The Ute Pass Press
October Edition
Principal Powell's Post
Happy October!
Fall is one of my favorite seasons for so many reasons. I had the opportunity (like many of you judging by the traffic on Highway 24) to view the gorgeous aspen trees outside Victor this weekend, and despite being quite talkative, I was speechless! Colorado is certainly showing off this year!
As the trees begin to release their leaves, we also are turning over a new leaf with our learning. We spent time during our late start Wednesday in September planning for our roll out of the new Environmental Learning Curriculum- Project Learning Tree. This work was done all throughout the year last year with our Building Leadership Team to prepare for more alignment in the building for environmental education. We now have a working scope and sequence of lessons from preschool through sixth grade! This will increase intentionality and common language with our building's focus.
Additionally, we were able to bring back Mountain Math for the third year in a row. Mountain Math began in the 22-23 school year after we analyzed our building data and saw a need for increased math support to fill gaps from the pandemic and also a time for enrichment and extension opportunities for students. Mountain Math version 3.0 is even more focused and tailored to our individual student's needs. During this 30 minute slot of time, the entire school stops what they are doing and students travel to different classrooms to work on math skills at their level. These multi-age groups, identified by mountain names, have proven incredibly beneficial in increasing math fluency, problem solving skills, and our building data for math. Our current rotation is focusing on Place Value and will run for 8 weeks before switching to Operations after Thanksgiving Break.
We had an incredibly successful Fun Run this year- meeting and exceeding our goal! Students had a blast at the actual event, but also in the days leading up to the event- pie the principal, silly string the secretaries, decorate the dean, dress-up days, pajama days, and popcorn parties... oh yeah, and Mr. Groth eating a worm! Thank you so much for your support both at the event, and in our fundraising efforts. These funds go directly back to our school and students to support the amazing work in this building. Thank you so much for your help! On Wednesday of this week, we will celebrate reaching our goal with a visit from Kona Ice! Additionally, we have prizes to hand out for top runners and top fundraisers!
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we adjust to new safety and security measures at UPES. I know many of these procedures take additional time, but we appreciate you understanding that they are in place to keep all students and staff safe. As a reminder, we will ask you for your identification each time you come in the building, and you are required to wear a visitor's sticker. For any field trips that teachers have requested volunteers, we also need you to check in through our front office to be run through our Raptor system before attending the field trip.
We look forward to connecting with you during our Fall Family Conferences on October 24th and 25th. Similar to last year, we will have a Family Gathering space with crafts and snacks. Please stay tuned for more information about conferences and sign-ups!
As you look through the pictures below, and as you listen to the stories from your amazing young people that we have the privilege to educate, I hope you feel the joy, hear the laughter, and appreciate this truly unique little gem that we get to call our school.
Your partner in education,
Jackie Powell, Ute Pass Principal
Important Dates in October
1- Creek Week Clean-Up Day
2- Late Start/ Kona Ice/ Fun Run Awards Assembly/ Custodian's Day
3-4 6th at High Trails
4- 5th at Catamount
7- 6th Grade CoGat
8- 6th Grade CoGat, PAC/SAC 3 pm in Music Room
9- All School Service Day
10- Bus Evacuation Drills
11- 5th to Catamount, Original Works orders due
16- Unity Day, 4th to Wolf and Wildlife Center
17- Staff Work Day, No Students
18- Fall Break, No School
21- 5th at Catamount
22- Picture Retakes, Author Visit
23- Author Visit
24- Noon Dismissal, Family Conferences
25- Family Conferences
26- Dia de los Muertos Celebration 3-5 at UPES
31- Costume Parade at 2:15 pm
Unity Day- October 16th
We are excited to share with you that our school will be celebrating Unity Day on October 16th. Unity Day is an annual event occurring during National Bullying Prevention Month in October that promotes joining together to create healthier communities through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. We will celebrate Unity Day by wearing orange. Students are welcome to wear whatever orange they already have, or purchase t-shirts from the following website: https://stcroixprint.com/pacer_unity_day/shop/home
Original Works Art Fundraiser
The Original Works Art Fundraiser will be taking orders soon. Think ahead to which holiday gifts and keepsakes you will order for your family. Packets with your child's artwork are coming home today (September 30th)! Orders, payment, and artwork should be returned to school by Friday, October 11th. All products will be delivered to Ute Pass before Thanksgiving Break!
Safety and Security Important Information
Student safety is paramount to everything we do at UPES. Per out Family/Student Handbook (linked above), please note the following expectations for all visitors and volunteers to Ute Pass Elementary:
Partnerships with our schools are an important piece in a child’s education. Volunteers are expected to make arrangements prior to volunteering in the school or classroom. In some instances where volunteers or chaperones are supervising students alone, a background check is required. If you think you’ll want to chaperone for events, please contact your child’s teacher to find out about needs and opportunities. For the safety of our students and staff, during school hours, all family members, visitors, non-district workers, and volunteers must sign in at the office and receive a badge to be visible at all times when in our building. State-issued identification is required by school personnel for check in through our Raptor system. Visitors during lunch will sit at a visitor’s table with their child(ren). When leaving, all visitors must check out at the office.
In the mornings, family members may walk their child(ren) to the entryway, but we ask that you give all your "have a great days" and "goodbyes" at the door. This helps us ensure that only staff members and pre-arranged visitors are in the building once school begins. Thank you for helping us provide a safe learning environment for all students!
Updates from Nurse Sarah
UPES students will have hearing/vision screenings on October 7th and 8th. This pertains to Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th graders. If you have any emergency medicine or health information that the school needs, please submit that to Nurse Sarah as soon as possible. Her email is slee@mssd14.org.
Watch us Grow!
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Duty/supervision/breakfast begins at 7:35.
The first bell for students to enter classrooms is at 7:55, and the tardy bell will ring at 8:00. Dismissal is at 2:50.
Here are the ins and outs of our pick up/drop off lane:
- The family drop-off/pick-up lane will allow children to be picked up all the way to the end of the central sidewalk (to the gas meters against the street).
- Teachers will supervise students in the locations noted on the map above.
- No car will move into or exit the lane until every car has been loaded. (If you do not have the time to wait, please consider parking and walking in the areas marked above.)
- When all cars are loaded, the line of cars will exit together.
- The crossing guard will then allow walking parents to cross the parking lot at crosswalks to gain access to their vehicles.
- When these vehicles are loaded and moving, the next line waiting on Chipita Park Road will be allowed in to begin the process again.
- Furry Friday dismissal- on Fridays, bring your dogs through our pick-up lane for a treat!
- Friday afternoon concerts- Mr. Ferguson will be playing on select Friday afternoons at dismissal (weather permitting)!
- Do not utilize the bus lane parking lot for drop-off or pick-up.
Please note the available areas for parking and walking above. If your child is sitting on the wall with their teacher, please ask a staff member to get your child for you to avoid excess traffic near the pick-up lane. As always, your patience is deeply appreciated!
Preschool Info
We are excited to welcome Savanna Anstedt back as our Preschool teacher at UPES! When UPES is on a late start Wednesday, students in preschool will follow their typical schedule (not the late start schedule). Preschool students do not attend school on Fridays.
Please reach out to Ms. Savanna at sanstedt@mssd14.org with any questions.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Free Meals for Students, Plus Important Reminders for Families
We are excited to share that all students in Manitou Springs School District will receive free breakfast and lunch through the Healthy School Meals for All program! This new statewide program, approved by Colorado voters, is helping Colorado children and teens have access to nutritious food at our schools.
Even though breakfast and lunch will be provided for free, we need families to continue sharing household income information through this form in order for our school to receive full access to federal funding.
Be sure to fill out the form as part of your back-to-school registration! If you have questions or would like additional support, please reach out to Paula Faucette-Director of Nutrition Services, 719-685-2005 or email pfaucette@mssd14.org for more information.
Late Start Wednesdays Update- Please Read!
The school district will be providing supervision for a limited number of students during all late start Wednesdays during the 24-25 school year. To sign up, follow the Google Form link below and register your student(s).
It is important that registration is completed only for students who would otherwise not be able to attend school if not for late start childcare.
Late Start Wednesdays for first semester:
- August 28
- September 11
- October 2
- November 6
- November 20
- December 11
Connect14/ After School Summit
Champions After School Care
Ute Pass Elementary PTO/PAC
We have a very active and incredible Parent Action Committee who supports our little school in BIG ways!
The PAC meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm in the music room at UPES. Moving into the 24-25 school year, the PAC is excited to have a larger presence in the school, continuing to take care of the amazing staff at UPES, putting on events and meeting new families, and to get new members! They will have a table set up at our Open House/Open Outdoors with more information and opportunities to join in on the fun! Please contact Janelle, PAC President, at upepac@gmail.com with any questions.
24/25 School Year Calendar - Including Late Start Dates
24/25 UPES School Year Calendar - Including Specific School Events
Here's how you find us....
Email: tdudley@mssd14.org
Website: http://upe.mssd14.org/
Location: 9230 Chipita Park Road, Cascade, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2227
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/utepasselementaryschool/