Coolidge Chronicle
September 22, 2024
A Message from The Principal
Coolidge Families,
We are excited to host Family Open House on Tuesday, October 1st for all students and families. In place of our typical Curriculum Night, we're planning for an evening for all students and families to visit our school to learn a bit more about their child's classroom, teacher, and classmates and a bit about learning goals in the coming year.
In addition to classroom visits, our Allied Arts Teachers (music, art, and PE) and specialized staff will also be in their classrooms/learning spaces. Our plan is:
- Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 at 5:30-6:30pm
- Allied Arts, 6:00-7:00pm
- Grades 3 and 4, 6:30-7:30pm
It is anticipated that the classroom visit and activity will be approximately 20 minutes or so. That provides enough time for families to visit Allied Arts classrooms or other learning spaces before or after the grade-level time. This also permits families with multiple children in multiple grades to visit all their children's classrooms in one evening.
Coolidge is also fortunate to provide pizza to all families. All family members, including younger siblings, are invited to participate.
Please be sure to RSVP to help us order the necessary amount of pizza to feed all families. To RSVP click the links below.
Our partnership is essential to your child's educational experience. We look forward to engaging with you on Tuesday, October 1st!
Tiffany Ostrander
iPad/Technology Expectations
In Shrewsbury, we are fortunate to have one to one iPads to enhance our learning. It’s important that students follow the district expectations when using this technology. The iPad Expectations include:
1. The school’s iPad is a learning tool and should be used for academic purposes only.
2. The students must show respect and responsibility when using the school’s iPad.
3. Students will only download and use apps and websites as guided by their teachers.
4. Students will only use the iPads in the classroom or at home when directed by their teacher. As we set routines let's be sure to share these expectations openly with students at home to promote our partnership to help ensure students are making good choices and being responsible digital citizens.
Deadline to purchase iPad insurance is 9/28. Click here for more information and to purchase insurance.
Destination Imagination at Shrewsbury Public Schools!
Welcome to a new season of Destination Imagination at Shrewsbury Public Schools!
We officially begin our new season from today. Destination Imagination is a Challenge Experience program for pre-K, K-12 and university students. Challenges are the prompts or guidelines for what a team creates. Teams develop solutions to project-based STEAM challenges and then present their solutions live at tournaments. All Challenges are open-ended, allowing teams to express themselves creatively and take full ownership of their solutions. Challenges are designed to teach the creative process—a system of learning that is at the root of innovation and a child’s ability to bring an idea to life.
If you are new to DI and want to know more, click on the "Shrewsbury Destination Imagination Learn More" and sign up for a virtual or in person meeting.
Registration for all interested students looking for a team or already in a team, click on this link to register. There is no cost to participate. If you have questions, please contact Rajani Vijayakumar Rvijayakumar@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us
'Teamworks Schoolyard' After School Class!
Teamworks will be hosting a "Schoolyard" enrichment program this fall at Coolidge. The class will be on Thursdays starting 10/24 and running for 6 weeks. The last class will be on 12/5. (No class on 11/28). Click here to register!
The cost is $75 and cash or check can be sent in with your child. Checks should be made payable to Coolidge PTO. Payment is due by 10/23
STEM Beginnings is back!
STEM Beginnings will be running a 6 week program start 10/23 thru 12/4. Spots are limited - sign up here
STEM Beginnings provides fun-filled experiences that encourage children's curiosity and learning. Children engage in challenges that allow them to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts using an assortment of tools and techniques: from simple experiments and building challenges to team-based activities, art and crafts, and fun games! Please click HERE for more information and to register.
REMINDER: Attendance Matters
As we start a new school year, we want to remind everyone of the importance of consistent attendance. As you may know, consistent attendance at school is a key factor in students’ overall learning success, including their likelihood of reading proficiently by the end of third grade. Being at school every day matters. The Department of Education monitors student attendance and considers any student who has been absent for 10% of the school year to be chronically absent.
Some absences are necessary, such as student illness, medical conditions or appointments, religious observances, or family emergencies. Absences such as family vacations,sporting events, or taking the day off from school for reasons unrelated to illness, medical appointments, emergencies, or religious observances are considered to be unexcused. Please avoid planning family vacations during the school year.
Research has shown that attendance in the early grades contributes to school success. Habits established at the early levels regarding consistent attendance promote positive growth.
Throughout the year, we will review student attendance and reach out to families. As a school community, we are vested in our students and your children attending school. We work with families to overcome obstacles that impede attendance. Don't hesitate to contact us if getting your child to school is a challenge so we can work together to promote a positive early learning foundation. The benefits will be far-reaching well beyond your child’s time at Coolidge School.
Please click on the link to review the infographic for more information about the importance of school attendance and some ways that you can maintain a healthy habit of school attendance for your child.
REMINDER: Picture Day is October 28th!
Marke your calanders - picture day is on Monday, October 28th!
REMINDER: Assistance Offered: School Supplies for at Home
With the school year underway, many families face financial challenges in maintaining essential school supplies at home. Items like pencils, markers, crayons, and glue—basic tools for completing homework—can become difficult to afford, making it harder for children to succeed in their studies.
If you need assistance, please complete this form, and we will send a 'Homework Helper Kit' home with your child.
Click here to see items that are in our lost & found.
The lost & found is located right outside of our cafeteria and can be picked up in person during arrival and dismissal. If you see an item that belongs to your child you can also email nturnblom@shrewsbury.k12.ma.us or your child's classroom teacher to claim the item. Please label your child's items.
REMINDER: Drawing Contest hosted by Maple & Main
Maple & Main presented by our RISE program are hosting a Drawing Contest Opportunity. Check out the flyer below for more information!
REMINDER: Safety Drills
In the upcoming weeks we will be teaching and practicing emergency response protocols with all Coolidge Students. We complete practice drills out of an abundance of caution. A Fire drill, a lockdown drill, and a severe weather hazard drills will be completed in the month of September. Shrewsbury Police and Fire will be present to support us with this important work.
REMINDER: If your child is going to be absent...
If your child is going to be absent or late (after 9:15), we require that you call (508-841-8886)/email either the night before or first thing in the morning on the day of the absence. The child-safe voicemail is on 24 hours a day. If we have not received a call to report an absence by 10AM, the school sends out an automatic call/text asking you to report the students absence. Please help our busy office by always calling when your child will be absent or tardy.
REMINDER: Bring a Snack & Water Daily
Please remember to send in a snack and water for your student each day. Snacks are not available for purchase and are not provided by our school nurse.
Mark Your Calendars - September PTO Meeting on 9/24
We look forward to seeing everyone at our first PTO meeting on Tuesday, September 24. We will meet in the media room at 6:00 pm where we will discuss the following:
Open House, Popsicle Playdate, Teacher Lunch, Chuck E. Cheese dine out event
Box Tops & School Supplies
Future Dine Out events and Gift of Knowledge
Math and Reading Incentives
Please come in with your ideas and questions. We will serve pizza and childcare will be provided.
Box Tops for Education
The PTO would like to thank everyone who stopped by the Box Tops for Education table during our Open House last month and downloaded the Box Top app. With Box Tops you can start earning for our school until June 2025 and reach our goal of $500. If you haven’t started yet, now is the time. This is how it works: 1) log in to their website: www.btfe.com and download the app 2) Purchase any participating product. You can see the list of products here. 3) Save your receipts and scan them into the app. Box Tops for Education has hundreds of products including non-food items that might qualify. Any participating product you buy will return 10 cents to the school. Thank you so much for supporting the PTO fundraising effort.
Calvin Coolidge School
Website: https://schools.shrewsburyma.gov/coolidge
Location: 1 Florence Street, Shrewsbury, MA, USA
Phone: 5088418880
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoolidgeElementarySchool