Weekend Wire
December 1, 2024
Welcome to Westwood!
11/18--Parent Teacher Conferences--Non Student Day
11/19-11/21--Parent Teacher Conferences- Minimum Day 11:45 Dismissal
11/22--Regular School Day
11/22--Spirit Day--Cozy Colors and Fuzzy Friends Day
11/25-11/29--Thanksgiving Break-No School
12/06--Friday Flag
12/20--Friday Flag
12-23-01/03--Winter Break--No School
01/10--Friday Flag
01/10--PTA Family Art Night
01/17--Kids Heart Challenge Kick Off
Hello WWES TK families! Wow has the year flown by! The time has come to begin to prepare our TK kiddos for Kindergarten. Beginning Monday, December 2, ALL TK students will enter campus through the back gates with the rest of WWES. Our TK team of teachers, instructional aides and student ambassadors will be present at the gate and along the way to assist students.
Here are few important reminders for drop off at the back gate:
The gate opens at 7:10 for breakfast. The playground opens at 7:20.
If you choose to walk your child in, please park in a visitor spot, or along Matinal Road and walk your student along the sidewalk and crosswalks to the gate.
Students may be dropped off along the red curb in the drop off line, but please remain in your vehicle. This is an unloading zone only.
Students who are not through the back gate by 7:43am will need to go to the front office to check in. Students will be marked tardy.
The TK gate will no longer be open for drop off.
We appreciate your support!
Dear Families,
This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Kindness. Kindness means being generous to others, never being too busy to help out, and you enjoy doing good deeds for other people.
Kindness is based on the belief that everyone deserves care, attention, and compassion. Kind people think about others' needs and feelings and take action to help. They are selfless, helping others because it's the right thing to do, not for any personal gain.
People who are kind have a strong sense of duty to care for others. Their acts of kindness inspire more kindness in return.
To practice and encourage the character strength of kindness at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below are links to this week’s P2 for Families lessons. Click on the grade level that best meets your child’s needs.
Thank you for your support!
WOW! Westwood Roadrunners!!! What AHHHHmazing community support! All of our Giving Tree tags have been selected! You can STILL HELP! PUSD has over 338 families hoping for holiday support. Please pick up a grocery, gas, Walmart, Target gift card to help support our PUSD community. We are blessed in Westwood to have such generous families with the biggest hearts!
THANK YOU, Roadrunners!
Some reminders:
- Gifts must be UNWRAPPED when brought in
- Gift cards and gifts can be dropped of to our office
- RETURN BY December 11th.
The Westwood Elementary School Store is now open! Don’t miss your chance to grab the latest spirit wear and show off your school pride. From cozy hoodies to stylish t-shirts, we’ve got everything you need to represent in style. Stock up now while supplies last and be ready to cheer on our school in full spirit!
The Parent Ambassadors of PUSD Special Education Department, in partnership with EFRC (Exceptional Family Resource Center) would like to share these valuable community resources with you. Please see linked Community Resource Update flier for details.
Apply to be a Parent Ambassador at Westwood Elementary!
Are you passionate about supporting students with IEPs? We invite you to apply to join our dedicated team of Parent Ambassadors at Westwood Elementary!
Parent Ambassadors are parent volunteers and mentors who support and enlighten fellow parents of students with IEPs and those seeking directions as they consider special education. Their contribution to schools and community is important to help all students learn and grow to reach their full potential.
Your contribution matters. Please lend a hand and spread the sunshine. Your involvement will make the world a bit brighter for those around you.
To apply to become a Parent Ambassador, please click here or the link on the attached flyer. Watch the video to meet some of our Parent Ambassadors. Visit our website for more information.
Please open the attachment for the live links.
2024-2025 yearbooks will be amazing! Order them now so you don't have to worry about them at the end of the school year and receive 10% off!
Add your photos so your student is represented in the yearbook!
1. Click here: https://web.treering.com/school/231813/2024/school-content/school-photos
2. Sign in and it will take you to School Photos 24-25 page
2. Click on appropriate folder and then click on Add Photos and upload your photos
3. Now your student will be represented in the yearbook!
About Us
Bill Egan
Email: kholmes@powayusd.com
Website: https://westwood. powayusd.com
Location: 17449 Matinal Road, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-487-2026
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WWESRoadrunners
Twitter: @RoadrunnersWwes
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.