Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition 9-27-2020 to 10-3-2020
Chavis Family -
There are only 13 days left for the first 9 weeks! Please make sure that your student is staying up to date with their assignments. If you have questions about what they are missing or how to monitor their progress, please reach out to their teachers.
Student Work
Students who complete ALL of their work this 9 weeks will receive and ice cream incentive during lunch!!!
If you are interested in joining the PTO please complete the attached form. We will have our first meeting October 21 (Time TBD). We are in need of as many parents/guardians as we can get! Our goal this year will be to find ways to celebrate student and teacher successes this school year.
Sign up sheets for Parent/Teachers Conferences will be coming home soon!
Friendly Reminder
- Make sure your student is completing their work during Remote Learning Days!
- Please make sure that your student is making every attempt to be at school during their cohort days.
This Week
- Please register for the PTO if you would like to serve
- Teachers will be sending home sign up sheets for virtual parent/teacher conferences
Looking Ahead
10-8-2020: Half Day
10-8-2020: Virtual Parent Conferences
10-9-2020: Optional Workday
10-9-2020: This is a Remote Learning Day! Work will be uploaded for students to complete
10-19-2020: Fall Pictures Cohort A
10-21-2020: Fall Pictures GVA Students
10-23-2020: Fall Pictures Cohort B
10-26-2020 to 11-9-2020: NC Check-Ins Testing Window
11-16-2020 to 11-20-2020: NC Check in for Math 1