Lenski Weekly Update
September 20th, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
It was so fun to see so many families come out to watch our Superstars participate in our annual Fun Run! We had a ROCKIN’ great time! A special thank you to Dan Carlson, who helped make everything run so smoothly! Our spirit was full of fun and memories made. We loved seeing so many students be so creative with their spirit outfits!
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We have raised over $33,000! If you would like to make a donation, you can do so here. Donations will be accepted through 9/27/2024.
Just a reminder that students do not have school next Friday September 27th. Enjoy the long weekend!
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
Friendly Reminder:
Per the LPS Student Code of Conduct, students may not have any weapons, or toy weapons on school property at any time. Please remind your students of this when they consider Halloween costumes! Thank you!
Lost and Found:
Our lost and found area is starting to fill up. Please stop by to check for any items your student may have misplaced. We clear out the lost and found area at the end of each month. Any items remaining on Friday, September 27th will be donated.
October Count Day: Tuesday October 1st
Each year all public school districts and facilities across the state of Colorado participate in the Student October Count data submission to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).The Student October Count is based on a one day membership count in which districts are asked to report all students who are actively enrolled and attending classes through their district on that date. Please help us to ensure all students are in class on Tuesday, October 1st, by limiting student appointments and unnecessary absences.
From the Counselors
At Lenski we strive to support your child's social and emotional well-being and learning through the challenges that life and school may bring. We work with all students either through whole class activities, small groups, or on an individual basis.
Small groups will start in October and may focus on the following skills:
Building friendships
Playing cooperatively
Solving social conflict and problems
Regulating emotions
Coping with family changes
Developing a growth mindset
If you have concerns and think your student may benefit from counseling support please contact one of us.
Shannon Ritchey
Sabine Baez
3rd Annual Veterans Day Breakfast
When: Friday, November 8th; 8:00-8:45 AM
Who: Lenski Veterans, Their Family Members & Students
Where: Lenski Cafeteria
Please RSVP here.
Help to Celebrate Your Loved Veterans
Check out this slideshow from last year. Your veteran may already be represented! If you would like to make updates, send them to rlessmann@lps.k12.co.us
If you’d like your veteran represented, send a digital photo to rlessmann@lps.k12.co.us. Be sure to include the name of the veteran, name(s) of related Lenski students, rank, time and place of service.
Superstars of the Week
Important Dates
September 27th: No school for students
September 30th-October 4th: Scholastic Book Fair!
October 11th: Donuts with Grownups!
October 14th-October 17th: Fall Conferences
October 17th-October 21st: No school for students
October 22nd: Lenski Accountability Meeting
October 25th: Lenski Trunk-Or-Treat 4:00-5:30pm
October 27th: LPS STRIDE! Register Here!
October 31st: Halloween Parade at 2:15pm
November 8, 8:00-8:45 Veteran’s Day Breakfast