Whitney Wolves Weekly News
5/31/ 2024
Monday: Dress your best for our AWARDS ASSEMBLY
Tuesday: Tie Dye
Wednesday: Wear GREEN for Mental Health Awareness
Assistant Principal's Corner
Dear Whitney Families,
If you have been following the news you know there are many changes coming next year. As presented during the recent Board of Education meeting, these changes include but are not limited to increased class sizes and shared services. Please note that all services mandated through IEPs will be provided. We know there will be many questions, and we are always ready to connect with our families, but the best place to start would be to review the presentation from May 29th which can be found at the following web address https://www.youtube.com/user/EnfieldTelevision.
The coming school year will offer many challenges, be we will continue to work towards the best interest of all our students and families. We look forward to your continued support and collaboration.
Try to recover a little this weekend,
Kate Flanaghan
Happy Retirement Mr. Cassotta! 39 wonderful years serving EPS:
A new student is registering????😃
EPS Technology Update: IMPORTANT
EPS Technology Update:
Students in Grades PK-8 and 12 will be handing in their district issued iPads prior to the start of the summer. iPads will be collected and kept in school by the following dates.
Students in Grades 9 – 11 will be taking their iPads home over the summer. If they choose not to, they can hand the device into the EHS Tech Center and collect them when they return in the fall.
iPad Collection Dates:
Grades PK-5
June 5
Grades 6-8
June 4-6
Grades 9-11
N/A - Students take home over the summer
Grades 12
June 10-11
3rd grade Irish Dancer
Fort Day Fun!
Principal, Asst. Principal and Chief of Staff Day Activity:
June Lunch Menu
Teacher and Classroom Requests for 2024-25 School Year:
Teacher/Classroom Requests:
To: Eli Whitney Families
From: Kathleen Flanaghan
Date: Spring 2024
RE: Classroom Assignments
Dear caregivers,
Many caregivers contact me regarding preferences for their child’s classroom assignment for the upcoming school year. Much professional thought and effort is put into placing your child into next year’s classes. A variety of factors are considered (social, emotional, behavioral and academic) as your child is placed. If you have any additional information regarding your child’s needs in these areas, please share it with me in writing. This important task contributes significantly to the creation of a positive class environment that enables students to reach their potential. I will keep your request on file, and the academic team will certainly consider it, but cannot give any guarantees to a specific teacher or classroom. Luckily, our students have shown remarkable growth this year, which is evidence that we have an outstanding teaching staff here at Eli Whitney School.
You will receive a letter over summer break with information about your child’s teacher and room number.
Thank you in advance for your understanding of our professional processes.
Mrs. Flanaghan,
Student Opportunity;
Hartford Yard Goats 2024 Reading Challenge. Students have the opportunity to earn 2 tickets to a Hartford Yard Goats game on either August 13th, 14th, or 15th if they read five (5) books outside of the normal curriculum during the school year. Use the link in blue above to access.
Participants MUST be signed up by a guardian, and the registration deadline is May 6th. It would be awesome if some of our readers got to earn themselves a fun summer treat to look forward to! Click on the blue link to enroll.
Warmer weather means change of clothing and footwear:
Light clothing and sneakers are always best when using the playground.
FYI: IMPORTANT DATES to look for this school-year:
- 6/3 EW Awards Assembly- Outside weather permitting and 5th grade picnic- NO RAIN DATE, Space is limited for our awards ceremony if it is held inside in the gym. We ask that at are patient and understand that this event will be a standing room only event if held in the gym.
- 6/4 2nd to 3rd grade visit @ EW
- 6/7 Sturbridge Village trip- grade 5 and gr.3 Math Field Day AM , Gr. 4 Math Field day PM
- 6/10 K-9 Visit @ 10:00
- 6/11 and 6/12 Early Release w/lunch
- 6/12 Scheduled last day of school- ALL IPADS must be returned to school or teacher. No iPads will be issued for the summer.
- 6/12 Report Cards are emailed home and class assignments will be sent in August.
- 6/19 Juneteenth Celebration
June-August: Most days an administrator will be available to answer your questions, give a tour or help with registration. Feel free to call us and request a meeting or tour!
Important Links
EPS Handbook
TECH Loss and Damage Insurance
Yearly Registration for all students
Returning Student Registration:... Site closed for this year.
FREE for CREC Magnet Schools students and Open Choice students grades K-4 and that is Camp Courant.
FREE for CREC Magnet Schools students and Open Choice students grades K-4 and that is Camp Courant. Additional information as well for other programs!
Camp Courant registration is open now and there are only 150 slots for Hartford Residents only available so we encourage prompt registration
Camp Courant register now information start date is June 24 until August 2nd FREE SIX WEEK program for Hartford Residents ONLY. "Celebrating its 130th anniversary, Hartford's Camp Courant is a youth development organization and the oldest and largest FREE summer day camp in the country. Camp Courant’s mission is to provide children equal opportunity to participate in recreational and educational experiences that balance fun with enrichment while expanding horizons, instilling confidence, promoting healthy lifestyle choices, and inspiring big dreams for the future. Located in Batterson Park, Camp Courant's 36-acre campsite hosts over 750 campers each day with breakfast, lunch and transportation included. At Camp Courant, your child will go above and beyond the camp classics, participating in over a dozen fun and enriching programs each day. To learn more about each of Camp Courant's programs, and hear testimonials from its directors, please click HERE."
CCSU Air Land and SEA architecture and Engineering program for 6-8th graders still has slots, free with transportation and it takes place on the college campus! This program has a focus on robotics, drones, hands on STEM and exploration. Please be sure to encourage any and all students who may be interested! This program has guest speakers, field trips and science experiments you can take home!
Catholic Charities has a program for Hartford Residents 6-8th graders still has slots! With free transportation, exciting field trips like to lake compounce! This programs focuses on community advocacy, leadership and team building with the second half of the day focusing on enrichment with lots of outdoor fun activities.
Summer Camp Options
Safety First, Student Drop off and Pick Up
IReady homework and home helper:
Important iPad Information: You Tube
Some families have inquired about ways to block YouTube on their child's iPad. If you would like YouTube blocked on your child's iPad, please fill out the survey below. It may take approximately one week for the settings to go into effect after the survey is completed. Please note, if you choose to disable YouTube on your child's device, they will not be able to access any teacher assigned videos that may be used in their classroom.
Note from the nurse:
CHC Needs:
School Calendar
Housing concerns and needs: English and Spanish
94 Middle Road
Enfield, CT. 06082
(860) 763-7544