Mountain View Weekly Update
February 14
Reminder - Spotlight Night (gr 6-8) is February 20!
Announcements & Update
- Effective today, all student Chromebooks have been enabled with a device restriction, which will restrict access between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Students can still access their district Google account through a personal laptop, desktop, or mobile app, but they will be unable to use their Chromebook during the restricted hours. The intent of the restriction is to encourage time management, ensure a safe and productive learning experience, and limit opportunities for students to use devices for purposes other than school.
- The Administration and staff has addressed several instances of students throwing snow. All students have been warned that throwing snow is not permitted on school property, and those caught doing so will be consequenced per the Code of Conduct. We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations with your child.
- All Spring sports physicals (Baseball, Softball, G/B LAX) and related paperwork are due by Friday, March 7 to be cleared by Dr. Porter on March 13. Please refer to the Student Athlete Information page for instructions. Tryouts are scheduled to begin the week of March 19. Please note that a sports physical submitted for a fall or winter sport may have expired. If you are unsure, please reach out to Mrs. Austenberg.
- New to Mountain View sports? Please click here to review the Athletic Code of Conduct, pay-to-play fees, and more. Note that students will also attend an interest meeting with their respective coach where specific information regarding practices and other expectations will be shared.
Mark your calendar
- 2/17: School closed in observance of Presidents' Day
- 2/19: Student Council spirit event (EEE)
- 2/20: Middle School Superpowers Parent Book Club meeting, 9:00 a.m.
- 2/21: Advisory