E&C Newsletter
March 2025
Each parish in our diocese is responsible for sharing YEARLY Safe Environment lessons to every age group in grade school. This is a yearly requirement of YOUR CURRICULUM. Please be sure to follow our diocesan requirements. More information can always be found in our policies and procedures portal:
You’ve Got to Give Young People This: An Encounter with Christ
by Dr. Zachary Keith. Click BLOG below to read
Join the Department of Pastoral Services and the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis for HOPE: Its Enemies and Discipline
"One of the greatness enemies of hope is forgetting God's promises."
As we draw closer to the hope that is found in the celebration of the resurrection of Christ at Easter and continue the celebration of Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope, we invite you to this day of contemplation and prayer. Abbot Gerard D'Souza, OSCO who is the leader of the Abbey of the Genesee Trappist Monastery will be guiding the retreat. The day will include two talks, prayer, personal reflection time, and a soup lunch. If you have any questions or need additional information, click on "Contact Us" in the menu bar above.
- 10:00 a.m.- First Talk with Abbot D'Souza & Conversation
- 12:00 p.m.- Sext (Midday Prayer) & Lunch
- 1:30 p.m.- Second Talk with Abbot D'Souza & Conversation
Participants are welcome to attend 7:00 a.m. Mass at the Abbey! Starting after Mass, the retreat house will be open for fellowship and hospitality prior to the first talk. You may also participate in Vespers at 5:30 PM
3258 River Rd. Piffard, Bethlehem Retreat House
April 10, 10:00 A.M -3:30 P.M
Catechist Formation April 9
Go and Make Disciples: Catechists as More than Teacher
When we talk about passing on the faith, we must do more than just teach a subject. How do we make our Catholic faith real for those in our faith formation programs? Join us as we discuss various methods and techniques that can help pass the faith to the next generation, bringing the Good News to all the world.
This Catechist Formation will be offered twice. As this will be formatted as a discussion, participation is encouraged, however, those who sign up but are unable to join will get a recording along with any handouts.
Presenter: Don Smith, Diocesan Coordinator of Sacramental Catechesis and Family Life
Lessons, resources, links and more can be found by clicking below:
March Webinars
- Tuesday, Mar. 4 at 2:00pm – Theology of the Body for Ages 4-10 – Part 1 (for Catholic School Teachers, Administrators, and Home Educators) – Katrina Zeno, Founder, TOB for Everyone! Apostolate
Click here to register
- Tuesday, Mar. 11 at 1:00pm – From Surviving to Thriving: Parish Missions that Aim for Deep Renewal – Martin Watjen and Brian Hough, Elevated Parish Missions.
Click here to register
- Tuesday, Mar. 18 at 2:00pm – Engaging in Battle: Helping Catholic Men Develop the Courage, Clarity, and Virtue to Serve to be Effective Witnesses – Fr. David Marsden, SCJ.
Click here to register
- Tuesday, Mar. 25 at 2:00pm – In Spanish: Cómo responder cuando nuestros estudiantes vienen con heridas // How to Respond When Our Students Come to Us with Wounds – Presentado por P. Daniel Leary, capellán, Hermanas de María, Villa de las niñas, Chalco, México
Click here to register
Would you like to get more volunteers and parishioners using the system for vital training and knowledge about the Catholic faith? Leaders can send an invitation to an email distribution list directly from their institution page. Below is a tutorial. Contact Leslie in the Office of E and C, if you need more assistance.
Breakthrough Youth Retreat
Organized by St. Michael's Family Protection Institute
Saturday, April 5
Parish of the Holy Family (Gates)
Joey Pontarelli, Founder & President: Restored
Better, Not Bitter: How to Transform Pain Into Purpose
Nothing steals the happiness and salvation of young people more than pain and suffering in their lives. Most respond to it in unhealthy, sinful ways that cause even more harm. In this practical talk, Joey shares his journey of navigating pain. He offers stories and lessons on how to heroically deal with pain like the Saints did, so young people can use suffering as a catalyst for growth instead of being crushed by it.
Samantha Kelley, Founder & President: FIERCE ATHLETE
Samantha Kelley is an international presenter, author, and speaker. She is the Founder and current President of FIERCE Athlete Inc. She was a 9x state champion in high school between soccer, ice hockey and track. She played Division I Soccer at UConn and is currently involved in competitive rowing, pickleball, and triathlons. She holds a Masters in Catholic Psychology, Certification in Strength & Conditioning, Certification through Encounter Ministries and has extensively studied the Theology of the Body. Through FIERCE she desires to reach female athletes, coaches, and parents across the world and change the culture of female athletics. She currently resides in Pennsylvania with her golden retriever Birdie. Samantha speaks nationally on topics of Sport, Femininity, Theology of the Body, Prayer, and any other topics that fit within the mission of FIERCE Athlete, Inc.
NCYC 2025 Registration Numbers Update!
As of February 26, 2025, 12 parish groups have registered 130 pilgrims for NCYC 2025! Registrations from parishes who have expressed interest in NCYC to the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis, but have yet to register pilgrims will continue to be accepted. The Office of Evangelization & Catechesis will be increasing its capacity for this pilgrimage beyond our initial capacity of 112 pilgrims. The increase in capacity will be limited! For more information, resources, and other helpful tips visit the NCYC 2025 portal by clicking the button below. If you have questions, contact Mark at Mark.Capellazzi@dor.org.
Notre Dame Vision: Calling All High School Students
Each summer, the University of Notre Dame invites high school students from across the country to spend a week on Notre Dame’s campus. Participants spend Monday through Friday exploring how God calls us in our lives and how we might respond. During the week at Notre Dame, participants will share in dynamic large group experiences, interactive small group time, profound liturgies, and excellent music. Notre Dame students lead this program. This year one of those students is from Blessed Sacrament Church in the Diocese of Rochester. Participants get to experience student life by eating in the dining halls, staying in the dorms, and enjoying the beautiful campus. This year's sessions run from June 23-27 and July 7-11. Registration is open now! For more information on this program and the program for campus/youth ministers that runs during the same time period, click the buttons below.
New York State Community of Catholic Youth Ministry
With the support of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), the New York State Community of Catholic Youth Ministry is a platform for those involved in youth ministry within New York State to collaborate with/support one another and engage in the work of NFCYM. NFCYM is recognized as the largest youth ministry organization in the United States and is the foundation for synodal dialogue about the needs and concerns of those who minister to youth. ALL THOSE WHO MINISTER TO/WITH YOUTH IN THE DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO JOIN THE COMMUNITY'S FACEBOOK GROUP BELOW. For more information, email Mark here.
Diocese of Rochester Young Adults is Now on Instagram!
With feedback that many young adults seeking opportunties to engage in and live out their Catholic faith in the Diocese of Rochester are on Instagram, the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis has added a new way to connect for them to connect on social media. The Diocese of Rochester Young Adult Ministry now has a presence on Instagram. To connect with us on Instagram or Facebook, click the button below.
Find Additional Opportunities for Young Adults
Connect with us!
Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Recipients- Grant Harrison
Congratulations to Grant Harrison for earning the Light of Christ religious emblem medal. Grant, a member of the Scouting America program in the Diocese of Rochester, will be presented with the emblem during Sunday Mass at his parish in March.
Special Jubliee 2025 Activity for Scouts!
Pope Francis declared 2025 a Jubilee Year in 2022 after the COVID pandemic. He wanted to give us hope for the future: “We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire..."
The new activity asks participants to pray the Jubilee Prayer, learn about the logo and also learn what a Jubilee Year is and how often it can be proclaimed and other requirements. The activity patch will only be available until January 6, 2026, when the Jubilee Year ends. In addition to the activity patch, Scouts and Scouters are encouraged to find out if their local diocese/archdiocese or eparchy is holding any special Jubilee activities throughout the year. To learn more about this activity, click the button below.
Scouting in the Catholic Church Conference
July 6-12, 2025
Philmont Training Center
Cimarron, New Mexico
Youth ministers, clergy, Scout leaders, families—all are welcome to come for a faith-filled, informative and fun week. A course highlight will be learning to incorporate the new USCCB document “Listen, Teach, Send” into Catholic Scouting. Religious Emblems Counselor training will also be offered. For more information and to register, click the button below.
Sacramental Snippet
Confirmation Schedule
Last month we circulated among the Confirmation Coordinators the schedule for Spring Confirmations. Below is a copy of the schedule. Please note that some individual families have shifted, so numbers are not the same as they appear on this schedule, and any additional changes should be cleared by Don before being made.
Last Call!! Adult Initiation
The Rite of Election and Calling to Continuing Conversion will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Cathedral on March 9 (First Sunday of Lent) at 2pm.
Please provide us with your registration information for the Rite of Election and Calling to Continuing Conversion. As in years past, we are gathering names and information for the Rites as well as delegation letters for the Easter Vigil. Please use the form at https://forms.gle/dsLBYmhsADoSca9a7 to register your parish and candidates/catechumens.
Registration Information is needed NO LATER than Ash Wednesday (March 5) and is appreciated as soon as possible.
Revisiting the Policies
It has been 10 years since the Policies for the Administration of the Sacraments were promulgated by Bishop Matano. Over the next few months, we will look at key highlights from the policies that can help shape our ministries.
From “General Principles for Catechetical Instruction/Sacramental Preparation” (p. 7-8)
The National Directory of Catechesis states, “Dioceses and parishes should present sacramental catechesis that:
- Is comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith, one that integrates knowledge of the faith with living the faith;
- Is fundamentally Trinitarian and centers on initiation into the life of the Triune God;
- Presents Christian life as a lifelong journey to the Father in the Son and through the Holy Spirit;
- Is appropriate to the age level, maturity, and circumstances of those being catechized;
- Is intended for all members of the Christian community, takes place within the community, and involves the whole community of faith;
- Involves parents in the preparation of their children for the Sacraments;
- Is integrated into a comprehensive catechetical program;
- Focuses primarily on the symbols, rituals, and prayers contained in the rite for each Sacrament; and
- Enables the believer to reflect on the meaning of the Sacrament received by implementing a thorough experience of mystagogia following the celebration.” (NDC, 35-B)
Let’s explore that…
The first major point of this section is that we are drawing our policy from the National Directory of Catechesis, so this is not unique to the Diocese of Rochester. The intent of this section is to align with the rest of the United States, and, since the NDC draws from Vatican documents, the world.
The goal of a systematic formation in faith is important. It really implies that we are not just teaching as it flows, but intentionally with each piece of information building on what has come before.
The idea of a ‘fundamentally Trinitarian’ curriculum may seem heady and theological, almost scary. But ultimately it is who we, as Catholics, are. It’s explained, even, in the next bullet that we are on a lifelong journey to the Father, in the Son and through the Holy Spirit. When we approach our Sacraments as part of that journey, the rest will feel much more natural.
Including the notion that all of the community is included in the formation in their own way. Yes, a second grader is preparing to receive the Eucharist for the first time, but the community is preparing to welcome that young person into a fuller celebration with them. It’s also important to note that this includes the parents (next bullet) and gives us an opportunity to re-catechize in areas that are often forgotten or were missed.
The integration into a comprehensive catechetical program is unique in our Diocese. We separate our Sacramental Preparation from other catechetical programs, but not our full Sacramental Catechesis. All our catechetical programs should help the believer come to a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of the Sacraments so that the final bullet can be achieved. The difference is between Sacramental Catechesis and Sacramental Preparation.
Each month watch here for what is coming up in the Jubilee. Resources and news will be here, along with any ideas that you share. Speaking of - what are you doing for the Jubilee? Share it with us so we can share it out.
Please visit our Diocesan page for the Jubilee: https://oec.dor.org/jubilee-2025/
This Month's Jubilees
Throughout the year, Pope Francis has invited specific groups to gather in Rome for the Jubilee. In March, he has invited:
March 8-9 Jubilee of the World of Volunteering
This means March is an excellent time to recognize your parish volunteers in celebration of this Jubilee!
March 28-30 Jubilee of Priests instituted as Missionaries of Mercy and 24 Hours for the Lord
This is just a few days prior to our own Diocesan Day of Penance (April 2), which provides us with an excellent opportunity to catechize people about the Sacrament of Reconciliation as an important part of a Jubilee Year.
Ideas from the Field
If you are a subscriber to Fashioning Faith or would like to purchase just the Parish Kit, The Pastoral Center (https://pastoral.center/proclaiming-hope) has designed a downloadable kit of four sessions including an intergenerational session, adult, child and youth session, complete with handouts created by Jane Angha, Joan Weber, Dr. Kathie Amidei, Tom East and others. It is free with a Fashioning Faith subscription or $25 without. The kit, called Proclaiming Hope, is a helpful way to bring the Jubilee year into your faith formation setting.
Bulletin Blurbs
Don has been working (and will continue to work) on short blurbs that can go in your bulletin each week. They relate the Sunday Gospel to one of three themes: Jubilee, Hope, or Pilgrimage. They also give a "ponder point" for parishioners to consider over the week. This will be updated as he finishes more weeks. (updated to include Sundays through May.)
Welcome back to Jennifer Abdalla who is serving as Director of Stewardship and Pastoral Ministries at St. Benedict Parish and will be supporting in faith formation as well.
About us
Contact for information on all newsletters, evangelization, training, consultation
Mark Capellazzi, Project Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry x1375
Contact for youth ministry/young adult or Catholic scouting consultation/website questions, Certification process
Don Smith, Coordinator of Sacramental Catechesis and Family Life x1243
Contact for Sacramental information and Fully Engaged
Website: oec.dor.org
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3228