October 13th, 2023
BVSW Newsletter
SW Sports/Club/Activities and Individual Friends!
The annual Trunk or Treat is taking place on October 25th, at 5:30 p.m in the SW Staff Parking Lot. This event is targeted toward the feeder schools in hopes of introducing them to your programs and the Southwest spirit and culture.
This year, each club/sport/activity is encouraged to design a “game” or “theme” for their trunk to make the experience more interactive and allow the kids to feel more involved in each group. Please consider communicating with your students and booster clubs about this event as the registration closes Wednesday, October 18th.
Every club/sport/activity has the option to use a car trunk, truck, or a trailer. Most groups use trunks, but in the past, some larger groups have used trailers for their games and to hand out candy.
Please use this link to fill out the registration form: https://forms.gle/5N9K7MACSSbWcgox6
Parking and Setup will be at 5pm with the event beginning at 5:30pm. We will share more information with the groups that register.
As always, there will be food trucks (Chic-fil-A and Polar Oasis).
Thank you!
Parents: Don’t forget to order your 2024 yearbook. Cost is $50, you can order online through ParentVue. Deadline to order is Jan. 10, 2024. This is the ONLY way to ensure you will receive a yearbook in May. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
BVSW PTO is ready for the 23-24 school year! We have merged our previous Membership and Invest in Southwest programs into a new, multi-level donation program called SUPPORT SOUTHWEST! See our website for details on each of our five levels of giving which include perks such as t-shirts, unlimited free popcorn and more!
Stay in the know with PTO:
Keep up to date with what is happening at BVSW!
Want to include something in our Friday newsletter during the school year?
The deadline for submissions to the Friday weekly newsletter is Wednesday 11am. Any fundraisers must be pre-approved before they may be added to the newsletter. Fundraiser questions, contact Kim Rich at KARich@bluevalleyk12.org.