Coyote Chronicles

October 1, 2024
A message from the principal
As I begin my 12th year as principal, I feel incredibly proud to work alongside the best staff I’ve ever known. Since early August, I’ve witnessed our teachers cutting their summers short to prepare their classrooms in anticipation of welcoming a new group of Coyotes. Our paraprofessionals go above and beyond every day to ensure our students receive the support they need to thrive, both in and out of school. I’m grateful for our custodial, nursing, and kitchen staff, who take great pride in creating a safe and nurturing environment for our Coyotes. Finally, I cannot thank our office staff enough for their warm welcomes and assistance to both students and parents—they often even make me look good!
In addition to our amazing staff, I’m fortunate to be part of a wonderfully supportive community that plays a vital role in making Andover Elementary a special place. Parent involvement is essential to our success. Whether through volunteering in the classroom, attending APTCO meetings, or helping at after-school events, your participation makes a significant difference in creating a positive experience for our Coyotes. Last week’s Family Fun Night was a perfect example of what happens when our community comes together for a common cause. We not only celebrated a successful fundraiser but also transformed the largest elementary school in the state into a close-knit family. This is what’s possible when dedicated staff, parents, and community members volunteer their time and talents for the betterment of our Coyotes.
If you haven’t yet found a way to get involved, I encourage you to consider it. Your engagement truly enhances our school and contributes to what makes Andover Elementary exceptional.
Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to another fantastic year together!
Anoka-Hennepin $22 million Budget Cut Community Meeting Tuesday, October 1 at Andover High School at 6 p.m.
The presentation provided at this community meeting is similar to presentations provided at the Sept. 23 school board meeting. Interested citizens are encouraged to view the presentation and provide feedback using the form. Here is the link to the actual plan for Community Meetings
Fall Conference Dates: Oct. 7 & Oct. 10, 2024
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on October 7 and October 10, 2024. Each day has morning options.
Fall Conference Dates & Times:
Oct. 7 - 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 2:10 - 8:30 PM
Oct. 12 - 7:30 - 8:30 AM and 4:10 - 8:10 PM
Schedules are ready for parents to access now. Directions to schedule your preferred times are
1. Go to: MyConferenceTime
2. Click on the name of your child's teacher
(If you have more than one child
attending our school, click on "Register
for Multiple Conferences" and follow the
prompts to schedule your children.
3. Select the desired date/time for your
conference by clicking on "sign up."
4. Submit the requested information.
You will receive an email confirmation and reminder of your conference, as long as you enter your email address. If you need the conference time changed after signing up, contact the school office at 763-506-1700.
Hello Andover Elementary families,
It's been so nice to get to know some new faces as we kick off the school year.
First, we want to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who collected and contributed to this year's Walk-A-Thon. With your generous support, we raised just over $40,000. This will benefit our students and staff greatly!
Speaking of Walk-A-Thon, we had a beautiful school day event, with students getting to run through an inflatable obstacle course to celebrate their hard work. A few staff members even raced some students through the course. Our evening Family Fun Night had a great turnout as well, with families mingling and enjoying the food trucks, and lots of paw charms being collected. A special thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the event a success! We really cannot do these things without you, and we are grateful for our Andover Elementary School community.
Conferences are right around the corner. If you are interested in donating items that will be used for conference dinners, please see our Amazon Wish List on our Facebook page.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 24th at 6:30pm in the South Media Center (please enter through door #1). We will recap our Walk-A-Thon fundraiser, conference dinners, discuss upcoming events, and we will hear from Mr. Van Voorhis. We hope to see you there!
Andover Parent Teacher Community Organization
Andover Elementary School
2024-2025 APTCO Board:
Tia Borich & Jessica Van Wyhe ~ Co Chairs
Melissa Hayek ~ Vice Chair
Olivia Pizinger ~ Treasurer
Amanda Kasten ~ Secretary
Connect with us!
Follow us on Facebook
Child nutrition update
The state’s Free School Meals program to continue in 2024, families will still need to apply to qualify for more educational benefits
For the 2024-2025 school year, every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items.
If your family needs access to any other educational benefits available to your student, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application.
The enrollment window for the 2024 Applications for Educational Benefits began August 1, 2024.
Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
Volunteer news
Thank you to all who generously gave their time by volunteering in the month of September. A HUGE thank you to all who have volunteered in the lunchroom to help our kindergarten students learn the lunch routine. Also, thank you so much to those who volunteered for picture day and Walk-A-Thon last week. Volunteers play a vital role at Andover Elementary and you make a tremendous impact!
Upcoming opportunities include:
General Volunteering in our workroom
Book Fair - cashier and assist students shop
Explorations Prep Help - miscellaneous tasks and assembly
Veterans Wall of Honor - Brick Wall Assembly
Enrichment Programs - Skill Builders, Math Plus and Challenge Reading
To learn more or to sign up, visit: Andover Elementary Volunteer Headquarters
Volunteer Services Contact: Kelli Anderson
Email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
Phone: 763-506-1723
Tidbits from the Health Office
If you still have some paperwork for the health office, such as: Med forms, action plans, immunizations, or restrictions, you may send it with your child to school, fax it (763-506-1703), or use email.
Did you know you can keep over the counter medications in the school health office? Examples include: Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, cough medicine, or allergy medication. All we need is a signed parent permission slip, and it should be brought to school in the original bottle.
Currently accepting donations of clothing Items. We need joggers, sweatpants, shorts, socks, and tee shirts. No jeans please.
Put Your Passion in Action ─ Become a Reading Tutor!
Andover Elementary is looking for a Reading Tutor for the 2024-25 school year beginning October 21st. You can take action in our community by giving your time and talent to help students build their skills and confidence!
Reading Tutors work one-on-one or in small groups with students during school hours throughout the school year. Whether you are a recent grad, career changer, stay-at-home parent or retiree, you can make a great tutor! No experience? No problem. With training and on-site coaching, our tutors are prepared to help kids succeed.
Part-time and full-time positions are available starting October 21st. Tutors receive a stipend every two weeks plus up to an additional $3600 for college tuition or loans (tutors 55+ may gift the education award to their child, grandchild, stepchild or foster child).
Ready to put your passion in action to help the students at Andover Elementary succeed? Apply at:
Andover Elementary AmeriCorps Reading Tutor Job Summary and Application
Questions? Email ann.olson@ampact.us or call 612.605.8167
Andover Elementary Spirit Shop Update and Promo Code
We are excited to share that the Andover Elementary Spirit shop has new designs! Samples of our new items will be available for viewing during the evening of conferences on 10/7 and 10/10 outside the main office.
Receive 15% off orders placed 10/1 - 10/15 using coupon code AECOYOTE24
Coyote Spirit Shop - Open Year Round
Visit the Coyote Spirit Shop
- Easy online ordering
- Two shipping options: ship to school* (no cost) or ship to home (fee applicable)
- New items and designs will be added periodically
- No due dates - order anytime!
Please note, if the ship to school option is chosen, items will be delivered to Andover Elementary on the second Friday after your order is placed. For example, an order placed on Tuesday, October 1st
will be delivered to Andover Elementary on Friday, October 11th. Items may not go home until the
following Monday, depending on how many orders are received and volunteer availability to deliver
items, etc.
Items are printed and fulfilled by The Branding Wearhouse.
Contact Kelli Anderson, Volunteer Services Coordinator, with questions.
email: kelli.anderson@ahschools.us
phone: 763-506-1723
Andover High School Football Game Expectations
As we prepare for Homecoming Week at Andover High School, here are some reminders about our District Expectations regarding attendance at High School Activities.
Homecoming Football Game Friday (10/4)
Our goal is to provide a fun, safe and engaging opportunity for elementary and middle school students to enjoy the energy and excitement of our high school events. The following expectations are in place to ensure that all who attend experience a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
It is expected that guardians supervise their students.
Unaccompanied/unsupervised Elementary/Middle school students will not be permitted entry.
Elementary and Middle School students will be admitted to football games with a valid GoFan ticket, and guardian escort with a 2:1 ratio of students to adults.
The student code of conduct for school extends to all Anoka-Hennepin school events. Students running, pushing, throwing objects, using profanity, or causing other disruptions will be required to sit with their guardians for the remainder of the game.
Unaccompanied students may be approached by Administration and asked to wait at the front gate for their guardian to pick them up and take them home.
If a guardian has to be called about a student’s behavior, that student’s home school may be contacted, and the student may not be admitted to a game for the remainder of the season.
Students are not permitted to bring bags, backpacks, footballs, soccer balls, etc. to games. Balls will be confiscated at the gate if brought to the stadium.
Save time and avoid long lines and purchase your GoFan tickets online by clicking here.
Annual Student Anti-Bullying Survey
The Anoka-Hennepin School District is administering the annual Student Anti-Bullying survey to a sample of classrooms in grades 4, 6, 8 and 10 between October 8th and November 15th. Our school will be conducting the survey during the week of Oct. 8th.
The survey asks students about bullying behaviors they may have experienced or witnessed at school. The results are used to help identify and address areas of concern to make the school environment safe and welcoming for all students.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us by calling our school office at 763-506-1700
Review and provide input on the future of elementary English Language Arts curriculum materials
As the district reviews and adopts new course materials, it involves staff, students, parents, and the community in the process. This school year, the district will be in its ninth-year of using ‘Reading Wonders,’ the English Language Arts (ELA) materials used in district elementary schools, while it begins piloting potential and studying new ELA curriculum materials for the future.
📚View the timeline and learn more about the process and course materials involved.
Save the date: Families and community members are invited to the ELA curriculum review night on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at the Anoka-Hennepin Schools Educational Services Center located at 2727 N. Ferry Street, Anoka from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
10/04 - No School for Elementary Students - Staff Development Day
10/07 - No School for Students - Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/10 - Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/17 - No School for Students - MEA
10/18 - No School for Students - MEA
10/30 - Fall Picture Retake Day
11/05 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
11/25 - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
11/26 - No School for Students - Staff Planning/Grading
11/27 - No School for Students - Conference Conversion Day
11/28 - District Closed - Holiday
11/29 - District Closed - Holiday
This e-newsletter is published by Andover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.