Parent Update

September 29, 2024
This week has been a very active week for our students and faculty. When we step into the classrooms, we can see the students and staff are moving from the learning of routines stage to the application of learning structures. This week while visiting intermediate math classes, I saw students doing subtraction problems with numbers in the ten thousands and hundred thousands, students identifying the least common multiple, and students practicing their math fact recognition. Each of these activities are valuable for both current learning and future learning applications. In some of our primary classrooms I had the opportunity to see small group guided reading, students practicing grammar and writing activities, and students reading good books. Each of these learning experiences is fundamental to helping our students become strong readers. It is awesome to see so many great learning experiences happening on a daily basis.
Board of Education News
The Winfield 34 Board of Education held their monthly meeting on Thursday, September 26th. The Board was proud to celebrate Tadeo Lemus and Brooklyn Vihnanek as students of the month. The Board also discussed concerns with the Winfield Primary HVAC system with representatives from the engineering firm, reviewed our Fall student achievement data, and discussed the TIF 2 settlement offers, status of negotiations, and the upcoming trial date set for February 2025. The Board read and approved policies and approved hiring of a new lunch supervisor and morning crossing guard. Here is the video from the meeting.
Preschool Screening
We continue to work on reaching out to our community to help identify students for our preschool program. This is a terrific opportunity for students 3-5 years old to learn in a highly engaging and supportive environment. Our next Preschool Screening is November 8, from 9-2:30am in our Primary Building. Please reach out to Mrs. Hernandez (nhernadez@winfield34.org or 630-909-4901) with questions or to schedule an appointment. Here is information on the screening and on our preschool program.
Winfield 34 PTO and Winfield Education Foundation (WEF) News
Next PTO/WEF Meeting: October 9th
Save the date for our next PTO/WEF meeting on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm. PTO will begin at 7 and the WEF meeting will begin at approximately 8pm. Find out more about what PTO and WEF do for our school! We hope to see you there!
Cook’s Night Out
Thanks to everyone that had dinner at Portillo’s last week for our first cook’s night out of the school year! This fundraising event earned our school $130! Our next event will be on Tuesday, October 15th at Panda Express in Wheaton. We’ll share more details as the date gets closer!
School Calendar
Did you know you can subscribe to the school calendar with your Google, Apple or Microsoft accounts? Use this link and then click on the “subscribe” or “subscribe to calendar” button at the top of the page to get started!
Parent Learning Opportunities
The GPS Parent Series hosts a variety of Parent Education Events. Here is an overview of their parent learning opportunities for the year. Events coming soon include:
- Dr. Edward Hallowell - Driven to Distraction: The New Science to Shift from Deficits to Strengths – ADHD & More (September 30, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Mariana Proske Gutierrez, B-PAC: Early Childhood Event -- Criar al niño pequeño a través de crisis, mala conducta y rabietas / Parenting the Young Child Through Meltdowns, Misbehavior and Tantrumsl - Driven to Distraction: The New Science to Shift from Deficits to Strengths – ADHD & More (October 2, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Jeffrey Selingo Who Gets In And Why: A Year Inside College Admissions (October 8, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Lissete Ochoa and Lizette Ramirez Planificar el éxito en el instituto y más allá: El proceso de solicitud de ingreso en la Universidad / Planning for Success in High School and Beyond: The College Application Process.(October 10, 7 - 8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. John Duffy Rescuing Our Teens: 8 Solutions to Our Crisis of Disaffected Youth (October 17, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Laura Koehler Teen Anxiety and School Anxiety: Dealing with Resistance and Refusal (October 22, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Melinda Wenner Moyer How to Raise Teens You Want to Spend Time With: Science-based Strategies for Responsible, Respectful Kids (October 29, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Ron Lieber The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make (November 7, 12-1:30pm and 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
The DuPage Regional Office Of Education is leading a Mommy and Me Parent Support Group. Meetings will be October 11, November 8th, and December 13th. Please click here for more information.