Husky Howler 8/23/24 (Guardians)
We are the PACK!
Smiley Thoughts
PACK Guardians,
Just a reminder from last week that "It starts with YOU!" For us to be successful, we want to partner with you for your child's success! We have had a great week at Hubbard and hope you have a restful weekend with your Husky. Please read all the bulleted points below so you are up to date with what is happening at Hubbard:
Title 1 Parent Compact - Your student should come home with their paper copy of their parent Title 1 Compact form either today or Monday. Please sign it and have it returned. This is also featured on our website and is an agreement between the school and you to collaboratively work together in order to make your Husky successful at Hubbard. We look forward to partnering with you!
PTA Membership and VIP lunch - We are opening the VIP courtyard area this upcoming week to all students who have a guardian that signed up for PTA. The PTA supports our students and staff in so many ways, so show your support by going to the new PTA website and signing up today!
Hubbard Text messages - Text "Start" to 98900 if you are not receiving Hubbard campus texts.
Choir Parents - Laci Reid has asked me to pass on this information for you to sign up for her REMIND. Text the class code to 81010. BEGINNING CHOIR use code @bakc2e and HONORS CHOIR - @9h27h4f
8th grade guardians - This past week we had grade level assemblies and I reminded students of our new policy regarding our spring 8th grade recognition ceremony. In order to hold students to the highest standards for their academics and behaviors, we have adjusted those requirements. This includes passing all your classes, not having to go to DAEP, and meeting state compulsory attendance law of 90%.
Leaving Early - If you are picking your child up early from school please do so by 3:15 p.m. We do not allow students to be checked out after 3:15 p.m. since this could hamper our dismissal procedures and ability to retrieve multiple students before the bell. The front office is closed between 3:15 and 3:45 p.m.
Cross Country - The school year is upon us and Cross Country is beginning right NOW!
If you are planning on running XC this year, here are the things we need you to do the following ASAP:
- You need a signed physical turned into the Athletic Coordinators (Girls: Coach McMichael; Boys Coach Morrow) or to me Coach Adams.
- You need all Rankone online forms filled out by a parent or guardian.
- You need to download the SportsYou app or go to the website and signup for the XC Team with code: P5BC6VRD
Practices are Monday - Thursdays starting at 6:45a.m. and drop off is on Husky Lane by the black gate with the concrete steps. Every athlete needs to come dressed to run with clothes to change into for school. Athletes also need to bring a full water bottle.
Important Upcoming Dates
Math iReady diagnostic assessment
Monday, September 2nd - Labor day (No School)
Thursday, September 5th - FIRST EVER Home volleyball game at the new Hubbard. All guardians will enter through the front doors and be directed to the gym. An elevator is provided for those needing it.
Friday, September 6th - College Colors
Join our PTA! (and buy some SWAG!)
Do you want some awesome Hubbard spirit gear to show the community you support our campus? Go to the PTA website and purchase some now!
--------------------This PAST week--------------------
On Wednesdays the PACK wears PINK!
Students are welcome to join us and participate in wearing pink on Wednesdays!
Collaboration Space
The new building has collaboration areas on each floor with flex seating. The students have loved visiting them in their classes.
Shoe game
The shoe trend is gaining momentum!
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is located in the vestibule by the cafeteria. Please have your student visit it to get their lost items!
Crossing Guards
Be nice to these two guys who help our students across Copeland Road each day! They are a part of the PACK!
"One Word"
I challenged the PACK to each select one word to focus on for the year. We are making sure to hold each other accountable. That even means Katie Clarkston reminding the principal to put up his phone and be PRESENT with his PACK!
--------------------NEXT week--------------------
What is iReady?
iReady is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your student’s teacher(s) determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows your teacher(s) to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Personalized Instruction.
--------------------TWO weeks away--------------------
--------------------ONGOING GOODNESS--------------------
Click the flyer to be taken to the website!
One last thought...
Hubbard Middle School
Location: 4400 Copeland Road, Tyler, TX, USA
Phone: (903)262-1560