Rowland High School
Week of January 20 to 25

Events for the Week of January 20 - 25
Monday - 1/20
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - No School
Tuesday - 1/21
Boys Basketball (VR) vs. Northview - Away
Boys Basketball (FR & JV) vs. Northview - Home
Boys Soccer (JV & VR) vs. Northview - Away
Boys Wrestling (JV & VR) vs. Covina - Home - Senior Night
Cheer vs. Northview - Away
Girls Basketball (JV & VR) vs. Northview - Away
Girls Soccer (JV & VR) vs. Northview - Home
Girls Water Polo (JV & VR) vs. West Covina - Away
Girls Wrestling (VR) vs. Covina - Home - Senior Night
Thursday - 1/23
Board Meeting in the District Office @ 6 p.m.
Boys Basketball (VR) vs. Covina - Home
Boys Basketball (FR & JV) vs. Covina - Away
Boys Soccer (JV & VR) vs. Covina - Home
Girls Basketball (JV & VR) vs. Covina - Home
Girls Soccer (JV & VR) vs. Covina - Away
Girls Water Polo (JV & VR) vs. Covina - Home
Parenting Workshop @ Alvarado Middle School
Friday - 1/24
Winter Sports Rally
*For times, updates, and more information, go to our Calendar*
Senior of the Week
Leilani Miramontes is nominated by her counselor Mr. Elder. "For three and a half years now, she has consistently earned A and B grades, contributed to our school's athletic program through soccer and track, and is one of the most mature and delightful young ladies I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."
Athlete of the Week - Girls Wrestling
Athlete of the Week - Boys Wrestling
Scholar of the Week
Arts Person of the Week
Mark Aquino is nominated by his photography teacher Mr. Nunes. "Mark has contributed to class discussion and went above and beyond in planning for and creating photos in photo class."
Manifest Mondays!
Engineering Newsletter
Save the date for Ready, Set, Rowland!
Youth Cheer Clinic
Girls Soccer Fundraiser
PTSA Quatermania
Open Enrollment is now available
Parenting Workshop
High School Media Contest
Student Activities
Renaissance Applications Available now!
Counseling News
Pre-College Summer Programs - Applications are now open!
Maximize Your Summer as a High School Student—A pre-college summer program is a great way for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders to explore university life and see if a school is the right fit. While such programs vary in price, length and focus, most programs allow students to live on campus, attend classes and meet peers. They also help you understand whether or not you should pursue a specific major.
Many colleges and universities offer both online and in-person pre-college programs. Please click here to learn more.
Seniors, join us this Thursday during lunch for assistance with your financial aid application. Financial Aid expert staff will be available to answer all of your questions and help you with your application. Be sure to gather the required information and documents to complete the application. See the image below for required info. and documents.
Seniors and parents can get help with their FAFSA or CADAA !
Cash 4 College Event hosted by Mt. SAC: Get FREE help filling out your 2025-2026 financial aid application at Mt. SAC’s Cash for College event on Saturday, February 8th, 2025! We will have expert staff available to answer all of your financial aid application questions! Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about student services during a Resource Fair, and scheduled Scholarships and Admissions/AB 540 workshops. Complimentary meal provided for attendees!
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Rowland Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education and in employment. Rowland Unified prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. If you believe you, or your student, have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying you should contact your school site principal and/or the District's Chief Compliance and Title IX Officer, Silvia Rivas, by phone at (626)854-8392, by email at srivas@rowlandschools.org, or in person at Rowland Unified School District at 1830 Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, 91748.