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The Pulse - November Newsletter
Greetings from Milledgeville!
I hope that you and your family are planning a restful Thanksgiving and some needed downtime. I know that we are here in Health Sciences. It is a good time to remember what we have to be thankful for. Georgia College and State University has had record enrollment for the last two fall terms, and we have among the highest caliber students in the University System of Georgia. Our exercise science program and nursing program remains two of the most popular undergraduate majors on campus.
As you know, the mobile health unit is here and in use! Leadership Board members had a tour this past week and our campus has seen it at a dedication for the unit as well. Special thanks to Fouts Brothers here in Milledgeville for their support, Aflac and Truist Bank foundation along with the many donors that have supported this effort. Dr. Francis was able to deploy the unit to the Putnam County area earlier this month and we hope to get out of the road at least one more time this semester.
It is a great time to let you know that Dr. Josie Doss is now serving as interim associate dean for the college, and Dr. Jennifer Goldsberry is serving as the interim director for the School of Nursing. If you see them, congratulate them or offer condolences, depending on how you see it! Either way, we are lucky to have them and thank them for their willingness to step up in service to the college and our students.
As always, when in Milly, please stop in and say hello. We love to see alums and friends of the college when they have time to pay a visit.
Happy Thanksgiving!
GCSU Mobile Health Unity Ready to Hit the Road
Georgia College & State University unveiled its new mobile health unit Wednesday.
The 40-foot converted recreational vehicle will provide free health screenings and other services while providing students in healthcare majors with hands-on learning opportunities.
“The mobile unit represents an exciting step forward in increasing access to primary healthcare screenings for underserved and rural communities, addressing the healthcare disparities that affect some of our most vulnerable populations in Central Georgia and beyond while giving our Georgia College students firsthand learning experiences,” GCSU President Cathy Cox said at the unveiling in front of Russell Auditorium.
“I’m confident this initiative will have a lasting impact,” President Cox added.
Read the rest of the Union Recorder Story here.
Mobile Health Clinic Tour
Student Highlights
The Body Project
The fall 2024 semester has marked the beginning of our second implementation of the Body Project at Georgia College. Faculty from the School of Health & Human Performance facilitated a training for peer leaders made up of students from diverse majors including public health, nursing and psychology.
These peer leaders achieved certification to deliver the program among groups of college students, and program sessions began in late October. By the end of the fall semester, approximately 45 Georgia College students will have participated in Body Project sessions, which are facilitated among groups of 8-10 college women and delivered via two sessions one week apart.
The Body Project is a peer-led program providing a forum for women to confront unrealistic appearance ideals and develop healthy body image and self-esteem. The program has shown to improve body image and reduce eating disorder risk behaviors among college students. Program faculty are continuing efforts stemming from an Academic Affairs Small Grant awarded in 2023. This grant provided funding to bring a Body Project Master Trainer to campus for our initial group of student peer leaders to be trained to deliver the program. This training also certified program faculty to train future peer leaders for a self-sustaining program model at Georgia College. We hope to continue growing this program with each semester.
Pictures from our fall 2024 training as well as tabling sessions promoting the program are below.
Program faculty are Helen DuPree, John Moore and Scott Butler, with graduate student Karli Galloway assisting with training delivery and research. This semester's student peer leaders are Ally Williams, Gianna Dubiel, Rose Edenfield, Madeline Lubniewski, Raven Glover, Hailey Harrison, Lexi Hardy and Morgan Parmele.
Outdoor Education
Students in the ODED 2110 (Introduction to Outdoor Education) class spent class at the Oconee River Greenway October 24.
Students met with Madison Green (BS 2019, far left), who is currently serving as the President of the Oconee River Greenway Foundation. During the visit, students heard from Madison about the work of the committee, both current and historical, in supporting the development of the Greenway.
Students also completed a service project while on site at the Greenway.
State of the Public's Health Conference
October 24: public health students and faculty attended and presented at the 13th State of the Public’s Health Conference at UGA.
Faculty News
Women’s Leadership Faculty Fellows Congrats
Congratulations to Dr. Angela Queen and Tormechi Chamblee (soon to be Dr.) on their acceptance into the highly selective Women’s Leadership Faculty Fellows Program!
Each year, 6-8 applicants are chosen for this GCSU-based program, which supports faculty and academic administrators in developing leadership skills and gaining insight into the challenges of higher education. Fellows attend monthly meetings where they learn from senior administrators on campus as well as external speakers.
Previous COHS participants include:
- 2019 - Mandy Jarriel
- 2020 - Josie Doss and Liz Speelman
- 2021 - Krystal Canady
- 2023 - Jennifer Goldsberry
Their desire to participate and acceptance to the program is a testament to their dedication, and we look forward to the impact it will have on their continued leadership growth.
For more information click for the Womens, Leadership Faculty Fellows Program link.
Student Highlights
Honduras Study Abroad
Our NP and BSN students arrived safely in Honduras accompanied by faculty members Dr. Sallie Coke and Mrs. Shaw.
The purpose of this study abroad trip is to provide important primary care to children and women in the Agalta Valley of Central Honduras.
At the Ranch Clinic, they saw approxiamtately 60 pateients ranging from adenovirus, dehydration, urinary track infection, and blood pressure medication refills.
There next stop will be two hours away in a remote area of El Pedrero to care for more patients.
Trick or Treatment
The School of Nursing hosted the 3rd annual Trick or Treatment.
This is a student-led event held at our Simulation and Translational Research Center. Students enter four separate escape rooms in which they must figure out, and correct, the patient safety issues in order to be given a piece of the puzzle.
Upon completion students receive a certificate, candy and a photo op with their group members.
Public Health Trailblazer Alumna
Megan Stewart, former Public Health Student Organization (PHSO) president, stopped in to guest lecture in Dr. Kaninjing’s class and paid a courtesy visit to Dean Evans.
She is currently a registered behavior technician at Already Autism Health and an applied behavioral analysis graduate student at Arizona State University.
Megan was class of 2021.
Pictured L to R: Dean Will Evans, Megan Stewart and Dr. Damian Francis
Nominations for GCSU 2024 Alumni Awards are Now Open
The GCSU Alumni Association is proud to honor alumni and friends with several unique awards. The outstanding honorees are representative of the many alumni who contribute in numerous ways to the university, their communities, and their professions.
This year, nominating a candidate for Georgia College’s distinguished alumni awards is easier than ever! Simply complete the form, and your nominee will be invited to complete an application with their resume, bio, and photo. From honoring lifelong dedication with the GC Heritage Award to recognizing recent graduates making their mark with the Outstanding Recent Alumni Award, each award celebrates alumni achievements across various fields.
Nominations are due by November 22, so be sure to submit your candidate soon to recognize their impact within the Georgia College community and beyond.
(478) 445-4092
131 Parks Memorial Building
Campus Box 64
210 W. Montgomery St.
Milledgeville, GA 31061-0490