Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 3 Week 7 - Thursday 29th August 2024
Father's Day Prayer
Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers
as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ our rock and defender.
Dates to Remember
I would like to welcome Cameron Watkins who has joined our staff as an Education Assistant until the end of the year. Cameron will be working mainly with out upper primary students and is looking forward to the challenge. Welcome Cam!
One Big Voice
The One Big Voice concert last Thursday evening was absolutely fantastic and a great experience for those students in the choir. Mrs Perry did an amazing job of preparing the students and this was very evident on the night.
All going to plan we will be involved again next year!
Queenies Book Week
A huge thank you to all those students that got dressed up for our Queenies Book Week parade yesterday. There were some excellent costumes and it was clear that a great deal of time, thought and effort went into making them. Thanks also to Mrs O'Brien for organising not only the parade but our guest author, Renee Treml, who spent some time talking to our students about the process involved in writing a book. Another successful day!
Father’s Day Breakfast and Stall
We are really looking forward to the Father’s Day breakfast tomorrow morning in the undercover area starting at 7.30am. For those who have ordered you can look forward to a yummy breakfast shared with your child/children. I thank our hard working P&F for organising this for our dads and father figures. There will also be a Father’s Day stall tomorrow so make sure the children have some money to buy dad a present. It promises to be another wonderful event for our school. I wish all our dads a happy Father’s Day on Sunday. I hope you get spoilt!
Year 3 Assembly
Tomorrow at 8.50am in the hall is the Year 3 Assembly. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Miss Moro and the Year 3 class come up with. It promises to be lots of fun!
Tournament of Minds
Good luck to our students competing in the Tournament of Minds at ECU Joondalup on Saturday. Mrs Anderson has worked very hard to prepare the students and I thank her very much for this. I look forward to hearing how they went next Monday.
School Photos
Our school photo day for 2024 is next Wednesday 4th September for our Kindy to Year 6 classes with the Pre-Kindy students having their photo on Tuesday 10th. This year we are again using Photo Hendriks for our school photos. As Term 3 is a winter term, I would like all students to be in full winter uniform.
Music Assembly
Next Friday morning (6th September) at 8.50am in the hall a range of students will be showcasing their musical talents at the music assembly. We have some very talented musicians here at QOA and I am very much looking forward to seeing them perform. I thank Mrs Perry for organising.
Open Night
Open night is taking place on Wednesday 11th September from 5.00 until 7.00pm. Kindy through to Year Six classrooms will be open for families to explore the variety of learning that takes place. The Library will also be open with our Book Fair taking place and there will be an exhibition of the students art work they have completed with Mrs Perry. There will be a sausage sizzle available on the night and I'm grateful to our Year 6 parents for putting this on. We look forward to welcoming all of our families to Open Night and invite you to bring along anyone who is interested in seeing our wonderful school.
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Dates for 2024
PHOTO DAY - Wednesday 4th September
Online Booking for school photos.
Please see below the access key you will need to order your child's photos.
Cut off for family photo orders are September 3 by 4.30pm.
🔺Extra charges will incur if they are ordered after that day.
Kindy 2026 - Places Filling Fast
The Kindy 2026 class is filling fast so we remind families to submit applications as soon as possible for children born between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022.
We conduct our interviews 2 years in advance and have already held interviews this year for families who had lodged applications earlier.
The class is now over half full.
If we don't have your application, we don't know you require a position in the class, so please don't wait till it's too late. All enrolment information is on our website or you can call in to the office to pick up an application form.
Library News
Thank you to our wonderful staff, students and parents for supporting Queenies Book Week. We saw some very creative costumes, enjoyed listening to our visiting author Renee Treml , and to top off the day, a surprise whole school story time with Mr Ryan.
Our next event will be our annual Scholastics Bookfair which coincides with school open night on Wednesday 11th September.
Lastly, a very big thank you to our parent volunteers for your help covering lots of new library books for our students.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS goes out to the following students for receiving an award for their efforts in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival.
Kyra Hiew – Year 6 (Violin)
The Queenies Guitar Trio
- Cornelius Bong (Year 4)
- Min Jae Kim (Year 6)
- Matthew Lui (Year 6)
- Matthew Lui – Year 6 (Guitar)
- James Lee-Williamson – Year 5 (Guitar)
- Cornelius Bong – Year 4 (Piano)
- David Tuyay – Year 5 (Vocal)
- Shay Elefan – Year 4 (Piano)
Jingfang Poh – Year 5 (Piano)
David Tuyay – Year 5 (Piano)
Georgia Fabling – Year 4 (Piano)
Gabriella Boctor – Year 5 (Flute)
Thank you to the above students for participating in the festival. We are proud of your efforts and commitment to learning your instrument. Thank you also to the parents for supporting your child during this time.
Sheryl Perry
Congratulations to Ave Quadizar from Year 2 for receiving an award at the Angelico Art Exhibition for her entry ‘Beautiful Flowers and Butterflies’. She received 2nd place in the 2-Dimensional Artwork section. Ave attended an award ceremony at Forrest Centre and we are delighted to share her photos. Congratulations Ave on this wonderful achievement.
Sheryl Perry
Dear Parents,
A big congratulations goes out to the Year 3 to 6 choir members who performed at the RAC Arena last Thursday as part of the One Big Voice Concert. What an experience!!!!!
The concert involved over 3000 students singing a repertoire of songs and the experience was mind blowing. We loved every minute of it, and I am just as delighted that the parents enjoyed it as much as we did.
A BIG thank you goes out to each choir member. We have been practising 4 days a week with 8.30am starts. Their commitment and enthusiasm to learn the songs was evident each morning when they arrived for our choir sessions. Their hard work paid off as their performance on the night was more than outstanding. I am so proud of each and every one of you – so thank you!
Thank you also goes out to Mr Ryan and Mrs Anderson for accompanying us on the day. Thank you also to the parents for your support over the last few weeks and for your kind words and thoughtfulness during this time.
Parents if you wish to download the concert please hop onto the One Big Voice Facebook account. Photos from the concert can also be accessed here.
Thank you everyone
From a very happy and proud
Mrs Perry
Queen of Apostles School Athletics Carnival Information
Dear Parents and students,
Please find below information about the 2024 Athletics Carnivals.
Kindy and Pre-Primary – Races and Relays Day
Friday 6th September 10.00am - 11.00am on the School Oval (after the Music Assembly)
Students participate in a variety of running races and team relays.
No points awarded, just a morning of fun and exercise.
Includes opportunities for parents to join in some relays too.
Year 3-6 Jumps and Throws Day:
Friday 13th September 9.30am - 12.50pm on the Annex Oval.
Only selected students participate in these events (trials held during PE lessons).
Selected year 3-6 boys and girls compete in long jump and turbo-jav.
Selected year 5 and 6 boys and girls also compete in shot put.
A program with competitors' names and approximate times will be forwarded asap.
Year 1-6 Faction Athletics Carnival:
Monday 16th September 9.30am - 2.00pm.
This event to be held at Ern Clark Oval, Wharf St., Cannington.
All students participate in one sprint and three team games.
Selected students participate in 200m, 400m and multi-age relay.
The day concludes with presentations
A detailed program will be released as soon as possible.
Mr B
Inter-school Athletics Carnival
Inter-school Athletics Carnival - Date Change:
Hi Year 3-6 families, the inter-school athletics carnival, originally planned for Friday 18th October (Term 4 Week 2) has had to be postponed due to works at the venue.
The inter-school athletics carnival will now take place at Langford Oval on Thursday 21st November (Term 4, Week 7).
Of course, participants in this event won't be known until after the completion of our own faction athletics events later this term. More info regarding these is coming soon.
Thank you.
Mr B
Year 4’s are holding a pre-loved toys stall. So, we are asking for donations for our stall.
If you can help us help others by donating, please send to the office or drop outside the Year 4 classroom.
Much appreciated in advance as this will help families in the Congo.
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
Queenies P&F Footy Tipping Competition
What an exciting competition it has been this year! Out of the 28 competitors, 18 emerged as our weekly tippers of the week, each receiving a $10 voucher for Rustico. A fortunate 7 individuals managed to win the tipper of the week title twice this year.
Congratulations to Ross Bridgeman for your excellent tipping in round 24, please see the front office to collect your Rustico voucher and certificate.
As the P&F Footy competition draws to a close, it's time to recognise our top achievers. Let's give a round of applause to our winners:
First Prize – Steven Heffernan
Second Prize – Bernard McCreesh
Third Prize – Franz Teran
A heartfelt congratulations to all our victors this year! We're already looking forward to next year's competition, aiming for the same level of excitement.
Father’s Day Breakfast
Tomorrow is the much-awaited Father’s Day breakfast, and we’re eagerly anticipating a heart-warming morning where fathers can enjoy a delicious breakfast with their children, courtesy of our fantastic hosts.
Father’s Day Stall
Don't forget, the Father’s Day Gift stall is also taking place tomorrow. We have an array of fantastic gifts on offer, ranging from $1 to $6, making it easy for everyone to find something special.
P&F Disco – Purchase Your Tickets:
Get ready for an unforgettable night of fun at the Queenies P&F Disco! Students, mark your calendars for Friday, 11 October 2024, and join your friends on the dance floor for an incredible evening of music, laughter, and dancing. DJ Bop Till You Drop will be spinning your favourite tracks. Don't miss out on the excitement! Book your tickets today through Try Booking. Check out the poster for more details.
Disco Volunteers Needed:
Calling all volunteers! We're seeking approximately 15 to 20 people for each session of the Queenies School Disco. Duties include sign-in/out of children, supervising kids in the hall, serving cordial and water, assisting with pizza pickup and serving, and clean-up. We also need a First Aid trained person for emergencies. If you're available, please go to SignUp https://signup.com/go/LfcKXMe and select the task you would like to do.
If you have any questions, please email Tracy at QueeniesPnF@gmail.com
Willetton Basketball Stadium
School Holiday Camps
First Week
Tuesday 24th – Friday 27th September 2024
9 years and under [ eg minimum 6 yrs ]
[ 9.00am – 3.30pm daily ]
Second Week
Monday 30th Sept – Friday 4th October 2024
9 years and over
[ 9.00am – 3.30pm daily ]
Please visit www.willettonbasketball.com.au
via the ‘’ Program ‘’ page where you will find Holiday Camps
Australian Girls Choir
The Australian girls choir will be holding a workshop assessment on Friday 11th October at 10am.
If your daughter is interested in attending the workshop please see how to register below:
Register online at ausgirlschoir.com.au/schoolworkshop
or via the QR code on the flyer.
AGC School Assessment Workshop Flyer 2024.
Please note that only girls that have registered prior to the day will be able to participate.