Technology Campus Chronicle
October 18th, 2024
Dear OSES Families,
The 2025 Niche School Rankings were released. Here are some of the highlights:
· Best Charter Elementary School In America: 318/4191
· Best Public Elementary School In Florida: 80/2263
· Most Diverse Public Elementary School In Central Florida: 1/316
· Best Charter Elementary School In Orange County: 1/22
· Best Public Elementary School In Orange County: 7/160
We will celebrate this data for now, however what makes OSES a unique place, is that we see this also as room for improvement. For a look at all the data, please visit: https://www.niche.com/k12/orlando-science-elementary-charter-school-orlando-fl/rankings
Our annual Boosterthon is live, please help in any way you can and be sure to share your student’s link with family and friends.
Michael Singleton
Spread the Word!
The Online Application for the 2025-2026 school year is now available for new students on the school website at www.orlandoscience.org/enrollment.
Returning students – the ReEnrollment form for 2025-2026 will be shared in November.
Also we are no longer allowed to accept Uber Eats/Doordash etc for students!
Due to supply issues at the OCPS level, we do not know if hot or cold lunch will be served. Please be prepared to have either lunch until further notice.
Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE for the 2024-2025 school year
If your child has food allergies and will require a special meal from OCPS please click on the link below to fill out the special diet order form
Special Diets for Food Allergies - Orange County Public Schools (ocps.net)
Curriculum and Testing Updates
to our scholars for a successful first quarter. We are proud of our students and all the amazing growth they have shown during the first nine weeks.
Orlando Science is excited to participate in this year’s Scripps Spelling Bee. Please find the grade-level word lists below. Class Bees will take place during the week of November 4th.
Due to the recent storm, the PMA has been rescheduled. On Tuesday, October 22nd, our fifth-grade students will engage in their first countywide Science Progress Monitoring Activity during their Science block.
Please contact Ms. Carter (Cayce.Carter@Orlandoscience.org) with any questions.
Hot off the Dean's Desk
We have some exciting things coming up in Kindergarten! We are ready for our 50th day of school on Monday (technically now the 45th day, thanks hurricanes!) with a 50’s themed celebration.
Students will get to dress up for Book Character Day and present their pumpkin projects on 10/31.
In Social Studies, we are learning how to get along with others.
In Reading we are continuing to work on decoding and encoding words.
In Math we are continuing to work on addition and subtraction strategies.
In Science we are learning about “Earth in Time and Space”.
DiNuzzo and Vancol
In first grade Social Studies, we are learning about the different groups we belong to (families, school, communities, sports teams, etc.).
In Science, we are learning about how objects move. Students will learn about pushes and pulls in a variety of ways. Students will model pushes and pulls using a song with visuals. They will model pushes and pulls using their chairs. They will complete marble movement paintings as they watch how a marble can move in many different motions (round and round, zig zag, straight lines) over paper to create a painting masterpiece.
In math, we are learning how to add up to 20 with real-world story problems. In Mrs. Vancol’s and Ms. DiNuzzo’s classes students are learning how to add double digit addition problems using a variety of math strategies.
In reading, all 1st grade classes are working on Module 3. In Mrs. Vancol’s and Ms. DiNuzzo’s classes are working on author’s point of view (1st, 2nd, and 3rd person), central idea, and theme.
Soon our classes will be working on a variety of pumpkin stem projects to celebrate the fall season. If you would like to donate a small pumpkin, please contact a 1st grade teacher. Students will measure pumpkins, make predictions on whether they would float or not, count its lines, count its seeds, etc.
October 30th will be 1st grade's next STEM Rotation Day! Volunteers will be needed. A sign up will be sent out soon, however, you can always reach out to your child's teacher to volunteer.
Gatorland Field Trip Forms have been sent out. Please be sure to list your confirmation/transaction number on the form for proof of payment on SchoolPay. The deadline to pay is Friday, November 1st.
Congratulations to Rowan in Mrs. Vancol’s class for receiving her XtraMath Additions Certificate!
Congratulations to Aaradhya in Mrs. Quarterman’s class for receiving her Multiplication Xtra Math Certificate.
Congratulations to the students that received XtraMath Certificates in Ms. DiNuzzo’s class!
These students received their XtraMath Addition Certificates: Aganya (not pictured), Ayani, and Sneha.
These students received their XtraMath Subtraction Certificates: Olivia, Fiona, and Lynx
These students received their XtraMath Multiplication Certificates: Fiona and Sophia
Congratulations to our top August Readers Sophia and Ayani and top September Reader Yusuf.
Ben Rhoma
In Second grade, we are investigating how physical properties can be changed in science. We are learning about how materials can be altered to change some of their properties, but not all properties respond the same to any alteration. Students were amazed to watch and read about how glass can be melted. Students also were in deep discussion about how dry hard noodles can be used to make a model of a house, but a cooked noodle would not be the best choice.
In Reading we are discussing diverse ways people work out disagreements. It is interesting to listen to how students know how to work out disagreements and the ideas they got from each other while collaborating.
In writing we are working on writing complete sentences using transitional words. Once students state an opinion, they need to be able to elaborate and use transitional words and correct punctuation. We have been doing a lot of practice in writing journals. We are all excited about our upcoming field trip to see Junie B. Jones! We have been reading the book together and answering comprehension questions!
This week in Mrs. Myers class students completed their unit on the changing states of matter, finishing with making their own mini water cycles. Then they planted their seeds for their next unit on plant parts and their functions. The students planted mystery seeds and will be observing them over the coming days as they go through the different stages of development. Students have been working on multi digit multiplication and collaborating on the best methods to help teach others. Next week we will start our editing clinics, as they are almost done with their first FOUR paragraph informational essays on Hurricanes. Thanks to Helene and Milton, they have a lot of recent personal experiences to use on elaborating evidence from their sources
This week in third grade, we have continued learning about maps and how to read them. The students are really getting the hang of it! We've been working hard on two-digit by two-digit multiplication, and their progress has been incredible. In reading we're focusing on understanding different points of view, which has been enlightening to see the students' insights. Exciting news: we're starting our new science unit on plants. Next week, we'll be planting lima beans, and I can't wait for the students to get their hands dirty with this fun project.
In Fourth Grade, we are excited to share with you two of our innovative approaches about the chapter test in Math and Science using two dynamic and interactive platforms: Blooket and Kahoot! These tools not only make testing more engaging but also help reinforce learning through gamification.
Blooket is an engaging platform that combines quiz-based learning with fun and competitive learning games. Students will answer questions to earn points and unlock various game modes making learning exciting, effective and challenging.
Kahoot is a widely used game-based learning platform where students answer multiple choice questions in a competitive format. Kahoot promotes active participation and instant feedback, enhancing the learning experience.
With these two innovative platforms, students are more engaged and attentive during interactive tests.
In my Science Olympiad class, we are thrilled to share with you one of the highlights of activity that we did this week: The Marshmallow Challenge. This activity not only assesses our students' engineering skills but also their collaborative teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, the activity is a fantastic way to engage students in hands-on learning. It fosters a sense of accomplishment and excitement making Science and engineering ideas more accessible and enjoyable.
Our 5th graders have been busy bringing their imaginations to life with some amazing STEAM projects! They had three exciting options to pick from based on what they love most.
**All About Manatees**
Who can resist the charm of manatees? Some students dove into research on these gentle giants that call Florida home. They created a captivating Google Slides presentation filled with fascinating facts about manatees—everything from their size and lifespan to their population, diet, and habitat. They even had some fun with numbers, showcasing their findings in word form, standard form, and expanded form!
**Math Game Board**
Other students unleashed their creativity by crafting a fun game for two or more players that focuses on comparing groups of place-value blocks. They designed game boards, cards, and rules, creating games featuring both whole numbers and decimals. What a fun way to learn math!
**Planetary Distances**
For those curious about the cosmos, students set off on an interstellar adventure to explore the distances from the sun to each planet in our solar system. They gathered lots of information and put together a chart displaying these distances in both miles and million miles, rounding them to the nearest 10,000 miles. Once their data was ready, they mapped all eight planets on a giant number line starting with the sun at zero, visually showcasing their distances in million miles.
It's been such a fantastic journey filled with learning and creativity!
Erickson P.E.
This week in PE, we played the floor is lava. We reviewed locomotor skills, having students hop from poly spot to poly spot without falling into the lava. This game uses strategy and practices balance.
9 Weeks of Learning Turkish: An Engaging Journey
Over the past nine weeks, students in our Turkish language class have been on an exciting journey of learning and discovery. The curriculum has covered a range of foundational topics, including introductions, numbers, colors, days of the week, months, school subjects, classroom rules, and classroom language. Throughout these lessons, students have engaged in various activities designed to reinforce these concepts in fun and interactive ways.
To kick off the course, students explored why learning a foreign language is important and discussed the benefits of learning Turkish. They also gained cultural insights through presentations about Turkey, which helped lay the groundwork for the language skills they are developing.
A special highlight was preparing birthday cards in Turkish for our Family History teacher’s birthday, which gave students a meaningful way to practice the language in a real-life context. Additionally, they created presentations based on the topics covered so far and shared them with their classmates.
The focus of the lessons has been to encourage students to speak Turkish and to ensure that learning is enjoyable through a variety of activities. The aim is not only to teach the language but also to foster a love for it and an appreciation for Turkish culture
Solar Bears (Ice Hockey) Field Trip on Tuesday, November 19, 2024!
We are so excited to go and cheer for the Orlando Solar Bears at Kia Center!
Game date: 11/19/2024 / 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Students can purchase items at Kia Center if they wish. Kia Center is Cashless, so please provide your student a VISA or Master Gift card.
All students must wear full uniform (Polo) and option to wear school jackets, Non-school jackets are not allowed.
No backpack on the game day, but a small bag is allowed, to carry personal items, such as a cell phone and a wallet.
Kia Center prohibits outside food to be brought in.
Since we purchase the tickets in advance, there is no refund of the fee.
Please have your student return the permission slip to the Homeroom teacher no later than November 8, 2024.
Please no digital / scan and send it to the Homeroom teacher.
Feel free to email me with any questions about enrollment at Ivette.bravo@orlandoscience.org.
Information and itinerary for our Costa Rica 2025 trip:
https://secure.passports.com/document/2457CFC5ABD3/ - Tour itinerary
https://secure.passports.com/document/2457CFC5ABDC/ - Tour presentation
Club Sign Up Links
Club Fee Payment Link Below (by grade)
Your Resource for Legislative Updates
In order to help keep our families informed of the latest legislative updates regarding their student's education, a Parent Rights Resources page has been added to the school website.
Recent updates include:
- Internet Safety
- District Health Care Services
- Special Magistrate
Mission Statement
The mission of Orlando Science Elementary School (OSES) is to provide a well-rounded education with special emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), while using research-based and innovative instructional methods in a stimulating learning environment. OSES is committed to the social-emotional learning and character development of all students.