Hudson High School Senior Scoop

Halfway to graduation!
Quarter 3 is under way, Seniors! Get on track and stay on track so you can participate in all activities and athletics. Take advantage of academic lunch and ESD after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 1:30-3:00 to work on all the things! Quarter 3 on track status will determine your eligibility for Grad Bash, Prom (read more below), and all other Senior activities! Make sure you have paid your graduation fees, ordered your yearbook, and are checking your communication and this smore regularly for updates!
1/21- Senior class presentations, grad plan review
1/25- CLT test for those needing graduation requirement testing, 8:45 am
2/14- Deadline for Senior yearbook ads/dedications- see below
2/4- Field trip to Marchman Technical Institute (see Short or Maguire to sign up)
2/20- CLT test for those needing graduation requirement testing
2/20- Marchman Technical College Open House 5:30-7:30pm (see flyer below)
3/12- SAT School Day (college reportable) for all Juniors- Seniors may pay $38.50 to take, sign up with Ms. Maguire by Jan. 31st)
3/13- GRADUATION FEES DUE (see below)
ASVAB test (see Maguire to sign up)
3/25-27- ACT NCR for those needing graduation requirement testing
4/5- Grad Bash @ Universal
5/2- All eschool/FLVS online work and DBAs due
5/9- All eschool/FLVS online exams due
5/17- Prom @ George M. Steinbrenner Field, Tampa
5/27- Senior Breakfast, 8am, HHS Gym
5/29- Graduation practice, 8am, HHS Gym
Clapout at HAC after practice
Senior Countdown in commons, 1:20pm
5/30- Graduation practice, 8am, HHS gym
- Senior BBQ, 11am, HHS Stadium
June 4th, 1:30: Graduation @ Yuengling Center!
Grad Bash 2025- Read carefully!
If you have already purchased a yearbook on Rycor and want a senior ad, please contact Laurayne Dola at dlwells@pasco.k12.fl or 727-774-4200.
Otherwise, yearbooks and senior ads can be purchased from the publishing company Walsworth. Please go to
Yearbook: $75
Full-page ad: $180, with a yearbook included.
Half-page ad: $125, yearbook not included.
*Walsworth accepts PayPal and has a PayPal pay later option.
Have photos that would be great for the yearbook? Submit the via the Yearbook Snap app! Access code is cobras (all lowercase).
MAY 2ND- All online work and DBAs due
MAY 9TH- All online exams due
*See Mrs. O'Neil with any questions
- Students must be on track (grades, discipline, attendance) for Quarter 3 in order to participate in athletics and other activities. Please be sure you are attending daily and that if you are absent, you turn in an excuse note to the front office no more than 3 days after the absence.
Class of 2025 Team
Gina Julia- Assistant Principal gjulia@pasco.k12.fl.us
Amy O'Neil- School Counselor aoneil@pasco.k12.fl.us
Kacy Short- Graduation Coach kshort@pasco.k12.fl.us
Carrie Logue- Class Sponsor cparks@pasco.k12.fl.us