South Maple Elementary Newsletter
February 2024
Upcoming Dates
February 20.......................PTO Meeting @ 5:30 in the Media Center
February 15/16.................Health Department Vision Screening 1st and 3rd grade
March 1.............................Irish Dancers Assembly
March 25-April 1...............Spring Break
May 27..............................No School
June 5...............................Tentative last day of school
GCS Student Handbook
February Specialist Newsletter
Winter Gear
Thank you for sending your child prepared to enjoy recess outside during the cold and snowy weather. We appreciate you labeling their coat, snow pants, boots, hat and mittens.
SME Arrival/Dismissal Information
- If you are dropping off out front please remain in your car. If your child requires help getting out of the car please park in the annex building next to SME and walk your child over.
- The student day will begin at 7:40AM and ends at 2:20PM.
- As many of you are aware morning and afternoon traffic is very congested in our area. Please drive safely and follow traffic laws.
Annual Education Report
The South Maple Elementary Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the educational progress of our school is available for review. Annual Education Report
The SME Schoolwide Behavior Target for February is:
- I can be responsible for myself and my belongings by being organized and cleaning up.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Thank you for sending breakfast/lunch money in a clearly labeled envelope.
For additional food service information please click on the lunch tray picture.
Office Hours
Diane Parker, Principal
650 East Fifth Street
Gaylord, MI 49735