The Maury Commodore Report
MAY 2024
Greetings Maury Family,
I hope you and yours are well. By now, parents should have received third quarter grade reports. We entered the 4th quarter and final 9-week grading period on April 17. I know that at this time of the year, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the required focus to do one's best. But I want to remind everyone to finish this last quarter strong as it is during these final weeks of school that students can turn failing grades into passing ones and good grades into great ones. There are also many opportunities for students who may be struggling as we have academic tutoring and attendance recovery sessions after school in an effort to help those who need it. I encourage students to take advantage of those offerings.
Advanced Placement testing starts May 6. Maury students are testing at Trinity Presbyterian Church, located at 1600 Colonial Avenue. More information can be found below and on the Maury webpage.
NPS is hosting athletic physicals for the 2024-2025 athletic season. In order to condition, tryout, practice, etc. students must have a physical dated after May 1, 2024. Dates can be found here.
SOL testing begins May 6th. Term grads started April 29th . More information can be found below and on the Maury webpage.
Important dates for Seniors:
-Maury Senior Awards Night, Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30 p.m., MHS auditorium.
-Graduation Rehearsal, Friday, May 31 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at ODU’s Chartway Arena, 4320 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23529. Students MUST report 30 minutes prior to the start of rehearsal. Parking is available in the 43rd Street Parking Garage on the day of rehearsal.
-Maury High school graduation ceremony, Monday, June 3, at 7 p.m. at ODU’s Chartway Arena, 4320 Hampton Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23529: Rehearsal times and the graduation schedule can also be found on the Academic Calendar webpage.
I am very proud of the seniors here at Maury. The scholarships and awards are pouring in to showcase our students’ outstanding performance and high achievements. If your student is among those receiving scholarships and awards, please be sure to let the school counseling department know so we can celebrate their hard work.
Summer School information can be found below. Use this form to register your student in the High School Summer School Program & Inclusion Support or the Advanced Placement Summer Academy.
As always, if I can provide any additional support or answer any other questions, please let me know.
Warmest regards,
Ms. Karen Berg
Maury Principal
May 6th: AP Testing Begins
May 21: Senior Final Exams Begin
May 27: Memorial Day – NPS Closed
May 28: Maury Senior Awards Night at Maury 5:30PM
May 31: Graduation Rehearsal at ODU Chartway Arena 10:30AM
June 3: Underclassmen Final Exams Begin
Warm congratulations are in order for our students who won the Champions Together/Special Olympics. They took 1st place in the entire meet and won by 36 points. Many thanks to Ms. Leavelle and Ms. Rascoe who held these students to the same standards as any other athlete and it paid off.
Congratulations are in order for the Maury English Department for the following awards from the Friends of the Norfolk Library 2024 Book Review Contest:
9th Grade:
2nd Place-Mahayla Hall
10th Grade:
2nd Place -JJ Campbell
3rd Place -Helena Shepard
11th Grade:
1st Place -Enzo Alinsonorin
2nd Place-Lillian Reppel
3rd Place-Madaline Ballard
12th Grade:
1st Place-Rose Hammel
2nd Place-Nikita Kobzar
3rd Place-Spencer Lieb
Overall Best Review:
Zoe Winters-12th Grade
Teens With a Purpose’s very own Doran Glass III, Hampton Roads Youth Poet Laureate Ambassador City of Norfolk, '22-'23 & '23-'24 and Virginia Youth Poet Laureate Ambassador '23-'24 and represented Hampton Roads on stage at the Kennedy Center. Glass is a Senior at Maury High School. Doran also recited one of his poems at the 4/24/24 school board meeting and did a phenomenal job. The meeting can be found on Youtube and his performance at 7:13 minutes.
Maury staff took part in a team building activity supporting youths and athletes from other cities. It was held in Portsmouth at Bide-A-Wee golf course. The Maury High School representatives were from left to right: Orion Hall, James Fox (team captain), Wes Price and Tommy Staples
Maury hosted a college fair.
Above are some pictures of events that the NJROTC Unit participated in these past few weeks.
- Congratulations to Maury High School for earning the 2023-2-24 Unit Achievement award for NJROTC Area 5.
- Congratulations to Cadet Doran Glass for being selected as Hampton Roads Youth Poet Laureate Ambassador for the City of Norfolk, who performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.
- Congratulations to Cadet Rheena Colastre who placed 2nd in the Fleet Reserve FRA American Essay contest.
- Congratulations to Cadet Devon Radford on his acceptance to VMI.
- Congratulations to Cadet Yosif Rowell on his selection for the NROTC NPP Program for ODU
- Congratulations to Cadet Jaevin De Leon on his NROTC scholarship selection for University of Washington and University of SF
NJROTC Participated in:
- Basic Leadership Training (BLT) March 8-11.
- ASVAB Testing March 13
- Joint Services Air Rifle Postal Shooting Competition March 25, 2024
- Joint Service Meeting at Norfolk Naval Base, Maury Color Guard presented Colors.
- NROTC Headquarters visit/ Brief 21 March 2024
- CTE Tidewater Tides Baseball April 11, 2024
- Little Feet Special Olympics, Maury NJROTC assisted with the event, and Maury Color Guard presented Colors. April 16, 2024
- Purple Up Parade April 17, 2024
- World Language Ceremony Color Guard Presented Colors on April 19, 2024
- NATO Parade, Maury NJROTC coordinated and participated for NPS NJROTC units April 20, 2024
- American Red Cross Blood Drive, April 23, 2024
- USS George HW Bush Thousand Points of Lights Volunteer Services with Maury NJROTC April 25, 2024
- NJROTC Clean the Neighborhood March-April.
Upcoming Events:
- Norfolk Public Schools NJROTC Joint Award Ceremony, May 2, 2024
- *Granby Drone Meet, May 4, 2024
- TCC Graduation, Maury Color Present Colors, May 6, 2024
- Maury NJROTC Change of Command Ceremony May 8, 2024
- EVMS Graduation, Maury Color Present Colors, May 23, 2024
- Honors program ceremony, EVMS Graduation, Maury Color Present Colors, May 28, 2024
- Maury HS Graduation, Maury Color Present Colors, Jun 3, 2024
- Area 5 Leadership and Sail Academy 15-22 Jun 2024
A huge shout out to Megan Rascoe and the entire CDP program for helping the Garden Club in their goal to plant 1500 milkweed seed a year. Above you will find some pictures of their class and also Garden Club kids planting the raised bed (James Hickman Eagle Project). You can find it along the student parking lot side of the garden!
We would like to recognize and congratulate the following students for their accomplishments in the 2024 Norfolk Public Schools Juried Art Exhibition at the Barry Arts Building at Old Dominion University.
1st Place Portfolio: Scout Battenfeld
2nd Place Portfolio: Joanna Sun
HM Portfolio: Ava Morgan
ODU Choice Awards 3-D: Khalia Riddick
2nd Place Award/2-D: Isabella Stone
HM/2-D: Sebastian Ford
3rd Place/3-D: A'Sharia Short
HM/3-D: Rawan Bouzham and Jason Fritz
Five Maury students participated in the annual Norfolk Rotary Career Visitation Day. Selected students shadowed a professional in a potential field of interest and then students wrote an essay about their experience and how it impacted their future. Students were honored at a luncheon on March 12th. Congratulations to Caterina Boyd, Vanessa Lim, and Jacob Johnson for their winning essays.
Pictured left to right - Ashton Maharaj, Caterina Boyd, Vanessa Lim, Luz Pinto and Jacob Johnson
This past March Avery Branum went on one of Operation Smile’s Short Term Surgical Programs in Asunción, Paraguay as a student volunteer. While there, she was able to connect with local communities, student volunteers, and witness 71 lives changed. One aspect of being an international volunteer is bringing toys and hygiene supplies, all donated by local students, to support the patients and their families. One of her favorite parts was seeing the kids' eyes light up when they brought out the bubbles, games, and balls to help create a fun, welcoming environment. She also got to observe four cleft lip surgeries, and she said that it was so amazing to see how their smiles and lives were changed in just over 45 minutes. Avery hopes to inspire others to get involved with Operation Smile and go on a Surgical Program by sharing her experience.
ACCESS held its annual " College Commitment Day " field trip on and for a third year in a row, MAURY had a scholarship winner at the event!
Tah'zayah " Pooh " Brown won a 2,500 scholarship from Chowan University.
Congratulations are in order for Ms. Bratten, World Languages Department Chair and Spanish teacher. She won the Rock Star award!
Congratulations to the following students for being inducted into their respective world language honor societies:
SNHS volunteering at NATO. They are pictured with the Supreme Allied Commander Lavigne.
When we say school nutrition professionals are heroes, we mean it! That’s why we celebrate them every spring with the annual School Lunch Hero Day. We recognize the difference these team members make for every child who comes through our cafeteria and we thank them.
Our very own SRO, Officer Chandler, is thrilled to present her latest children's book "Uniquely Made" that celebrates the uniqueness and resilience of children with special needs. Through captivating storytelling and vibrant illustrations, this book aims to inspire young readers to embrace their individuality and believe in their own potential. It is her hope that this book will not only entertain and educate but also empower children with special needs to embrace their strengths and navigate the world with confidence and joy.
The Band Program has four more performances from now until the end of the year in case you are able to attend!
Saturday, May 4th: Drumline Competition @ Heritage High School- 2pm
Saturday, May 11th: Drumline Competition @ Granby High School- 2pm Admission is $15
Thursday, May 16th: Spring Concert (feat. the Intermediate Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band!) MHS Auditorium- 6pm
Friday, May 24th: Norfolk Band Brawl feat. all NPS High Schools @ Norview High School (Gym) - 7pm
Contact Mr. Lane at plane446@nps.k12.va.us or Mr. Blue at sblue035@nps.k12.va.us for more information.
Ms. Revell
Mr. Price
Publicly Available Testing Calendar
Questions? Contact Ms. Baker, Testing Coordinator, at mbaker@nps.k12.va.us
The 2024 AP Exams will be administered in schools over two weeks in May: May 6–10 and May 13–17.
The testing site is "Trinity Presbyterian Church" 1600 Colonial Ave. Norfolk. There is a parking lot behind the church. Again, students cannot park at the church.
Senior exams start Tuesday, May 21, 2024
9th-11th grade final exams start Monday, June 3, 2024
The City of Norfolk is excited to provide meaningful and educational employment opportunities to youth and young adults through the Norfolk Emerging Leaders (NEL) Program. The program is divided into two employment opportunities: Emerging Leaders and Municipal Interns.
Maury High School PTSA offers two scholarships of $500 each to graduating students who are members of the PTSA, possess a cumulative 2.0 GPA, and are attending a Virginia College/ University or technical program in the Fall following the date of scholarship application. Students can contact the guidance office or mauryptsa@gmail.com for an application.
The Student Freedom Pass provides people ages 13-17 years old with unlimited free rides on Hampton Roads Transit’s bus, ferry, and light rail services. Service is available in the cities of Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach. In all cases, the Student Freedom Pass will expire two months after the student’s expected high school graduation date, or the 18th birthday, whichever is later. Any exceptions to this policy will be handled on a case by case basis. Parents can enjoy the time and money they will save when they stop chauffeuring and leave the safe and reliable driving to Hampton Roads Transit.
Below you will find the links to access both ParentVue:
Maury High School’s School Counseling Team is here for you! We are available to assist parents and students with the following:
-Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Concerns
- Academic Advising
- Scheduling Parent Teacher Conferences
- College and Career Planning
- Referrals for Special Education Testing and 504s to support students with disabilities and medical conditions
- Collaboration and communication with teacher to resolve issues
- Individual meetings with students to identify needs and find solutions
2023-2024 Tentative Counselor Alpha Assignments
MR. BROWN – Learning Support
For scheduling purposes, NORSTAR students are given NTC BDAY-6 & NTC BDAY-8. This accommodates class time and transportation. The bus to go to NORSTAR will arrive at noon.
Students who wish to park in the student parking lot must complete the new Virginia Department of Education Parking Pass Application. See Ms. Hess in 205 for more information.
Students who leave school early must exit the building at the conclusion of their last class of the day. Students may not loiter around the building or stand around in the main foyer. They must go directly to either their vehicle, parent pick-up, ride share pick-up, HRT bus stop, or walk (for those who normally walk to/from school). Exceptions will be made for inclement weather, in which students will be allowed to remain in the foyer (by the stairs).
According to research, regular school attendance plays an important role in a student’s achievement and success. Attendance tips for a successful year:
1. Establish a regular bedtime and morning routine.
2. Avoid appointments and extended trips during school hours.
3. Keep track of your child’s attendance using ParentVue.
4. Emphasize the importance of regular school attendance with your child.
5. Discuss and address any anxiety, barriers, or negative feelings your child may have about school.
6. Communicate with the school and ask for help if needed
"But it is just 10 minutes!" Just being 10 minutes late per day can add up.
That's almost an HOUR per week.
1 1/2 WEEKS per school year.
1/2 A SCHOOL YEAR over a school career!
Arrive to school and your classes on time: Your future depends on it!
Attention Parents/Guardians: Please assist us in helping our students maintain compliance with the division's cell phone policy by refraining from calling and/or texting students during the instructional day. Students may bring a cell phone to school, however, cell phones should be off and put away until a teacher or staff member gives the student permission to use their cellular device for instructional reasons. While in class students must have their cell phones off and put away. The NPS policy on cell phones can be found below:
Per NPS, Cell Phones and other Devices (PCDs) in Schools (BSO):
Norfolk Public Schools acknowledges parental concern for the safety and well-being of their children while they are attending school or school-sponsored activities. Norfolk Public Schools also understands the parental belief that students’ possession of cell phones enhances their safety and security. The school division realizes, however, that student misuse of cell phones and PCDs may: (1) undermine the learning environment; (2) disrupt academic instruction and distract students; (3) compromise the integrity of student testing; (4) increase disciplinary problems; (5) violate privacy rights of students and school staff; and (6) increase the school division’s exposure to opportunistic litigation and potential legal liability. In light of the foregoing, the school division permits student possession and use of cell phones and PCDs as set forth below.
Middle and High School - Middle and high school students may possess cell phones, PCDs, and/or EDs on school property subject to the following restrictions: (1) students must not display, use, activate or permit cell phones, PCDs or EDs to be activated during the instructional day; (2) students’ cell phones, PCDs, and/or EDs must be turned off and kept out of sight; cell phones, PCDs and/or EDs, may be stored in book bags, purses, lockers or on one’s person.
Students may not open the doors during school hours for ANY INDIVIDUAL, fellow student, staff, or visitor. After the 7:25 bell rings, all students and visitors must enter through the main doors at the top of the stairs on Shirley Avenue. Students observed opening exterior doors will be given consequences including suspension.
No Food Deliveries Allowed and Students May Not Leave Campus for food, drink, etc.
Students and parents are reminded that we do not accept food deliveries from DoorDash, GrubHub, etc. This creates a safety and security issue for our students and staff. Students and parents are not allowed to have food delivered to school for any reason. Child Nutrition Services provides free breakfast and lunch to all students daily.
Students are also reminded that we are NOT an open campus. Students may not leave during lunch and eat off of school property, or go and get food and bring it back to school. This creates a safety and security issue for our students and staff. Students who are caught leaving school grounds for any reason will be searched upon arrival and will receive discipline consequences per the Student Handbook with Standards of Student Conduct.
Schools across the nation have experienced a variety of issues related to social media. While social media does have positive qualities such as connecting with family and friends, establishing networks, etc. it can also be used for nefarious purposes.
For example, Tik Tok (a video-focused social network) related challenges inciting violence towards schools that have included vandalizing school bathrooms, slapping teachers, etc. There are also Instagram pages run by students that encourage posting pictures that were taken during school hours. While some may consider these types of posts amusing, we do not.
Being a digital citizen, someone who has an identity on the Internet, comes with many rights and responsibilities which are intended to protect you as well as everyone else with whom you interact.
These Tik Tok challenges and IG pages are examples of the inappropriate use of social media. Unfortunately, when social media is misused and a connection to the school is established, there are consequences. Some postings may be considered harassing and menacing and could result in school detention and/or suspension. We prefer to avoid these situations, but we need your help. Parents and guardians, please join us in speaking with your children about the ramifications of their decisions. In addition, we implore you to closely monitor your child’s use of social media. Let’s work together to ensure that our students are in a safe and secure learning environment.
Here Comes the Bus App and Website Norfolk Public Schools has launched a new app that will allow families to monitor daily school bus transportation information, including where a specific bus is on its route. The “Here Comes the Bus” app is available for any family who utilizes district transportation. Parents can see where the child’s school bus is on its daily route.
The “Here Comes the Bus” app and easy to use website has the following features:
· Notifications on any bus number changes
· Notifications alerting families when a bus is approaching the bus stop
· Customizable features for different devices, depending on how parents are viewing the app or website
The “Here Comes the Bus” app can be downloaded to a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer from the App Store or Google Play, depending on the operating system of the device.
Two bits of information that will be needed to sign up for an account are the Norfolk Public Schools Account Code, which is 29096 and the student’s ID Number.
Questions regarding downloading or issues with the “Here Comes the Bus” app should be addressed with Here Comes the Bus at the company’s website or by calling 844-854-9316, Monday through Friday 8 am – 5 pm Central Time.
Norfolk Public Schools provides free, school-sponsored, one-to-one online tutoring and homework help through FEV Tutor.
NPS’ teachers and school leaders worked closely with FEV Tutor to develop tutoring plans designed to help students improve their skills this school year! FEV Tutor allows you to choose the day/time that works best for you and your scholar.
Click here to create your student’s FREE schedule today.
This virtual service provides anytime, anywhere tutoring support through a computer/device, Internet connection, username, and password. Tutoring services integrate with NPS’ systems already in use, such as Canvas and Clever.
If you have any questions about this free virtual tutoring program, please contact FEV Tutor directly at va@fevtutor.com, or call 855-763-2607.
Please take this opportunity to help your child(ren) reach their academic goals!
Las Escuelas Públicas de Norfolk ofrecen tutoría en línea gratuita, patrocinada por la escuela, uno a uno y ayuda con la tarea a través de FEV Tutor.
¡Los maestros y líderes escolares de NPS trabajaron en estrecha colaboración con FEV Tutor para desarrollar planes de tutoría diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades este año escolar! FEV Tutor le permite elegir el día / hora que mejor funcione para usted y el estudiante.
Haga clic aquí para crear el horario GRATUITO de su estudiante ahora.
Este servicio virtual proporciona apoyo de tutoría en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar a través de una computadora / dispositivo, conexión a Internet, nombre de usuario y contraseña. Los servicios de tutoría se integran con los sistemas de NPS que ya están en uso, como Canvas y Clever.
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este programa de tutoría virtual gratuito, comuníquese con FEV Tutor directamente en va@fevtutor.com, o llame al 855-763-2607.
¡Aproveche esta oportunidad para ayudar a su(s) hijo(s) a alcanzar sus metas académicas!
Join Maury High School’s Gifted/Academic Rigor Remind to get the latest information about program opportunities, upcoming events, and other resources targeted for gifted and high-ability students.
Two ways to join…
Text @gifted1911 to 81010 (or text @gifted1911 to 1-754-220-7861)
Go to www.remind.com/join/gifted1911
Questions? Email Tanya Scott… tscott1@nps.k12.va.us
Ms. Selena Merchant is our school nurse. She can be found in the clinic on the second floor. Her email is smerchant@nps.k12.va.us
Students who require medication during the school day, must receive it from the school nurse. Parents/legal guardians can drop off medications during our main office hours of 7:00am-3:00pm.
We are excited to continue our amazing partnership in support of the military community for the 2023-2024 school year. We are pleased to announce the return of out Military & Family Life Counselor (MFLC), Ms. Romilla Petit-Homme.
Attention all Maury students we have a TCC Outreach Advisor joining us every Monday! Come and meet with Mr. Demetri Starks in the School Counselor's Office (Guidance), or you can contact him at outreach@tcc.edu. TCC's Outreach Advisors provide local high school students with one-on-one appointments that are free of charge to assist with TCC pathway and career exploration, assist with completing the TCC admission application, and answer any questions you may have regarding TCC.
Harris Teeter’s Together In Education program gives schools a chance to earn funds when you link your VIC card and shop Harris Teeter brands. Harris Teeter has donated over $27.4 million to Together In Education schools since 1998!
When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Maury once your VIC card is linked. There are NO limits to how much you can help Maury!
Please remember to link your card every year and THANK YOU. Maury can receive when you purchase items from Harris Teeter. All you have to do is register using the button below:
Our code is: 3993
Darius Blount ACCESS Advisor
Maury High School (M-F)
322 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517
P:(757) 550-4015
Do you want to take the ACT? Click on the link to find information on it!
1. App: Search for “Vector Alert” in the App Store to download for free
2. Phone: 757.255.7461
3. Text: Text your tip to 757.255.7461
4. Email: 2110@alert1.us
5. Web: http://2110.alert1.us
Students and families can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism, threats of violence, or any safety issue through Vector Alert. When you submit a tip, be sure to use the division’s identification code: 2110 in your communication. Every tip Vector Alert receives about a safety concern will be immediately logged into the system. The NPS administration will be notified to investigate and take appropriate action. As always, tips may be submitted anonymously. Working together, using Vector Alert, we can make our division a safer place to work and learn!
Delicious and Nutritious...Norfolk Public Schools follows federal and state regulations when administering the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs which provide nutritionally balanced meals to students. This school year, breakfast and lunch are free of charge to all students attending a Norfolk Public School. No application is needed.
Please visit the School Nutrition webpages or follow them on social media at @SchoolMeals_NPS.
If you have questions, contact us at schoolnutrition@nps.k12.va.us or call 757-628-2760.
In order to participate in sports this school year (23-24), student athletes must meet the following requirements:
- have a valid physical, dated after May 1, 2023; review the NPS athletic website for a complete schedule;
- participate in the annual concussion education training for parents and athletes;
- have a completed COVID Education Form that is signed by the student and a parent/guardian;
- have a completed Sudden Cardiac Arrest Fact Sheet and Printable Form that is signed by the student and a parent/guardian; and
- be eligible for participation. All first time 9th-graders are eligible. HS student athletes must have passed a minimum of 5 year-long courses and have a GPA of at least 2.0 (from previous school year or cumulative GPA).
This information can be reviewed on the NPS athletics web page. Student athletes should contact Mr. Tommy Staples, Athletic Director, at tstaples@nps.k12.va.us for additional information. Physical dates can be found below:
Parents/family members, teachers and staff, and students.
What do we do?
· Support a scholarship for a graduating senior.
· Support projects initiated by the student PTSA representatives such as the student lounge and peer mentoring project.
· Support students and their families during emergencies.
· Help students receive what they need to be successful in school, including: school supplies, food, clothing, and shoes.
· Provide opportunities for Maury families build a sense of community.
What do we need?
· Volunteers willing to accept opportunities to serve students, faculty and administration when needs arise.
How can I be involved?
Renew your membership or join inline at https://maury.memberhub.com
Follow us on Facebook: Maury PTSA
This year NPS is striving to ensure we provide equity and excellence for All! Please take a moment and read Dr. Byrdsong's plan for achieving this goal with NPS' Drive for Five!
"Five Goals for Achieving Equity and Excellence for All..."
First, we will work to improve students' academic performance and we will work to integrate social-emotional learning into daily instruction.
Second, we will attract and retain highly qualified, effective teachers to teach our students.
Third, we will commit to improving our aging infrastructure so that our students are educated iin school buildings that are worthy of them.
Fourth, we will be more purposeful and strategic in developing and sustaining effective partnerships with our families and other community stakeholders.
Fifth, we will be more intentional in our efforts to foster a division-wide culture of caring.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please talk to your students about sharing information regarding school related issues with their assistant principal/principal. A proactive approach focuses on eliminating problems before they have a chance to appear and a reactive approach is based on responding to events after they have happened. The difference between these two approaches is the perspective each one provides in assessing actions and events. We would like to be proactive, so please help us by encouraging your students to share information concerning school related issues with us. Please take a look below, find your students' administrator, and encourage them to come see us when there is an issue.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Administrative Team at Maury
Ms. Berg - Seniors
Ms. Bouziane - 9th-11th Last names A through D
Ms. Dunn - 9th-11th Last names E through K
Mr. Mangum - 9th-11th Last names L through R
Mr. Mccracken - 9th-11th Last names S through Z
Karen Berg kberg@nps.k12.va.us
Assistant Principals
Christine Bouziane cbouziane@nps.k12.va.us
Tamara Dunn tdunn@nps.k12.va.us
Rodney Mangum rmangum@nps.k12.va.us
Michael McCracken mmccracken@nps.k12.va.us
School Counselors
Zuri Cannon-Department Chair zcannon@nps.k12.va.us
Serge Bengono sbengono@nps.k12.va.us
Frank Brown fbrown2@nps.k12.va.us
Sammie Logan slogan593@nps.k12.va.us
Cornel Parker coparker@nps.k12.va.us
Tiffany Williams twilliams1@nps.k12.va.us
Sheena Cox-Transcript Analyst scox1@nps.k12.va.us
Department Chairs
CTE –Allison Copeland acopelan@nps.k12.va.us
English – Rebecca Otto raotto@nps.k12.va.us
Foreign Language –Mignonne Bratten mbratten@nps.k12.va.us
Fine Arts – Ryan Featherer rfeatherer@nps.k12.va.us
Health/PE – Jennifer Parker jparker@nps.k12.va.us
History – Kayla Shook kshook@nps.k12.va.us
Math – Kaleem Morris kmorris@nps.k12.va.us
Science- Donna Mitchell dmitchell1@nps.k12.va.us
Special Education Katie Lewis kflewis@nps.k12.va.us
MHSP Program Coordinator
Travis Mansell MHSP tmansell@nps.k12.va.us
Academic Rigor
Tanya Scott- Department of Academic Rigor
-Gifted Education/Identification
-Governor's School for the Arts Liaison
"Maury High School is committed to a school-wide focus of effective questioning strategies, cooperative learning, and modeling that will encourage and promote
all students to be active in the teaching and learning process.”
Email: kberg@nps.k12.va.us
Website: https://www.npsk12.com/mhs
Location: 322 Shirley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23517, USA
Phone: (757) 628-3344
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maury1911
Twitter: @Maury19111
Office Hours: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Student Hours: 7:25 am - 2:05 pm
Website: https://www.npsk12.com/mhs
Location: 322 Shirley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23517, USA
Phone: (757) 628-3344
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Maury1911
Twitter: @Maury19111