Milo School News
April 2024
Principal's Point
Spring is in the air! Hopefully it is going to stick around now!
Amazing that there are only 2 months left in the school year, it has flown by so quickly.
With the end of the year in sight, so are end of the year assessments. I strongly encourage families to take the time to create a revision plan together. Spending some time every evening reviewing material from throughout the year will be a big benefit to students and will prevent the need to ‘cram’ in mid-June. Ask them to teach you about what they have been learning, if they can teach someone else they probably have a strong understanding of the material. Grade 6 and 9 students will be writing Provincial Achievement Tests starting as early as May 13th (schedule below). Other grades may have final exams, final projects, or other summary activities based on the teachers’ plans, all of which will still benefit from spending some time reviewing and practicing their skills.
PAT Schedule:
- Monday, May 13th - Grade 9 ELA Part A
- Wednesday, June 12th - Grade 9 ELA Part B
- Thursday, June 13th - Grade 9 Math Part A
- Tuesday, June 18th - Grade 9 Math Part B
- Wednesday, June 19th - Grade 6 & 9 Social Studies
- Thursday, June 20th - Grade 6 & 9 Science
The next few months will be busy for us. We have started to plan for our grade 9 end of the year celebrations, our year-end awards ceremony, and our transition to next year. We have various activities and field trips in the works including the Telus Spark Science Center, Tyrrell Museum, swimming in Vulcan, and a trip to Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park to name a few. Keep an eye out for information and permission forms on all these events in the coming weeks! If you have turned off your notifications in Edsby, please check the app periodically. Mrs. Lahd is trying to streamline our communication and permission form process and much of the info you will need will be found there.
Dakota Mattson
Education Week
Dress like a teacher day
The staff sure had fun dressing (and acting) like students one day so the students decided to imitate the staff. It was fun to see the interpretations of teachers and students.
Zaedyn takes attendance
Logan brought his own sub plans
Which one is Ms. Smith?
Career and Technology Foundations
Our students have enjoyed a number of options classes so far this year including cooking, archery, robotic coding, drama, and co-operative games. The students are about to enter the last round of options for the school year.
Science Classes with Ms. Kirk
Testing streamline of vehicles
Air pressure causes water to spray out of the straw
Egg parachute drop
Notice to all parents and guardians
As field trip season quickly approaches we would like to remind all parents and guardians to keep a close watch in Edsby. All field trip permission forms will be digital forms sent to you through Edsby. The forms will enable you to give permission to attend with the click of a button and will greatly reduce the amount of paper and ink we use at the school.
Yearbook Club
Students in grades 4-9 are welcome to join Ms. Kirk and Ms. Smith on Mondays after school from 4-5 pm to work on the Milo School 2023/24 Yearbook. Students will need parent permission to stay after school, it is not necessary to be at every work session to be a part of the yearbook club.
School Clothing
Parents, students, community members can purchase t-shirts, hats, jackets, hoodies, bags etc. with the Milo School logo with the link below. For every dollar spent the school gets 10% towards student clothing.
Thank You!
Upcoming Events
May 8 - Hats on for Mental Health
May 13 - Grade 9 PAT ELA part A
May 15 - Grade 6 PAT ELA part A
May 20 - Victoria Day - No School
May 21 - Sparks Center Field Trip
May 21 - Spring Flower orders arrive
May 22 - Jr. High Track Meet
May 23 - Parent Council Meeting 4:30 pm