The Social Studies Department also invited veterans from the VFW Post 6643 in Freetown to help launch the Civics Project and they taught the students the 13 folds of the flag and presented a memorial display flag to the school.
Students have now joined groups and narrowed their initiatives. The research, interviews, and action plans are to come, culminating with a finished project in May of 2025.
Dates to Know
11.11.24 - Holiday - No School
11.12.24 - Powder Puff Game
11.14.24 - NHS Induction
11.15.24 - Pep Rally and Homecoming
11.21.24 - Parent/Guardian - Teacher Night
11.27.24 - ½ day
11.28.24-11.29.24 - No School
Meet our new student from Serbia, on a foreign exchange year! Jana Fejsa
Jana is a grade 11 student from Novi Sad, a city of approximately 500,000 citizens. She loves Volleyball, which is played only as a club event as no sports nor extracurriculars are offered through her school. She has been dreaming of coming to America since she was 11 years old and shares that it was Tik Tok that finally showed her to make that dream come true!
So far, she has been impressed by "nature" as she does not experience the beauty of foliage in Serbia, she finds the people very, very friendly, and she enjoyed her first American football game!
Check out arhs.lakernation as Digital Interns, Raylee Martins and Scarlett Spratt present an interview with Jan!
Our Term 1 Laker Nation Award Winners are Madeline Polichick and Eugene Jung!
Nominated by their teachers, Madeline and Eugene embody the core values of achievement, resilience, honor, and self-advocacy. Congratulations to both students, who receive a public acknowledgement, a certificate, and a free yearbook.
November 12-15- A spirited week!
We will celebrate spirit week and conclude with a Friday Pep Rally and Homecoming Dance.
Tuesday- Napper v. Dapper (PJ's or formal wear)
Wednesday- Inside Out Day (wear the color of your preferred Inside Out character)
Thursday- Mathlete v. Athlete
Friday- Class Colors
Students must be present in school for five full periods to attend the Homecoming Dance. The Dance is at the Venus DeMilo in Somerset from 6:30-10:30. Students who have bought tickets are welcome. Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. Breathalyzers will be utilized at the event.
We look forward to a great time!!
Core Value Winners
Check them out on arhs.lakernation
Christina Magnett- Resilience
Emma Seaberg- Honor
Andrew Johnson- Random Act of Kindness
Grace Ferrari- Self-Advocacy
Hailey Botelho-Random Act of Kindness
Olivia Correia- Achievement
Gracen Branco- Achievement
Trevor Norton- Achievement
Emily Pavao- Achievement
Bella Stratton- Achievement
Riley Fiano- Achievement
Sophia Mendez-Achievement
Sadie Taylor- Achievement
Sophia Osakowicz- Honor
Nia Kantamkulathy- Achievement
Zoey Sheppeck- Achievement
Jackson Eacobacci- Achievement
Safety Drill
We thank our staff and our students for taking the time to support school safety today. In classrooms, students discussed safety measures in the community, on the roads, and in our schools. A controlled barricade was erected and students and teachers discussed all ALICE measures such as "counter" and "evacuate". We prioritize safety and want our school community to know that we can find a blend between physical safety and a feeling of emotional safety in the building. Thank you to Lt. Maltais and SRO Bartholomew for their assistance. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Caught Learning
World History class projects. It's a tight race...with Madness in the lead...stay tuned!
See our Library Newsletter for monthly events, tech tips, local authors, and much more! This month features Native American Heritage, Epilipsy Awareness, and Veterans Day resources.
Caught Learning
Grade 9 and 11 championships!
Veteran's Day and why it matters
Veterans Day has its origins in the end of World War I, with the armistice (cease fire) on November 11, 1918. Originally known as Armistice Day, it was replaced with Veterans Day in 1954 to recognize all American veterans who have served in any war or branch of the military. Celebrated every November 11, Veterans Day is a time to honor and thank the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces, safeguarding the nation’s values and freedoms.
Armed Forces Day- memorializes those who currently serve in the military
Memorial Day- memorializes those who lost their lives in service to their country