Elm Street Newsletter
~September 2024 ~
From the Desk of Mrs. Little
We had a great start to the school year, and enjoyed many exciting events this past month! Make sure you are checking out the Elm Street Facebook page if you can. There are lots of photos and important information posted weekly.
September is going to be a busy time, with lots of fun and important things on our calendar, so make sure you are getting and reading all of the texts we send out. We don't want you to miss anything!
Thank you to those that supported our students by selling chocolate! That money will go a long way in making purchases for PTO.
As always, thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us! We love our Elm Street families!
👏Congratulations to our Student and Staff of the Month! 👏
Important Dates::
- September 10th - RCS Board Meeting 5:45pm @ CCA
- September 13th - Hawaiian Twist @ Elm - All orders and money due on 9/10 - no orders the day of
- September 17th - 5th Grade Field Trip
- September 20th - Snack Shack
- September 21st - RCS Farmer's Marker @ PRC
- September 21st - 10:00 RCS 6th Grade Football Game - Elm Hosting Tailgate @ Barron Stadium
- September 23rd - House Spirit Day
- September 26th - RCS Family ESOL Night @ RHS
- September 27th - House Meeting Day & Enterprise Hour
- October 4th - End of 1st 9 weeks
- October 4th - PBIS Celebration #1
- October 17th - N1 Report Cards come home
Snack Shack - Sept. 20th - Everything will be $1 per item!
What is PBIS?
- Positive Behaviors Interventions and Support
- Students earn House points for having RCS (Ready to Learn - Courteous-Safe) behaviors
- Students need 100 Points by the end of the 9 weeks period to attend the PBIS celebration.
- The number of points your student is receiving is being sent home in the red folders each by your child's teacher.
- If your student is not on track with earning points, feel free to contact your child's teacher to talk about behaviors at school and in the classroom.
Elm Street Elementary School
Email: ese@rcs.rome.ga.us
Website: ese.rome.ga.us
Location: 8 South Elm Street Southwest, Rome, GA, USA
Phone: 706-232-5313
Facebook: facebook.com/ElmStreetSTEM